Gran Turismo 5 Le Mans 2010 Demo Videos

Take a look at the first two video clips of the Gran Turismo 5 demo running track-side at this past weekend’s 24 Hours of Le Mans. Thanks to our friends at French for the footage!

UPDATE: In-car gameplay footage (thanks Mika!).

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Comments (214)

  1. Me040

    Superb graphics, as we all figures there would be. But one key element is missin, as its always been missing…realistic sounds. If im playing a racing game with racing cars, id like to here some actual sounds of actual racing engines. PD claims realistic sounds, but always fall short(in gt4 the gt-one, sauber c9, nissan r92cp, legendary 787b, the pescarolos, and most of of the c5 race car: that “whiney” sound failed in comparison to a the real v8 LS1). Not to mention the desiel powered 908hdi tap soundz nothing like this. This actually seems to be the same sound dump of the bentlet speed8 from gt4. *sigh* still a great game though…

  2. BubbaLsL

    I bought my G27 last Christmas for this game, and now I may finally be able to put it through the paces.

  3. tvensky

    It all looks fantastic, juts still this funny looking dust and smoke that fast fade away… :( and not to bog and massive like in real life.. please PD make it smoke/dust more real!!

  4. Robert

    Wow. I actually know what song is playing in the background.
    From around :55 it is Reboot – Caminando.

  5. lucag120

    The part where the cars are slip streaming down Mulsane worries me….the cars go from 350-380 km/h in no time, looks like the unrealistic slipstream is here to stay for the full game. It doesn’t seem like they re modeled the aerodynamics.

  6. Jake

    I changed my mind… The graphics, to me, seem a bit waxy… Kind of like Ninja Gaiden… They look great, but waxy.

    And I’m not a big fan of the smoke. It disappears nearly instantly. If I win a Nascar race, I hope I can do a burnout and smoke up the track like real life.

    That being said… I’m optimistically skeptical for Sony’s conference. I know that doesn’t make sense, but that’s sort of the point. Sure do hope it’s better than Microsoft/Ubisoft’s today.

  7. Osaka

    Looks sublime!.. Everything I was hoping to see was in that vid, I’m not gonna look at any more until release now, I’m satisfied it will deliver.. Here’s to hoping for an October release, here in Japan anyway ;P

  8. npan

    haha! peugeot got trampled on at the race! audi got 1st 2nd and 3rd!!!! well done audi!! oh a good vid’s would have been better if the video was a bit better!

  9. ErrDiabolo

    Weird bumpy effects….exaggerated sparks off carbon fiber… very artificial sound…handling wtfs

    This will turn out to be a graphics whore dream

  10. Kilborn230

    Looks great! Watching the AI and player battle, suspenision bounce, reflections, sense of speed, smoke, grass particles… can’t wait!

  11. Geo_212

    Sorry for being off-topic, but does anyone know if the “Wheel Stand Pro” is good? I’m looking into getting a Driving Force GT, and I’m not willing to pay $150 for the stand if it’s a complete piece of poo. :P

    1. Codename6

      I’ve had my wheel stand pro for about 6 months and I’ve very glad I bought it. It works great with the Force GT. Very comfortable and portable.

    2. Geo_212

      That’s good to hear :) My chair is maybe a foot off of the ground, would it be short enough? And I don’t have too much footspace, either, and I know it can be adjusted, but I’m not sure to what length.

    3. Geo_212

      Okay, I’m sold on that, thanks! One more question, though: I’m going toward affordability, and I’m debating whether I should get the Driving Force GT or the G25 wheel. How different are they from each other?

    4. Jordan

      I’ve never used a DFGT (or G27), but I can’t say enough good things about my G25. It made my old Driving Force Pro (predecessor to the DFGT) feel like junk!

    5. Geo_212

      I heard good things about the Driving Force GT… I’m pretty sure I’ll be getting it, though, because it’s only $100 at the time. Maybe if there’s a price drop for GT5, I’ll get the G25 :)

  12. AwaitingGT5

    Oh, my apologies for being rude and not thanking the persons for posting the vids! much appreciated, guys!!

  13. AwaitingGT5

    Good stuff!
    It looks to me that there was a lot of rubbing between the cars at such high speeds with no ill effect. Is this normal in real life for the race cars in the vid? F1 cars are very delicate and quite often can suffer damage or lose control when they rub other cars at speed. FIA GT1 race cars seem to be more sturdy than F1 cars but can still suffer damage (guessing <25% of time) when rubbing other cars.

    1. Bernd

      Well, I’m sure they can take more rubbing than an F1, nevertheless, in RL you’d try to avoid that when driving 330 if you can, because you never know, what’s exactly going to happen

  14. omseti

    im gettn this game the 1st hour it comes out. i love the Le Mans prototypes. i love the audis, the zyteks, the lolas, the aston martin lmp1. I hope they have r15, i already know they have the r10s. I hope they also have the panozes and the acura arx lmps too. some other nice to see cars would be the mazda 767b, mazda mxr-01, or jag xjr 14, toyota ts010. i dont know, ive always loved the top class le mans cars. they look better than f1s to me. They hold the characteristics of their manufacturer in looks.

  15. danielwhite74

    The sequence towards the end of the first video that showed the AI-controlled cars jostling for position was just stunning, absolutely spine tingling. R.I.P Forza 3.

  16. omseti

    ill have to agree with dom. the game i love as well, but weve been waiting like 5 yrs for this game and after all of this time, they cant record the the car or at least synthesize the diesel sound. that i do find ridiculous. the game has been in development too long to not make and adjustment. and im not peevish either. i do think they worked really hard on the game and made drastic improvements, but some things should not have been overlooked. the sound of the 908 engine is the same sound used for the bentley speed 8 in gt4 if u guys hadnt noticed. although, it isnt the final game so…

  17. Loxstokk

    @ Dom

    I was under the impression that GT5 will allow a bespoke setup for the cars. Do you know the car running in the game is running the same setup as the car in the real race?

    Didn’t think so…

    Quit complaining and appreciate what PD have achieved.

    1. Dom

      I dont complain, I just noticed things that are not realistic. And the game calls itself the “real driving simulator”
      Other than that, you are right, but then, no setup in the world will make the 908 run 391km/h in LeMans and no setup will change the engine sound, so it sounds THAT wrong.
      It’s all good, I will enjoy GT5, no worries.

  18. Sam

    ………….and they were running standard physics so he could have got even more speed onto the straight.

  19. Stu

    R3 tryes aren’t realistic, R1 are nearer the mark.

    R3’s enable you to can trim downforce and still corner faster than RL.

    You’ll not only be able to take the last corner onto the Mulsanne Straight flat out, unlike RL, the car will be running lower downforce than RL.

    These two factors would enable a far higher top speed than RL.

    1. Big Ron

      How do you know, that R3 is not more realistic than R1 tires? I mean, why they apply them to pro mode?

  20. Mika

    “The car is 40 to 50 km/h too fast on straights. Top speed in real was only 330 or something”

    Peugeot 908 ; 347 km/h in 2010 (in Qualifying)

  21. Loxstokk

    @ Dorn

    I’m sure Polyphoney Digital will be devastated by your lack of purchase of the final game, and sorry for not being able to meet your personal requirements.

    I however think this looks like it’s lining up to be the best racing sim yet. Love the beautiful camera effects simulating the real life perspective, love the new tyre smoke, looks loverly and fluid like the real thing. Also massive appreciation to the 3D modellers, that Pug looks pretty much perfect!

    Roll on Tuesday night!

    1. Dom

      I never said I won’t buy GT5. I will fall in love with the game, like I did with all the previous GT games.
      Nevertheless, it should be possible to talk about things that are not 100% perfect. PD tries hard to make a great game, but it really hurts when the lap times, top speeds and the engine sound are way off.
      Come on, 395km/h top speed is simply 40km/h to fast!!
      It’s ok when the track is surreal, but Le Mans as real world event is a rather simple track with long straights and the cars are very specific too. In case of simulating Le Mans, the top speed as well as the engine sound (it’s a damn diesel!) should be realistic, otherwise it’s really not worth driving there in GT5.
      Objective criticism is important and legitimate and that’s all I try to do.

    2. Bernd

      As a matter of fact, this will be the Engine-sound of the 2011-model, so – take it or leave it ;-)

  22. Dom

    The diesel engines don’t run with 7000rpm – it’s more like 1200-5000 in which they operate. Also, the top speed is not correct. I am seriously unhappy if it won’t be acuerate in the final game.

    1. Dom

      Moreover, the engine sound is totally wrong for the Peugeot. PD should know better, it’s not the first time Peugeot runs in Le Mans. What a shame!

  23. rgt5uk

    I want GT5 now! not in however many months time! I must admit my hype about this game had gone but its back now looking great can’t wait to play well done PD

  24. Steady_Dave_2JZ

    Where has the last video gone? It was great!

    I can see what they mean about the error in the cockpit view with the floating side mirror but hey I think we all realise it was a demo and so not the finished product. Ah well!

    1. Anthony

      Which would explain a 3:13 lap time when all Sebass could manage was 3:19 and they ran 3:19.047 during the race chasing down Audi at a pretty good clip until the turbos let go on all three cars.

      Some of it is the lack of pucker factor, the rest would be the speed down the straights.

      Still can’t wait for Tues after a fantastic 2010 24hrs of Le Mans, it would really cap off an excellent build up to Le Mans and finish with the news of a GT5 release date and another price for the PS3 console.

    2. nasanu

      Also factor in things like differences in tyres, aero settings, gearing, and that teams may detune engines to help them last for 24hrs and save on fuel stops.

  25. iucidium

    interior view made me cry, why? because my forza 908 has a dead dashboard…..
    and my forza keeps crashing since i d/l’d the latest DLC sample.
    bastards [forza]
    e3 tomorrow…*sigh*

    1. DomoKun

      Thats a damn shame cuz Ive been recreating the race in FM3 online and its was quite epic. We all had this years liveries 3 AUDI, 3 Pugs and 2 Lolas, We Raced for hours on End… Lol the Pugs didnt break

  26. GOD

    Nice vids. Of course some of the meat (grid starts, damage…) is still missing from all those demos.
    I just realized that both F1 2010 and TDU2 will be out in September. So GT5 will be released in August or October, huh?

  27. Malti27

    in 2007 I bought my first ever PS3 (at the price of USD 1000) (since than I had my own wage), in order to play Gran Turismo and Formula 1. Today I’m still waiting for the game. But it was definately worth the wait!

  28. S3 Racer

    8 hours to go.
    1 1/2 day for Sony. Hope they will decemite all.

    Hahha they have my TV set.

    Nice refresh of the site. Like it

  29. Danny

    Looks Great!!
    Big improvement compared to GT4 imo is the long straight:
    In GT4 this was way too bumpy, your Minolta was bouncing like a bunny :s
    Can’t wait to race it with a real Le Mans car!

    1. Bernd

      I don’t think GT4 was too bumpy. I read (back in 2004), the difference in surface-accuracy between actual track and game was 0.75in

  30. GTracerRens

    Woohooo!!! It looks soo nice!!! Can’t wait for E3 and of course I also want a releasedate now.. But the in car camera looks great. :D

  31. kapten_zoom

    It does look great but once again we get speeds that are sooo unrealistic! I think they did 360 km/h without any slipstreaming and with slipstreaming they were up to speeds around 380! They need to remove the very overexaggurated slipstreaming-effect we got in GT5 prologue and make the speeds realistic, even the le mans-monsters doesn’t come up to those speeds! I think they top around 330-340 km/h and nothing more. Everything else looks good, the bumps looks alittle bit too big on the replays but as long as it makes the experience more realistic! And i seem to be the only one who like those sparks ^^

  32. Brow

    WOW WOW WOW!!!!! They just keep the improvements coming and coming!! This game will be incredible, but it seriously needs to come out this year!! LOVE the new look of the site!!

  33. Vivian

    that’s funny: gran turismo 1-2-3-4 sounds crappy but the cars in real life don’t, now in gran turismo 5 the peugeot 908 sound great (unrealistic) but in real life crappy…what the F.

    well hopefully there will not be all lot of diesels in the game or there must be a diesel championship in the world…hollanders unfortunately do!

  34. Cliff

    I seriously wish they would show a video of some night or rain racing. Jeez! I mean come on, Le Mans? I could care less about Le Mans or some more old track that should have been in the game in the first place. I just want to see a cockpit view from a night race and possibly some rain splatting the windshield and the whiper blades swinging back and fourth and it be actual gameplay. Sick of the same old “Kazunori-san drove in this race”, or another damn GT5 highlight music video. Show me some of the older care rendered in the next gen graphics, or show something that’ll bring a little nostalgia to us fans OR better yet, HOW BOUT YOU JUST PUT OUT THE FLIPPIN GAME?!?

    1. gtone339

      Dude, is the hype gone into your head? Just wait till Sony conference at E3 2010 starts on Tuesday this week k?

    2. Wiretap

      If night racing and rain etc… is all in the game, why show it now and ruin it? do you not think it would be better to open the game, stick in your PS3 and totally amazed at this stuff rather than having seen it all already?

  35. Dom

    It looks ok. The bumps are there but look pretty unrealistic in GT5, now that I have seen the entire 24h race on TV ;-)
    Also, I am not sure about the improved AI. However, the rest is fine and shows what I was expecting.

    1. twinspark24

      Now thanks to you guys, the game will be given back to developers to remove the bumps and this will delay the game another 6 months :D

  36. Rob

    I hope they do something different with the mechanics bit being replayed over and over again but I suppose you wouldn’t stay on that for long because you would head straight for the race

  37. marcus

    about 30 seconds in is what it sounds like o.k.

    love the pit crew and the new hand animations. Graphics are perfect. He should have put it on professional with TC at 5 and he wouldn’t have slid as much because le mans cars are designed with the tc in mind so one of the few cars that goes faster with it on. Shame they only had one car

  38. Spazza

    Just one thing is still worrying me, the 3rd person camera, it’s still really stiff :/ although i will mostly race in cockpit view this is a dissapointment, i can’t get round corners on prologue because of that stiffness, i don’t know why lol, but don’t get me wrong that is my ONLY complaint, i’ve been waiting so long for this game and it will soon (hopefully) be here! :D

    1. Philmangt

      yeah i know what you mean. that stiffness pretty much makes it impossible to drift or counter-steer correctly because it makes the angle of the slide hard to determine until its too late

    2. Bekim

      I agree 100% with that chase cam stiffness, makes correcting oversteer that much more difficult. I want it to be back to GT3 style chase cam, that was perfect. As for the rest, everything is looking great, can’t wait to see what’s announced at E3

    3. terminator363

      i agree too, and belevie it or not Gran Turismo PSP has the best example of the 3rd person view believe it or not! (it’s really smooth), and when the car turns the camera chases but is not glued on, if you know what I mean…

    4. Andy

      Have you seen the 3rd person camera view on GTPSP? It is much more dynamic than on GT5Prologue and is actually very very good. Which took me by suprise, seeing as I only bought the game to stock up on cars before GT5 =D

  39. RoarrrUK

    These videos are amazing. The tire smoke, finally! The sense of speed etc. Improvements as far as I can see.

    @Jordan – many thanks for maintaining this site & community. The new site template is miles better. Cheers!

  40. meeekael

    Wow. Didn’t know Peugeot used vacuum cleaners as car engines.

    Looking great and sounding terrible shouldn’t be the GT mantra.

    1. Phil

      probly cuz its TOO high def. lol. the human eye doesnt pick up things with this much clarity in real life. i think thats something that will always separate video game from real life.

      But aside from that, everything looks great. i think what would be terrific is that if those sparks stood out more at night!!

  41. wsoul

    Nice site update, guys!

    As for the demo videos… I nerdgasm’d seeing the inside cockpit of the car… It looks beautiful. Hell, everything looks so beautiful… I hope to god there is a firm release date at E3 and it is only a week or two wait. I’ll be the first in line at the local GameStop to pick it up.

  42. EvilNeal

    Thanks to all who uploaded the videos. The improvements to the AI, smoke and grass/dirt are really noticeable a look amazing. Can’t wait for E3 tomorrow and the game itself…obviously!

  43. P37Mac

    Very cool footage. I’m very impressed with the new off-road debris and the bumps in the track. The pit footage looks really good as well.

  44. Bernd

    Wow, that was excellent. But I also wanted to see a pit-stop, with the whole crew running around like crazy (as seen last weekend). And I have to agree with some commentators here, the sparks are pathetic, they were much more realistic in GT4

  45. dam

    No damage effect for 6 years for a next gen game is not acceptable for me, oh well back to bump car racing again and Don’t expect great scores for this game since they will nitpick on lack of damage effect and being a bump car racing

  46. terminator363

    oh and btw, you guys can’t beleive how this brings my hopes up! All of this is awesome! First FIFA world cup, then Le Mans, the Canadian GP (formula 1) and next week E3! And from the looks of it we won’t be disapointed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. DaveTheStalker

    Jordan, could you please convert the last of the 3 videos into non-Flash for those of us on phones?

  48. Rabiaa

    This game.. is looking like a masterpiece! Hopefully the almost 6 years we’ve been waiting are worth it!

    Here’s to 1000+ cars, great physics, awesome graphics, and a simply astonishing game!!

  49. RE515TANT

    I am pretty sure that the replay camera angles are the same as they are in GT4. I noticed this for other tracks too (R246, etc.)

    Am I the only one who hopes we get new replay angles?

  50. aelange

    8 Peugeots!? And I bet they still didn’t finish -_^
    This game is going to come out 6 months too late! Le Mans is already past and those cars won’t be factory supported anymore, next year. I hope we see some DLC of the new LMP cars for next year!
    Le Mans is looking better than ever!!

  51. Joshua

    To the people complaining about the sound- that Puegot has a diesel engine and sounds like crap in real life.

    1. Anthony

      May sounds like crap but goes like a missile, I suppose you like the sound of the stock block Aston Martin, which I do and many people do as well. The diesels have rock-crushing torque and as I said the 908 rockets out of the turns unlike any car before it.

      Some complain they don’t like the F1 function over form styling cues, others don’t like how it sounds. I could care less about either, its an effective TOOL.

  52. Hoodboi

    it looks so amazing. the track layout is pretty nice. those trees are awesome. they have to fix those sounds tho. i hope we get a release date soon. i have to put money aside for a wheel.

  53. GtFanatic

    The pit crew look fantastic! Way better than the ones in Gran Turismo 5 Prologue! They look awesome and their animations are crazy!

  54. Geo_212

    Wow, the human animations are just simply astonishingly realistic… I give them a thumbs-up! As for the gameplay, the game is looking like a masterpiece, with the exception of the engine sounds and collision physics. Maybe PD will release an engine sound DLC pack for people (like me…) who REALLY want real engine sounds. :)

    And I’m no car expert, but the cars in GT5 look more slippery than in real life…

    1. Geo_212

      I was just saying the *look* more slippery than in real life. I’m not even driving yet, I wouldn’t know :P I already play Prologue with no aids, and a lot of the cars just feel extremely slippery. Maybe having a wheel controller helps?

    1. NoonenF1

      I only noticed that happening during the 24HR event in GT4, no other times. I could be wrong though.

  55. Paulie

    The diesel cars don’t sound like diesel cars at all, and the collision sparks are still the most pathetic looking thing I’ve ever seen in Gran Turismo, but the tyre smoke, dust and grass particles, all look great.

    1. marcus

      thats cause they aren’t 1.2 litre polos if you were at le mans this weekend then you would know that the 908 and r 15 plus sound like the bastard love child of a spitfire and an f1 car

    2. FDM73

      you’re right, this is not the same sound i heard on the onboardshots of the 908 on TV. It’s missing the hammering sound.

  56. voodoo daddy

    on the second video (pit showcase) it doesn’t look like the usual gt helmet the driver is wearing, custom helet designs maybe?!

  57. Anthony

    Okay this is an actually race car. Ask any of the drivers, I have talked to them about this car. Why are you turning down the traction control? This is one of the secrets to the cars mid-corner speed, it has very well-thought out traction control system.

    All you realism nannies need to get a life, its a game.

    1. caasimun

      the thing is..some of us dont have the previlege of driving an R8 or ferrari, or even in a le mans 24hr…but i can tell you this; this is the closest we have to realism than anything else..okay…so speak for ya self bum!

  58. caasimun

    WOWOWOW second vid looks awesome that cockpit is amazing…XD omfg can’t wait…i need more more!!!!

    1. d3br34k5

      It’s impossible to judge the sound quality from a video recorded off of a TV with a camcorder.

    2. marcus

      I disagree the sounds were o.k. and you have to factor in the fact that it is recorded with a camcorder

    3. Raagentreg

      The sound is very similar to the Xanavi Nissan GTR ’03 JGTC spec car from GTPSP, listen to both and it has the same “grumble” noise after each gear change and the same low grunt from the engine, coincindence…?

    1. caasimun


  59. icant55

    i like how the cars are racing much tighter togetherand not bumping into each other, and the dirt and tire smoke is far better than before!

  60. ElieTheBear

    they put standard physics and they wrote pro physics as subtitles … whats wrong with those guys lol

  61. Maz

    16 car races will feature.Played the nurburgring SLS demo at
    Mercedes Benz world in UK. Car was easy to handle, don’t know if it was on standard, sure hope it wasn’t on professional…

    1. danielwhite74

      If you were paying attention to the menu beforehand, you’d see that the physics were set to Standard.

  62. mcknight8279109

    Ok this game is officially already taking a Buffalo diarrhea shit on Forza lol Forza can’t even possibly come with a response to this shit lol its all over every other racing game currently in development

  63. yomamma

    i bet fan boys of that other racing game on that other gaming console are just gonna shit themselves.

    1. JustCause

      Im not and I am a fan of Forza 3 as well as GT5. Gran Turismo isnt the only racing game in existance you know.

  64. [UK] ANDYW

    Loving the pit crew animations, although I guess they’ll get old if they’re the same every time.

    Otherwise, looks excellent.

    Looking forward to E3

  65. GeekedTotally

    Wow, everything has changed so much. From the debris flying, tire smoke, the physics and everything else. The Icons for the Time Trial, Single Race etc… Look very similar to psp version, but I can’t wait until the Press Conference. I wonder how much information there going to reveal, I hope they give out the release date. I don’t mind waiting but GT5 is coming along very good. But anyways It’s gonna be Epic.
    GT5=Epic, Super realistic & Pure Driving pleasure.

  66. zod

    We already saw some videos featuring 16 cars on track so don’t worry – it’s also been officially confirmed :)

  67. Jeffreypang911

    8 car thing worries me, and it seems like this isn’t a “premium car”.

    love the new smoke and all that, just beautiful.

    1. gamer28

      If you look closely at the beginning it clearly says PREMIUM under the name of the car (on the car selection screen)

    1. lucag120

      I think the unrealistic slipstream is still in the game!!!!! i dont like the look of this, you cant increase you top speed by 30km/h just because of a slipstream…

    2. Luke

      I don` know, i have never driven the Ford GT LM Spec II :) But it makes sense, i always chase that car with an Amuse S2000 and the Ford always completely destroys me on the last straight (Fuji).

  68. icant55

    LMAO lpb-nissan-gt-r: I was thinking the same thing,But im happy with what PD is doing,And you never know… i thought GT5 was suppose to have mechanical failures in the game.

  69. John Marine

    Looks like they’re using the same GT4 camera views of Circuit de la Sarthe. It’s my only disappointment with Le Mans in GT4. “For Your Eyes Only” is one of my favorite James Bond themes (second video), by the way. Great videos.

    1. RE515TANT

      I agree that it is the same camera angles as GT4. I noticed this on the other tracks as well (R246, etc) I hope we get all new camera angles in the full release. There’s no reason to think we won’t, but it better not be one of those things that’s overlooked.

    2. JustCause

      I dont see why you want new camera angles. I think the camera angles in GT4 were perfece. Also you are getting a cockpit view.

  70. gtone339

    Wow a new UPDATE to the website. :)

    OH EVEN THOUGH THE PEUGEOT 908 HDI FAP had alot of mechanical/tyre problems during the 24 rs of LE Mans this sure makes me want to use it against other LMPs!!

  71. meagainstyou

    great tests there… it seams they’ve made good improvements on smokes and stuffs related… looks nice :)

    thanks GT5RS and GTPlanet ;)

  72. Lawrence West

    Oddly enough, when the car passes on the replay, a driver is seen through the small window with his hands ON the wheel. Interesting, and no surprise Sony prefered few to see it.

  73. Lawrence West

    The cockpit glitch must be the lack of hand animations or even the hands on the steering wheel.

    1. caasimun

      there is non..the hands are there…the camera wasn’t bright enough i guess…but still that cockpit look amazing

    1. marcus

      considering in le mans there is only 3 908s entered and they broke down leaving an audi 123. 1st vid on the replay one of the AI cars definately moved out of the racing line to slipstream which is good. Better graphics and the hand animation is brilliant.

  74. alba

    If you’re in Europe right now, there’s only ONE day left until Sony’s E3 press conference and the big (hopefully) GT5 reveal there. This is so exciting :)

  75. NoonenF1

    Awesome upgrades to the site!
    Regarding the video though, it is just making me salivate for the E3 press conference. I can admit though I am being a little cautious about what will be revealed there though.

  76. gamer28

    This new demo is looking better than ever! that cockpit view is unreal and the smoke and gravel physics are much improved! I’m so excited and i just can’t hide it…haha

    1. witham

      the smoke and the grass is so much better so doing burnouts will actually look good on GT5 compared to GT5P and the AI is so much better i never thought i would see three a breast AI in any GT game

    1. jump_ace

      In the top video they didn’t select Pro Mode, they selected standard mode, then said they selected Pro mode *rolleyes*


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