Played it last night . Only did Fiorano laps. I didn't take the driving assists, only reduced them all to "1", just to get used to the physics of this game without going off in every corner.
The game doesn't fully support my old DF wheel. The "select" button doesn't work to change the views (I don't think there's nothing wrong with the button, as it works well in GT5P, but I asked a friend from these forums that owns the game and a similar wheel to check it out himself), and downshifting isn't acurate,sometimes I have to hit the paddle twice for each downshift (again, the paddle works perfectly with GT5P).
So far, I'm impressed. Quick review based on 1st impressions:
Graphics aren't as good as GT5P but they're good anyway. I don't like the color palette (too warm/red, the tarmac is even brown instead of black). I had to tweak the TV and game settings to get a more "blue" (cold) look.
About the views: I'm used, from a long time now, to use the bumper cam in every game. I respect the vast majority of players that p+refer the cockpit view, but I don't like to see two pair of hands and two wheels, with a very restricted view on the track. The TV screen is my windshield, that's what I'm looking for when I drive. But, the bumper cam in this game is set too low (really at the height of the bumper, I guess), it's a very sensible difference from the "bumper cam" in Enthusia and GT games, placed perfectly if we're looking for a "windshield view".
Physics are definitely aiming at simulation. That makes this game a litle hard to play, and can even put away casual gamers, but I like it. Any game that makes us use steering, throtlle and brakes with care is much more rewarding when we get the hang of it.
Sound is good, but I have yet to find a game that, in this department, really simulates the sound of a car. I don't have enough knowledge of the english language to explain what I think is missing, but any youtube video shows the difference between the sounds we get in games and the sounds we get IRL.
Didn't try the AI, didn't try online and didn't try the livery editor, so I have no say in these matters.
Two side-notes, one positive, one negative:
- It has nothing to do with racing, but I spent nearly one hour playing "Ferrari cards" against the PS3

. It's a fun game, and we get to see some nice cars and even learn something about them. Nice, even if unexpected, addition to a racing game. Btw,
I won
- When I finished my several tutorials in Fiorano, my overall rating was just "Good" (the apex acuracy still pulling my stats down), but ... I nearly couldn't feel (anything but pain and exaustion in) my arms. The strengh of the Force Feedback is just ridiculous, I guess either the beta testers for this game are all Schwarzenegger look-alikes, or they just tested this game with controllers. Good to know that there will be a patch to allow us to set the FF strengh.
EDIT: To comment on the "bumper cam" view.