Car and Driver, August 2007

  • Thread starter Sage


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The August issue of C/D has a nice write-up of the work being done on GT5. Pick it up if you get the chance. đź‘Ť

(Sorry, I won’t scan it – it’ll take too long to upload on my dial-up connection. Maybe somebody else can do it.)
from gamespot,
they interviewed Yamauchi. he said at launch gt5 will have LESS cars then gt4.
says they will have additional cars later available for download.
another possible downloadable upgrade could be damage.
Yamauchi refuses to put damage in until it can be done realistically.
It also says that the crash damage may not be realeased with the game but later on as an update so that the game may ship faster. Also car companies don't want their cars to be shown crashed. ohhh boy here we go again.
I understand why car makers might not want their cars shown smashed up in a video game, but I also wonder how they feel about their high-performance vehicles being smoked by a rival car model in a video game? How do they arrive at agreement with regard to how their car performs in-game relative to another car?

It would seem like a very sensitive issue for car manufacturers when it comes to the licensing. Anyone have some insight as to how this works?
Not to be a whinner, but I knew something was gonna change from that interview with Kazunori in French article. They did say all cars will be in GT5 from GT4. And now they say there will be less :( I hope it's not gonna be just a mere 100 cars. I mean if they can finish everything in time to make the game run flawlessly then it's good, we can always download more cars later on.
eMke3, to be fair he said at launch there will be less cars than in GT4, but given the mass amount of cars of the same (ie, Skylines) we could still end up with 500 odd cars? It was 700 for GT4 wasn't it?
^^^Yeah I guess you are right, but anyways less cars don't really worry me I know it will still be a bad ass game, and it will get me excited once it comes out and I will be excited like a schoolgirl hahaha :D Just because of this game I will buy PS3 and HDTV 1080P oh and monster cable :D
I guess it's how interpret "less cars than GT4" on whether you think this is good news or bad news.

You could think it would only have 100 cars or 699. Either way, KY's statement applies! haha! :)

About the French article, I think that Joypad had to honor an embargo. The key part of the article that made me think this is the mention about GT:HD.

PS- Is it on newsstands? Or is it the advance copy of C&D?
-> I have a copy, I got it thru the mail last night. And its on page 100 after that BIG WeatherTech ad. :)

-> If I have the time, I'll scan it and spread the word. (:
Well as long as they make cars to download and make sure they are put into gt mode just think with the net now the possibilitys are endless for gt new cars tracks damage alsorts add new features to cars.
Too bad my freaking copy hasn't gotten here yet, or my R&T for that matter either, wtf? They usually arrive around the 25th of each month or so. Oh well, i guess i'll just have to wait.
eMke3, to be fair he said at launch there will be less cars than in GT4, but given the mass amount of cars of the same (ie, Skylines) we could still end up with 500 odd cars? It was 700 for GT4 wasn't it?

I think someone around here removed all the redundant cars from the GT4 car list (like the Skylines and the Evos), and they came up with about 300 cars. Personally, if they did 150-200 non-redundant cars with unique, detailed interiors, I'd be satisfied.
Uhh... yeah, and someone took out the crap and copy cars from Forza, and there were about 90.

Anyway, E3 isn't all that long away so hopefully we'll here some festive things concerning GT5 Prologue and 5 itself.
I read the article earlier today and I have to say that I was disappointed by the lack of information in it...That was some lazy reporting (and yes, I work in news)!!! Granted, it is written for a different audience, but still. It felt like the guy just did not ask enough questions or ask the right ones.

A lot of it was just describing the offices, PD's private track day at Tsukuba, what the original staff drives compared to the rest of the staff (Ferraris/Astons to RX-7/Evos).

No mention what so ever about Ferrari's inclusion, Indianapolis or any of the stuff that Joypad broke.
I think someone around here removed all the redundant cars from the GT4 car list (like the Skylines and the Evos), and they came up with about 300 cars. Personally, if they did 150-200 non-redundant cars with unique, detailed interiors, I'd be satisfied.
That was me, but it wasn't just extra trim levels -- I essentially consolidated everything of the same chassis and basic bodywork. Yes, that means GT racecars joined the roadcars they were based on, but hey, those could be eliminated if we were given a good-enough customization system and paintshop to make our own.

Here's the list.
Er... saying cars more than a decade apart are "the same car"?? Seriously. Wolfe, you are a character. :lol:
I still see mentions about "Classic" and "Premium" and downloads.
Lord help us if they blow GT over on-line transactions.


Er... saying cars more than a decade apart are "the same car"?? Seriously. Wolfe, you are a character. :lol:
I see our recent encounter in the GT/Forza thread rekindled your vendetta. How cute.

Assuming you only made it to the NSX before closing the window, all I have to say is that if you believe the facelifted NSX was a whole new car, I have some seaside property in Kansas you might be interested in. :lol:
Yes, I hunt wolfes and are V for vendetta. ;)

Actually, are you checking all my posts to see if you're mentioned?? Sounds like a word that starts with "p" to me...

In any case, now I'm a bit less excited about the article, but it would be cool to check out what's going on in GT Central as of a month or so back.
I read the article earlier today and I have to say that I was disappointed by the lack of information in it...That was some lazy reporting (and yes, I work in news)!!! Granted, it is written for a different audience, but still. It felt like the guy just did not ask enough questions or ask the right ones.

A lot of it was just describing the offices, PD's private track day at Tsukuba, what the original staff drives compared to the rest of the staff (Ferraris/Astons to RX-7/Evos).

No mention what so ever about Ferrari's inclusion, Indianapolis or any of the stuff that Joypad broke.

Thisis actually indicative of what PD have been doing for the last 6 months or more.
These interviews are held via translators, PDs responses are very limited, or deflecting as in them making out they didnt fully understand the question, but give a response that seems to resemble the question, cant see the journo then turning round to the big KY hey thats not the answer im looking for.
Im sure the time and questions here at these big events are limited and strictly vetted.

Remember PD were also criticised over the lack of anything but new visuals for GTHD as well as the micro transactions, when it was pulled!

That was PDs 2 years of work down the toilet, they only got their dev kits about 9 months prior to PS3 launch, so it is no big surprise to me that all we were going to see was a mainly graphically revamped GT4 at launch, it made perfect business sense, for PD and Sony as a launch platform.
That was all thrown into disarray after the backlash from the media and consumers.

In several interviews and quotes ive seen from KY and PD over the last nine months, i dont think they have any firm idea about where GT5 is going, because first they have to put out the intermediary title, which will give them the time to focus on the real PS3 GT, now theyve had to go back and work on adding content to that, after the much heavy criticism at lack of new content, add the fact that this will be out one year later than the origianl launch title (yet will essentially be the same game) all this is work that PD hadnt added to the equation.
GTHD should have been out at lauch, a showcase peice, that they had been working on since GT4, they should be a solid year into GT5 developement, it isnt, the GTHD/5 prologue (whatever it ends up) stop gap version isnt even out or ready. Confusion looms over content descriptions between GTHD(the revamped GT4) and GT5, because journos were as confused as the rest of us as to what the next gt title will be called, because as yet it has no Official PD title, PD use this to blur the lines about what will appear in the next title very effectively!
The fact that at those interviews they leave all the pretty stuff on workstations, give those journos a sense that what they are seeing is GT5 developement, but again their is no clarification from PD, which as a cynic, i conclude the smoke screens are their to cover all the cracks that are in the strategy and developement on GT.
Very little information is given during these interviews, because GT5 is on hold, until GT???? stop gap is released, they arent going to tell journos that, and they certainly arent going to say GT???? stop gap is just GTHD classic/premium canned PS3 Launch title, slightly reworked, because that would just be a shambollic PR method.
They want you to believe the next title, is new, not based on something that started its developement life over 5 years ago on PS2, its difficult to spin that as a good reason to buy GT???? and a PS3 so far after launch, so the best strategy is to say as little as possible, and take the flak later.
"Yamauchi refuses to put damage in until it can be done realistically"
"Also car companies don't want their cars to be shown crashed"

I'm getting sick of this silly excuses. The PS3 should be able to handle realistic damage, and if the comapanies refuses to have damage on cars, just pay more. Seens to have worked for Forza, so why cant PD do it. And since there will be less cars in GT5 than in GT4, they should just leave the company's out that dont want to have damage. That way they can make a selection of the cars for GT5, and have damage on all of the cars that will be in.
At the moment it looks like PD is just too lazy to do it. For now it sounds like GT5 will be just another graphical update, no more no less. But its about time that GT gets some new features. Nothing but the graphics have changed since GT1, and everytime someone asks PD about it they make up some new silly excuse.
It's not so simple, and no it hasn't worked for Forza. While Forza has damamge it is by no means "done realistically". Manufacturers are incredibly strigent about allowing damage to their cars, and quite often offering more money will not alter their stance. This is not an excuse, it's a fact. Feel free to challenge me and show me proof that it is wrong if you believe so, but I assure you, real proof is not out there.

A lot of things other than the graphics has changed since GT1, the problem a lot of people like me have with the series is that of thoes things to change, the structure has barely altered.
It's not so simple, and no it hasn't worked for Forza. While Forza has damamge it is by no means "done realistically". Manufacturers are incredibly strigent about allowing damage to their cars, and quite often offering more money will not alter their stance. This is not an excuse, it's a fact. Feel free to challenge me and show me proof that it is wrong if you believe so, but I assure you, real proof is not out there.

A lot of things other than the graphics has changed since GT1, the problem a lot of people like me have with the series is that of thoes things to change, the structure has barely altered.

I'm not gonna argue about this, you are probably right. Although everyone and everything got his price in the end.
Its just that PD is saying this kind of stuff before every GT release and giving excuses for it, while there are games being released that have the features that would be impossible according to PD. PD has to come up with more than GT:HD with more cars and tracks for GT5 if they want to stay in the lead if you ask me...
PD arn't saying damage is impossible to implement, just that realistic damage is, and they are right. No manufacturer would let you virtually crush one of their road cars beyone the sub frame in a game. Race cars are a different story, but road cars, there'a lot going on in thoes marketing guys minds. Personally, I'd rather a level of visual damage that only goes as far as they are allowed, but a realstic level of mechanical damamge over none at all. Forza 2 is a step in the right direction at least, but it's not there yet.

I agree, the game needs something new, and not the content, I've never had a problem with GT's levels of content, but the game structure needs a new breath of life adding to it, as does the customisation which I wish was as none linear as the game structure.

Here's hoping.
I understand why car makers might not want their cars shown smashed up in a video game, but I also wonder how they feel about their high-performance vehicles being smoked by a rival car model in a video game? How do they arrive at agreement with regard to how their car performs in-game relative to another car?

It would seem like a very sensitive issue for car manufacturers when it comes to the licensing. Anyone have some insight as to how this works?

They won't care because it's different drivers racing. As long as the cars are equally matched in some form, it won't matter. It's you against the AI, or someone else which means different skill levels are present as they would be in real life.

In crashing though, safety ratings are a big thing for any manufacturer. If they feel their cars have been mis-represented if the player crashes one of their cars, they will not be happy.
I've been reading CD for a long time. Over the last two years or so articles like this one have been timed in such a way that they help with product marketing or exposure-last month there was a story about truck drivers in the frozen Canadian tundra and a few weeks later, there is the TV show on Discovery channel. I'd like to think this is the case here. The story itself contains no new GT5 info, really, and feels more like publicity than anything.

Sony must be desparate to get a platform-seller out there, and I think this will almost force PD to release the game sooner with less initial content and more to be downloadable online as the development is completed, regardless of criticism from press or the GT community. Sony is getting shelled on the PS3 financially, and it will force thier hand with PD. I'm looking for the GT5 "prologue" to get here sooner rather than later. I think the release date for the full GT5 will be dictated by PS3 sales from now through December.
Originally Posted by Biggles
I understand why car makers might not want their cars shown smashed up in a video game, but I also wonder how they feel about their high-performance vehicles being smoked by a rival car model in a video game? How do they arrive at agreement with regard to how their car performs in-game relative to another car?

It would seem like a very sensitive issue for car manufacturers when it comes to the licensing. Anyone have some insight as to how this works?

They won't care because it's different drivers racing. As long as the cars are equally matched in some form, it won't matter. It's you against the AI, or someone else which means different skill levels are present as they would be in real life.

In crashing though, safety ratings are a big thing for any manufacturer. If they feel their cars have been mis-represented if the player crashes one of their cars, they will not be happy.

I don't really see this. My experience with Forza 1 left me surprised on a number of occasions when one car had much stronger acceleration than another, or higher top speed. It's pretty clear in a number of cases that one car simply has higher performance than another, regardless of the driver. I'm assuming that the performance is based on real-life statistics, but I'm still surprised that the car manufacturers agree to hand over the performance reputation of their cars to Turn10.