I picked up a DFP from the pawn shop for $10. It wasn't powering up with the adapter in the box. Someone had swapped it out with a 12v adapter. Tried the 24v adapter from my FP and it fired right up. Score! 900 is SO much better in GT.
No paddle shifters. Just the buttons. What marketing genius thought that up, and is he now manning a fryer at Mickey D's? Time to start modding.
Like any other self respecting modder, I made a mock up out of some stiff thin cardboard (Cliff Bar box), measured everything, made a drawing, and took it to work.
Plug the numbers into Mastercam (what, you don't get to play at work?

) and made a tool path program.
Sent that over to one of my WEDM machines.
And cut 2 paddles out of some 3/16" Al plate (I was thinking Ti, but it's a PITA to form).
Back home in the shop, started working on forming and mounting the paddles to the wheel.
All in all it worked out well. Here's some pics of the finished product.