Suggestion For GTPlanet

  • Thread starter syn1970
United Kingdom
I think GTPlanet is an excellent source of information and very big from the other GT forums I have seen out there.

But I do think that your policy of shutting down duplicate threads is a bit harsh. As a new member and having genuinely searched before I started my thread and then having it shut down because it was a duplicate was harsh.

It stifles activity and is not welcoming or inviting for new members.

As a rule I now only intend to use GTPlanet as a source of reference rather than contributing. The search tool failed and I really don't think I would have the patience or humility for another search/post/closed thread.

Otherwise I wish you all the best and I will continue to follow GT5 news and features on GTPlanet.
Having duplicate threads are a waste of time, they also clutter up the forums, this is why they get deleted.
Having duplicate threads are a waste of time, they also clutter up the forums, this is why they get deleted.
This, personally I don't want to sift through duplicate threads when I come onto GTP.

@OP The search didn't fail you, you probably didn't fully utilize the search.
Bit harsh but that's how I usually get my point across. Sorry for any offence caused.
If the search doesn't work, or failed, how did I find the thread that yours was a duplicate of? I have exactly the same search tools that you do.
Jordan has said though to my recollection that he knows that the search function could be better :)

It does work. It could be better though :)
Usually when a mod closes a duplicate thread they post the appropriate thread for you to post in. It may not have happened in your situation but it seems like a good way to keep things clean and organized to me. There is no punishment for posting a duplicate thread so if yours gets closed, don't be offened, just contribute and post in the other.👍

Edit: And for you opinion that it stifles activity, I say would creating duplicate threads actually stifles active conversations because the same point is being talked about in two different spots. That makes it harder to find relevant info.
Thanks to everyone that took the time and effort to reply.

The perspective conveyed by the majority of you is that you dislike seeing duplicate posts. With your average individual excess of 1k+ postings I can see where you are coming from.
However, I feel that this forum is harsh to "Newbie's" and seems more of a scholar's fellowship.
I have been on other forums that deal with real life, medical, legal topics and I have not seen so much zeal even with common questions.

Your Search tool needs fixing. The Search tool also seem's absent when not logged in.

I came on here for information. Joining a community and talking about a common interest was secondary. However as I outlined, I do not see myself contributing and disturbing scholars.

Thanks to everyone that took the time and effort to reply.

The perspective conveyed by the majority of you is that you dislike seeing duplicate posts. With your average individual excess of 1k+ postings I can see where you are coming from.
However, I feel that this forum is harsh to "Newbie's" and seems more of a scholar's fellowship.
I have been on other forums that deal with real life, medical, legal topics and I have not seen so much zeal even with common questions.

Your Search tool needs fixing. The Search tool also seem's absent when not logged in.

I came on here for information. Joining a community and talking about a common interest was secondary. However as I outlined, I do not see myself contributing and disturbing scholars.


syn1970: Well, this is a coincidence. After about 20 minutes of "searching" I came upon this thread. I could not agree with you more. I too would contribute more if I wasn't worried that somebody deem my question unworthy. I check in on this web site site almost every day for the past year or so. Today I have been trying to find a "How to use search function tutorial". I don't think it should have taken this long to find some help on this topic which so often causes such an uproar. My personal opinion is that some of the people who ridicule those of us whose searches failed are people who already know the answer to something and therefore know what to search for.
There are apparently new players coming to GT5 all the time and we keep seeing questions posted along the lines of "how do I save my game?", "where did the thumbnails in my garage go?", etc., etc. Much of the time these duplicate threads stay open. Other times someone almost jumps down a poster's throat telling them to search. I don't get it either.
And for what it's worth, the search engine does indeed return long lists of irrelevant answers. How many posters want to sift through multiple pages of zero help instead of just posting a question?
It's also amazing how often some people write that they do not want to be bothered with duplicate posts, but do not mind spending the time posting that opinion.
I hope you stick around though. Basically it's a good site. Try to not be bothered with some folks who "woke up on the wrong side of the bed".

I forgot to thank AMG for the link on search help. That was the one meaningful response. Thank you AMG.
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Today I have been trying to find a "How to use search function tutorial". I don't think it should have taken this long to find some help on this topic which so often causes such an uproar.

Down at the bottom of every page on this site are 5 links. One of them is the Acceptable Use Policy - it does little harm to remind yourself of it from time to time. One of the others is the site FAQ section. The fifth section of the FAQ is a complete guide to searching. It takes two clicks (or one click and a couple of PgDn/scrolls) to find this, as you suggest, frequently asked question.
syn1970: Well, this is a coincidence. After about 20 minutes of "searching" I came upon this thread. I could not agree with you more. I too would contribute more if I wasn't worried that somebody deem my question unworthy. I check in on this web site site almost every day for the past year or so. Today I have been trying to find a "How to use search function tutorial". I don't think it should have taken this long to find some help on this topic which so often causes such an uproar. My personal opinion is that some of the people who ridicule those of us whose searches failed are people who already know the answer to something and therefore know what to search for.
There are apparently new players coming to GT5 all the time and we keep seeing questions posted along the lines of "how do I save my game?", "where did the thumbnails in my garage go?", etc., etc. Much of the time these duplicate threads stay open. Other times someone almost jumps down a poster's throat telling them to search. I don't get it either.
And for what it's worth, the search engine does indeed return long lists of irrelevant answers. How many posters want to sift through multiple pages of zero help instead of just posting a question?
It's also amazing how often some people write that they do not want to be bothered with duplicate posts, but do not mind spending the time posting that opinion.
I hope you stick around though. Basically it's a good site. Try to not be bothered with some folks who "woke up on the wrong side of the bed".

I forgot to thank AMG for the link on search help. That was the one meaningful response. Thank you AMG.

ADR50: The forum is rife with quasi-mods that have a free licence to goad and entice flaming. These individuas will precede any mod's or admin and then freely continue afterwards, with no reprimand. So you have a mob situation. And as you have pointed out a lot of these senior members could have easily answered the appellant instead of adding pointless hostile posts! So it seems that it's a bigger sin to innocently post a duplicate post than to persecute newbies.

Could you imagine a business doing that? Or better still, If PD released GT5 with no documentation and then scolded new people because they should have bought an earlier GT that came with documentation.

Regarding Search, I Google from outside. Much more efficient than having to log in to find the search tool and then waste time irrelevant results and short comings with keywords.

So, I am a daily visitor here and I do research whatever car or game aspect intrigues me, But save from replying in this instance, I have no vested interest or inclination to otherwise contribute.

With the issues at hand, I don't know why the Questions & Answers section does not simply turn into a Wiki.
1. Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to search for. Interesting, but don't ask me to explain it.

2. They probably saw the thread first hand when it was active, and thus had a better idea of what terms to use.
I can only commend the author of the OP & those whom have so thoughtfully and eloquently, stated their reasons in agreeance.

@ Famine - all you've achieved with your bold type is to, equally eloquently, illustrate the authors point. After ALL the many THOUSANDS of posts you've made you really, should know better.

Take a holiday.

This "Forum" comes across as more of a "Little Boys Club".

What a Bore. Page upon page of dis-interest and arrogant poop - which must be trolled through until you just can't be bothered. What use are multiple hundred - or even - "thousand" post threads, if you're trying to get an idea of what the OP that "inspired" your attention in the first place contained?

My sincere congratulations to those in this thread who dared "try" to communicate before leaving; I am right behind you.

Ironically, this thread is in, "Site Help"?

BOY - does this site need it!
I can only commend the author of the OP & those whom have so thoughtfully and eloquently, stated their reasons in agreeance.

@ Famine - all you've achieved with your bold type is to, equally eloquently, illustrate the authors point. After ALL the many THOUSANDS of posts you've made you really, should know better.

Take a holiday.

That is simply their style of posting. A lot of members have their own posting styles, and I see no problem with it.
This "Forum" comes across as more of a "Little Boys Club".

What a Bore. Page upon page of dis-interest and arrogant poop - which must be trolled through until you just can't be bothered. What use are multiple hundred - or even - "thousand" post threads, if you're trying to get an idea of what the OP that "inspired" your attention in the first place contained?

Not sure what you're trying to say here. Are you trying to say that you can't get your points across because the threads are too big for your posts to be noticed? Chances are that there have been noticed and people just had nothing to add. As far as I'm aware, the majority of duplicate threads are wishlists, and there is pretty much no discussion within them, so don't expect a reply. If you make a thread that can't already be found, chances are that it can be found. Just do a bit of digging. And yes, I know the Search tool isn't as great as it used to be, but just do a bit of thinking as to whether or not you're the first person who would encounter this.

On a side note, just type "GTPlanet (insert whatever you're searching for here)" on the Google search engine, you should be able to get a lot more results that way.
My sincere congratulations to those in this thread who dared "try" to communicate before leaving; I am right behind you.

Ironically, this thread is in, "Site Help"?

BOY - does this site need it!

The rules apply to everyone. Again, not too sure on what you're saying.
@ Famine - all you've achieved with your bold type is to, equally eloquently, illustrate the authors point. After ALL the many THOUSANDS of posts you've made you really, should know better.

Yes, how dare I, using bold indigo, direct a user straight to the answer they required and make it so much easier for them to find it again in future...

What a Bore. Page upon page of dis-interest and arrogant poop - which must be trolled through until you just can't be bothered. What use are multiple hundred - or even - "thousand" post threads, if you're trying to get an idea of what the OP that "inspired" your attention in the first place contained?

This seems a rather empty complaint in the light of the information contained in the FAQ.

My sincere congratulations to those in this thread who dared "try" to communicate before leaving; I am right behind you.

Ironically, this thread is in, "Site Help"?

BOY - does this site need it!

You seem to have some issues - not all of which appear to be valid - to work through. Don't let yourself worry about the health of the site though, since we've increased our member count and content at a higher rate in the last six months than at any time in our history and, in the last 2 years, been invited to attend GT Academy, the GT5 breakout session at GameCom Cologne, the GT5 launch party in Madrid, a NFS launch party SEMA in Las Vegas and to interview Kazunori Yamauchi on 2 occasions. We'll be fine.
@ Famine - all you've achieved with your bold type is to, equally eloquently, illustrate the authors point. After ALL the many THOUSANDS of posts you've made you really, should know better.

How does using indigo type relate in any way to using the search function or creating duplicate threads?

Take a holiday.

Funny, me and Famine were recently discussing our holidays to Florida...

This "Forum" comes across as more of a "Little Boys Club".

In what way? The mods make sure people type in clear English with correct grammar, lock threads that need it, and generally keep on top of the forum really well given how large it is.

What a Bore. Page upon page of dis-interest and arrogant poop - which must be trolled through until you just can't be bothered. What use are multiple hundred - or even - "thousand" post threads, if you're trying to get an idea of what the OP that "inspired" your attention in the first place contained?

The last bit of your sentence makes little sense. You can click on the first page to see the first post of any thread!

My sincere congratulations to those in this thread who dared "try" to communicate before leaving; I am right behind you.

Ironically, this thread is in, "Site Help"?

BOY - does this site need it!

Nobody communicated anything except for their clear lack of an ability to search for information. The FAQ and AUP are worth reading through often as they change from time to time. Members are bound to get some topics closed down from time to time but why create threads in this section moaning about it? If it was closed, it was closed for a reason.

Trying to insult the site and it's members purely because we try and allow people to discuss things intelligently without having to wade through multiple duplicate threads is a bit uncalled for IMO. Anyone browsing this forum without being a member should quickly pick up on the kind of atmosphere there is around here before deciding to sign up. But it's not a rule, and anyone who fails to do this should expect to be guided in the right direction from time to time.
You seem to have some issues - not all of which appear to be valid - to work through. Don't let yourself worry about the health of the site though, since we've increased our member count and content at a higher rate in the last six months than at any time in our history and, in the last 2 years, been invited to attend GT Academy, the GT5 breakout session at GameCom Cologne, the GT5 launch party in Madrid, a NFS launch party SEMA in Las Vegas and to interview Kazunori Yamauchi on 2 occasions. We'll be fine.

That helped me with something believe it or not. 👍