Why are you still playing the crew 2?

  • Thread starter wheelhp
I have moved on for now.. I have other games and subscribed to PS Plus extra for a few dollars..
For context I had crew 1 with CAU and crew 2 with some delux pass that gave some extra stuff whilst crew 2 did a lot of good things I just found it a tad overwhelming or something
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I moved back to pc and completed FH 3/4&5 forza 7 loads of need for speed games I'd missed over the years that were on sale.
Then got a ps5 at last and GT7 and it's so bare bones i was bored after 3 months so have picked up the crew 2 again they added loads since i last played. Also nfs heat is going free this month it was one of the better nfs i played on pc so got that on PS to play again.

This weeks summit ice races are good fun
I'm still active for the Summits and Season Updates. When I'm not doing that, I just mess with the many cars to see how they are to drive.
I've never committed to joining a crew for boosting etc but maybe I'll get back into it if my extra subscription expires. Just feeling like I'm not missing out on much apart from ranking in the summits
i hope they continue to do weekly events for awhile. But also would love for them to make a stable 60fps crew 3 that looks great.
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Yeah I hope the next crew game is a knockout. I'd wish for 60fps but I'm trying to keep my expectations low lol