A-8 gold

  • Thread starter demond2
It's almost impossible.

The ONLY way to beat it is:
- standard physics
- slide into the pit lane to the left on the first corner and overtake at least 2 cars
- use the other cars to get around corners
- cut the corner after the long straight
any hints on beating the leading f430?

I got within like 0.1 sec and that was it

It's almost impossible.

The ONLY way to beat it is:
- standard physics
- slide into the pit lane to the left on the first corner and overtake at least 2 cars
- use the other cars to get around corners
- cut the corner after the long straight

I am assuming this is the one-lap race at Daytona Road where you have to overtake all the other cars in your 430?

First of all it isn't impossible in Pro but it is not easy. You can help yourself a lot by first of all getting a good Ferrari F430 tune for Daytona Road from one of the many tuning garages we have at GTP. Start HERE

You may have to adjust your tune to match the event's specific PP limit. Since you are already within 0.1 of the leading car, a good tune could give you the extra tenth you need.

I tried this with the G25 wheel the first week I had it and managed bronze straight away, with more work Gold is achievable for sure. Maybe someone even has a replay for you?

Doing it on standard physics is of course an option as AAscooter has mentioned.

- slide into the pit lane to the left on the first corner and overtake at least 2 cars
- use the other cars to get around corners
- cut the corner after the long straight

This type of behaviour is certainly not condoned or encouraged at GTPlanet in the worry that people adapt these tactics during public online races, and sadly we see a lot of it and of course it starts somewhere, usually against the AI and transferred onto human players also for similar "success".


These are very valuable guidelines and it's better (and more challenging) to get used to racing the AI this way in order to be better prepared for online racing against good drivers and WRS if you choose to participate that way at GTP.

Hope this was useful 👍

All the best
I would NEVER use such tactics in an online race.

It was the last resort, as I found it impossible to get gold without utilizing those negative tactics.

I did feel guilty, but it was my last gold and I almost spent a day attempting it in a civilized manner with no luck.

I only just managed to win it as well, so maybe my DS3 is the limiting factor.
I would NEVER use such tactics in an online race.

It was the last resort, as I found it impossible to get gold without utilizing those negative tactics.

I did feel guilty, but it was my last gold and I almost spent a day attempting it in a civilized manner with no luck.

I only just managed to win it as well, so maybe my DS3 is the limiting factor.

It can be a hugely limiting factor, it was for me. I've improved by nearly a whole division pace-wise since upgrading to wheel.

All the best
It's certainly achievable without going into the pits on standard. It may take a few tries but I've done it a few times.
How interesting! I was just trying this one also a few nights ago and was able to manage Silver quite often but was never within 2 seconds of the lead F430. The leader usually turns in a time under 1'58 and starting 16th means you really need to do a blistering lap to beat that time. I'm not sure which tune I was using so I'm going to check on that option first. If I get it, I'll post a replay. Honestly, if you can get gold in this event you should immediately be a Div 2 Gold driver in my book. This one is not easy at all and practically impossible to do cleanly by OLR guidelines. I would be most interested to see a Div 1 Gold driver get Gold on this and post a clean replay.

Keep trying and good luck!
This is also my last race in the pursuit of all gold, I played it so many times the past 2 days that I reached a point where I could buy the F1 car.

I usually get a time of around 1:59. It is easy enough to get sliver every time but gold is just too far
Once I got lucky enough to be .5 seconds from 1st but that didn't happen again

some people say sliding into the pit works but I almost never succeed in pulling that off
can anyone post a good tune setting?
LOL I never thought to cut through the pit lane.

I finally got gold when I started to use a wheel and a good tune. I wasn't getting more than bronze with the sixaxis. (Dirty run:indiff:)
I'd like to see a gold with professional physics and without dirty tactics.
same here.
from my point of view (im kinda new to realistic settings and wheel driving and clutch using and stuff) it for now seems just impossible to get first in this race.

would love to see someone do so.. without tuning.
i mean its the real driving simulatoir. not a tuning simulator. thats not why i bought this game. i bought it for driving. and if i cant get first with only clean driving its a bit odd..

they should add a option to see the best laptimes from other players online and just import their tuning settings. Would save me alot of hassle, because im only interested in actualy driving those cars, not tuning them. for me tuning is a fun breaker mostly...
I have to say I've been playing standard physics and the consensus here seems to be that tuning is much more felt when playing pro physics.

I agree mostly since my laptimes between a tuned f430 and stock are very similar

anyways, I'm going to continue with my brute force attack, perhaps with pro physics and a good tune this time
I FINALLY GOT 1ST PLACE with a time of 1.56.4xx!!

i used some of the cornering methods from the 1st video
and this tune setting
lowest weight
0 -30 ride height
3 3
4 4 damper
-0.5 +0.5 toe
2.5 2 camber
6 4 brake

For me, the trick for the first corner was to take the california from the outside then take the db9 from the inside (left)
You should also aim to pass the f40 on the 2nd corner

it was mostly a clean drive except for the 4th corner, the one after the full throttle corner, where i knocked into the GT pretty hard :ouch:
do i feel bad? yes!! GT is my fav car of all time

Also, I had a shot of sake beforehand
I FINALLY GOT 1ST PLACE with a time of 1.56.4xx!!

i used some of the cornering methods from the 1st video
and this tune setting
lowest weight
0 -30 ride height
3 3
4 4 damper
-0.5 +0.5 toe
2.5 2 camber
6 4 brake

For me, the trick for the first corner was to take the california from the outside then take the db9 from the inside (left)
You should also aim to pass the f40 on the 2nd corner

it was mostly a clean drive except for the 4th corner, the one after the full throttle corner, where i knocked into the GT pretty hard :ouch:
do i feel bad? yes!! GT is my fav car of all time

Also, I had a shot of sake beforehand

1.59 and silver is the best i have been able to do with this one.....
I would NEVER use such tactics in an online race.

It was the last resort, as I found it impossible to get gold without utilizing those negative tactics.

I did feel guilty, but it was my last gold and I almost spent a day attempting it in a civilized manner with no luck.

I only just managed to win it as well, so maybe my DS3 is the limiting factor.

It certainly is. I used to race with an older Logitech Driving Force when Prologue first came out, but the power cable for the wheel got lost, so I had to use the DS3 for a long time. When I got the G25 and more recently the G27, it was a whole new game to me. When you get used to the wheel, there is no going back to a Dualshock, in my opinion.

I highly suggest you check out a wheel.

And to the OP, congratulations on the gold. I remember suffering through this one as well.

Edit: I just realized this thread is a year old... Oh well.