Gran Turismo 5 : Official Multiscreen Review & Setup Guide : 100+ Images

  • Thread starter Mr Latte

Mr Latte

United Kingdom
N Ireland

This Guide Will Contain Approx 100 Images & Details Covering Setup!
It is in appreciation to GTPlanet and the members here that have waited so long for this feature.

I will do several updates during the start of March adding more indepth information and tidying things up for easier viewing.
For now images are being uploaded for you to enjoy.

Mr Latte

Polphony Digital Official Announcement
Feb 18th 2011 Update 1.06

Information on the "Official Configuration" content covered below.

What is the Multi-monitor feature?
The multi-monitor feature allows you to display the race screen of Gran Turismo 5 on a wide display environment

connecting multiple monitors together.

What is required to use the multi-monitor feature?
To use the multi-monitor feature, you need the same number of PS3™ units and copy of Gran Turismo 5 as the number

of monitors. All PS3™ systems running Gran Turismo 5 must be updated to the latest version of the game. The PS3™

systems that run the multi-monitor setup must be connected through LAN, connected together through a high speed

switching hub.

* This feature only connects the monitor viewing fields horizontally, and does not expand the field of vision

vertically. Also, the number of simultaneous monitors that may be used is either 3 or 5. See below for additional


* Some features such as tracks created in Course Maker, 2P Split Screen racing, and B-Spec are not compatible with

the multi-monitor feature.

Overview of Multi-monitor Feature Options
To enable the multi-monitor feature, set the Multi-monitor option in [Option] - [Devices] - [Multi-monitor].

There are three Multi-monitor Enabled Modes in the multi-monitor option.
- Server
- Client

When a Multi-monitor Enabled Mode is selected, individual setting items will be displayed.

* When OFF is selected, the multi-monitor feature is disabled. The other modes are explained hereafter.

[Server] Multi-Monitor Enabled Mode
This will set the PS3™ to operate as the multi-monitor server, or master unit, to which client PS3™ systems can

connect to.

Of the PS3™ systems that will be a part of the multi-monitor setup, set one PS3 to the server setting.
Avoid running in the server mode when you are not using the multi-monitor feature.

Current IP Address
This shows the IP address of the current PS3™ that will be used as a server.
Set the [Server IP Address Setting] field of client PS3™s to this address to ensure a proper connection.

Specifies the screen layout. 3x1 means 3 screens wide horizontally.
The server will always be the center screen of the multiple monitors.

Monitor Frame Border
This specifies the width of the physical frame surrounding the perimeter of your monitors.
This is specified by the percentage of the width of the monitor frame in relation to the width of the screen

For example if the screen width is 50cm, and the total size of the monitor including the frame is 60cm, it will be

20% ((60-50)/50x100=20%).

Angle of Screen Curvature
This specifies the angle formed by the left and right monitors when you angle them towards the driver.
For example, if you have a setup as shown in Fig. A, you would set the field to 80.
*See additional explanation at bottom of page


Adjust Screen Angle
Adjusts the angle of view. Specified by a ratio to the standard vertical field angle of 52 degrees.
*See additional explanation at bottom of page

[Client] Multi-Monitor Enabled Mode
This will set the PS3™ to operate as a client to the multi-monitor server PS3™.
The PS3™ and monitor will display a race screen synchronized with the specified multi-monitor server.

Initiate Multi-Monitor Client
Pressing this button will start the multi-monitor client mode and go into standby.
The multi-monitor client mode can be exited by pressing the cancel button.

Server IP Address
Specifies the IP address of the multi-monitor server PS3 to connect to.

Monitor Number
Sets the screen position of this PS3™ monitor in the monitor layout. The left most screen will be number 1.

Use Server Monitor Settings
Sets whether or not to copy the layout, frame width, screen panel angle, and field angle adjustments of the server.

Same as server

Monitor Frame Border
Same as server

Angle of Screen Curvature
Same as server

Adjust Screen Angle
Same as server

Regarding Angle of Screen Curvature and Screen Angle
The vertical field angle of the interior view in Gran Turismo 5 is 52 degrees. On a 16:9 monitor, this equates to a

horizontal screen angle of 82 degrees. If the horizontal width of a monitor is 1m, if you view the screen at a

distance of 1.15m from the monitor panel, your field of vision will match your field of vision in real life, taking

up your full horizontal field of view.

If you want to set up a true to life viewing field, you should set the Angle of Screen Curvature and Screen Angle

based on this.

For example when you have 3 monitors, if you set to an Angle of Screen Curvature of 120 degrees, with a Screen

Angle value of 69%, it will cover your field of vision all the way to the direct sides, and the view in each

monitor will be facing flat towards your viewpoint, providing an image with no distortion.(Fig. B)

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Personal Notes:
Before beginning I’d like to write some comments from a personal view of how fortunate we are to have this supported now in Gran Turismo 5. The situation with GT5 has be quite a journey and how often do we wait patiently for a game to be developed over a 5 year period and in that process get only small amounts of information on its content and features.

Some here at GT Planet will remember if we rewind back to August 18th, in 2010 when GTPlanet’s Famine and Venari teamed up to interview Kazunori Yamauchi. We thought then that finally detailed information would come out. Indeed one of the selected questions asked was regarding “Multiscreen Support”. We know that the answer given was “Possibly” but no firm details were confirmed. Not surprising but just further frustration and uncertainty at the time.

Of course when the game released some of the members including myself had found out that this was not the case and the feature seemed to be dropped altogether. It was quite gut wrenching and disappointing to wait for several years and have the necessary equipment and 3x copies of the game in hand on day of release to find it wasn’t supported. I remember what annoyed me the most at the time was the uncertainty and ridiculous situation I found myself in. They easily could of announced the feature wasn’t going to be included if indeed it had been dropped, so why didn’t they? Additionally it seemed likely to be included as GT3 and GT4 had “Multiscreen Support”. Further to this competition had arisen when Microsoft was quick to push forward with Xbox 360 and deliver FM2 then FM3 promoting multiscreens and challenging the GT franchise.

So it seemed Sony was not stepping up to the challenge at all and GT5 looked like a step back on the previous generation on PS2. It appeared that Sony now seemed to be more interested in pushing the 3DTV features of the PS3. GT5 was being promoted as one of the “AAA” games developed and confirmed long before the games release to support 3D Stereoscopic effects.

Then the recent announcement within the 1.06 patch confirming “Multiscreen Support” had been added was a major surprise feature for me personally and I assume many others in the GT5 community. I find it now quite amusing that the situation has turned from bad to good and is no longer ridiculous. Now the gateway is open to what many of us have yearned for. Experiencing GT5 in a much more exciting and very immersive way enjoying the game to the full.

Turn 10 certainly laid down a new “WOW” factor for consoles in releasing FM3 with a new high end “Fanatec PWTS Wheel” and offering “Multiscreen Support”. It was quite an impressive debut for a console in this “Next Gen Race” and something they demonstrated so well on their previous two titles released between GT4 and GT5.

So does anyone see a pattern here with GT5 releasing with a new high end wheel in the “Thrustmaster T500RS” and “Multiscreen Support” now being included? Does this mean that Polphony Digital have indeed all along been stepping up to the challenge and are not wanting to be outdone?

Has support for "Multiscreens" been a rushed or flawed inclusion or is it rather special and perhaps worth considering?
Lets find out...


Brief Outline:
This guide will cover the setup of screens in detail and showcase a 3x Screen Configuration.
The intention of this thread is to be accurate, helpful and wet the appetite for anyone that would even remotely consider this.

As noted in the Official Announcement GT5 supports up to 5x Screens requiring an individual PS3 and GT5 disc to be played.
A Router with LAN connections is also required but most Broadband Routers will have this. I recommend using only a wired connection for this to ensure smoother gameplay experience.

Do take note however as the initial setup for this can be quite time consuming.
Below covers a step by step approach to what needs to be done and I hope it will be useful to many of you.

Doing This Guide
Here is an example of an issue I had in taking photographs which was time consuming and quite difficult. Im no photographer neither.
Part of the problem is that TN based monitors tend to dim when off centre as shown here A HDTV or PVA full colour displays would be less of an issue with having wider viewing angles. Scenes with motion also will easily be blurred in photos.

Screen Dimming Off Centre

Blurred Capture
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Create A PS3 Account On Each Console
One of the first things to do is to create an account on each PS3, update to the latest firmware, install GT5 to your PS3 Harddrive and download the latest update for the game available. You must ensure all PS3 consoles are to the latest updates. Before all that ensure you configure each PS3 to the same video output settings including the screen resolution with 1080p being the optimium.




I recommend having the additional PS3 consoles set to "Auto Log In" as this is quicker but more importantly currently GT5 insists on asking if you want to sign into PSN everytime you go to the main menu. This quickly becomes annoying if your not signed in and whie online connection is not needed to enjoy "Multiscreens" using it and signing in seems to be the best option.

Connecting Each PS3 To Form A Network
Once you have each PS3 connected via a LAN cable going to the router with the router connected to your broadband/internet connection. It is best to use a "Static IP Address" rather than "Dynamic". You can do a quick test on each PS3 using the "Internet Connection Test" within the PS3 setup. This will determine if they are all getting the internet connection from the router/network. A single PS3 (usually the centre console) controls the network and communicate between each connected console within GT5. These settings will be saved within the game but if your "Router" is reset then the "IP Address" may need to be reconfigured/rematched on both the "Server" & "Client" menus.

GT5 Hardware Options
At the far right in "Hardware" you have "Multimonitor"

Multiscreens User Manual
Here is a copy of the "GT5 Manual"

Create A Server
Select the top option to create a "Server"
Next the IP address has to be the same on all the consoles to communicate together. Determine if you are setting up a 3 or 5 screen configuration.

The following are only examples do NOT use the IP address shown.

Create A Client
The "Client" are the additional PS3 consoles that connect with the "Server"
Input the same IP Address as the "Server" used. For the "Monitor Number" option determine if you are using a 3 or 5 screen configuration. The very left display is always the No.1 so on a more typical 3 screen configuration the "Clients" will be No.1 & No.3. You can decide to use the "Server" settings but I recommend setting up each screen seperately. For "Layout" simple select 3x1 or 5x1 for a 5 screen configuration.

Configuration Settings
Options shown below that are numbered 1-4 are the options that determine how the screens are positioned, aligned and alter the field of view within the game. These will be discussed later in more detail and you are likely to change several times before finding your preffered settings.

Initiate Multimonitor
When you "Initiate" this will instruct the connected "Client PS3" to communicate with the "Server" PS3.
They go into preparation for the "Server PS3" to begin and will initate when a track is loading.
One good feature is that the "Clients" can be disconnected by pressing "Circle" and allow you to change settings for the additional screens without having to quit the current game running via the "Server PS3". You can then reconnect by initiating this "Client PS3" again joining the game in progress you left running. Even if you disconnect a "Client PS3" they will auto detect the "Server PS3" once initiated again without all consoles on the network requiring being reconfigured.

Additionally if you have the "Intro Movie" turned off in the games settings then the "Client" PS3 systems when loading GT5 will ask if you want to initiate using the saved settings without having to load the game go into options to redo the settings every instance the game is loaded, nice feature indeed.


3 Way Setup Example
Client / Server / Client

Initiated Displays Show Only The GT Logo
Ingame menus and various modes when multiscreens do not operate will only display the GT logo.
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Configuring Displays
Going about positioning and achieving good configuration for all the screens will take a few goes at changing settings. Possibly even trying different physical layouts regarding how you want your seating position/distance and actual physical angle to be for all your monitors/displays.

This breaks down into four sections:
  1. Alignment All screens have to ensure horizontal and vertical objects match the points between the displays.
  2. Spacing How objects move from screen to screen have to have smooth transitions and not occur any differences in size/scale.
  3. Field Of View This determins how close your virtual position within the cockpit is and effects the scale of objects.
  4. Screen Matching It is vital to have good colour and contrast across all screens.

This determins how horizontal and vertical lines match between the screens.
The "Screen Curvature" option along with the "Actual Physical Degrees Angle" you have your monitors/displays positioned will need to match and work together. The Human "Field Of View" is approximately 120 degrees with a maximium considered to be of 140 degrees.

You may want a realistic "FOV" within your cockpit but you do not I found necessarily have to use a 60 Degree Angle to accomplish a good configuration. The key is matching your distance to the screens you use and the size and angle you are sitting to them to create a good alignment.

To give some understanding to references made elsewhere:
The field of view for a display refers to the angular extent of the display from the viewers perspective. To put it more simply, it relates to how large a fraction of the total view of the viewer the screens occupy. This implies that one can increase the field of view by either
1) Increasing the size of the screen
2) By moving closer to the screen.

Do take care that if you are too close to the displays you use then it could cause uncomfortable eyestrain, perhaps induce nausea and disorientation.

Try using 2x "Physical Degree Angle" for the "Screen Curvature" setting. Having the far edges of a screen close to where you may have your wheel is a good reference for seating distance. Several of us have found a ratio for seating is 1.5x the screen size used. So a 24" screen would mean sitting approx 36" from the centre screens. This however will not be the case for everyone as some have went for much closer distance with a screen curvature setting of 60 and a field of view of 120 degrees.

Rather than use maths for a one fits all method for the degree of angle you should use. I recommend setting up the angle of your monitors/displays as to how you like it first. As an example, in having the outer displays physically positioned at 35 Degrees like I have then this requires 70 degrees within the "Screen Curvature" settings. Use a small "Protractor" to help determine what physical degrees your monitors/displays are set to. Try a few different positions/seating distances and determine what you prefer.

I have spoken to some other members and depending on your preference to how close you may sit and what size of monitors/displays you use will determine what physical angle you positions your screens. The "Official Information" is a bit confusing to some so try this "2x Physical Angle" method and with the 1.5x screen size for distance. Then gradually work yourself in closer and increase the angle of the monitors/displays position if desired.

*Please give feedback if you can, add something or post "Your Own Settings" in the forum if you have multiscreens.
*Screen distances and screen sizes will be looked at in more detail later.

Alignment Sample Scene

Positioning Is Crucial
How the screens align is also dependant on your seating position including height.
It is advised to have a central position looking almost dead centre to the centre screen.
If you move your height up/down then the alignment will appear to be broken even though the settings from the optimium seating/viewing position are accurate.




A common problem of objects not being properly spaced apart between screens with multiscreen setups. This can give the impression in a jump in size and positioning with objects transferring from the centre screen to the outer screens.

It will take a few tries in repositioning and changing settings but depending on how big your own actual monitor/display borders are and the gap between them determins what amount of gap percentage you require in the settings. Additionally you have to ensure that the physical gap is not bigger than the setting you are using which is illustrated below showing an almost repeated image effect with a now fake or unrealistic created gap between screens.

If you are overlapping a centre monitor/display with the outer ones then be sure to have it on a seperate setting.

Sample Scene & Example Of Poor Spacing




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Field Of View
Two areas are covered here:
"Hardware Options" within the "Server / Client Settings" referred to as "Adjust Screen Angle"
"Quick Options" during playing the game referred to as "Interior View Angle"
Both of these can be utilised together for the best FOV results.

Quick Options - FOV
Taking a closer look at "Quick Options FOV"


"Suzuka Sample Scene - FOV Changes"
Below will demonstrate how the "Quick Options" of "Standard/Narrow/Narrower" effect a cockpit.
Two factors have to be considered here.

Firstly, if you want more scale in how cars and objects within the track appear bigger. In ways this can enchance the onscreen action giving a bigger screen effect if using smaller monitors/displays in the 19"-24" size.
Secondly, if you want to utilise the cockpit features of the particular car. Having the Dials/Dash/Mirrors within view or not badly positioned between monitors/displays instead of having larger scale.

Pay attention to how each "Yellow/Blue/Green" area changes.

Read the following and compare to the closeups below.




Scale Effect
As mentioned reducing the FOV will increase the scale of objects within the game.
It is possible to replicate a setting closer to what FM3 uses if that is what the user wants.
So you have the choice, dependant on personal taste but with a good FOV setting in the Hardware options and using the "NARROW/NARROWER" options allows you to quickly swap between having a view that can make the car cockpit on most cars usable in its dials/dash/mirrors or give that bigger scale impression with a narrower FOV.

Did you notice how the Electrical Pillon in the far distance at the end of the straight now seems much closer?
Mirrors also are more beneficial with a closer FOV and the narrower FOV will increase the impression of elevation in tracks, the bodywork on a bonnet and give a more exciting larger impact when racing amongst other cars.

Hardware Options - FOV
The range available for "Adjust Screen Angle" offers 50x steps in scale from 50-100.
This adapts how close external views of the car also are positioned onscreen.
75 is the minimium setting and quite a good place to start for all views including external car view.

Comparison Of Hardware & Quick FOV Options
I have done a few attempts at comparing what and how each of these settings change the FOV within the cockpit. Only the "Hardware" setting seems to make a difference to how the players car is positioned on external views. The "Quick Options" FOV settings dont alter these at all and only have an effect for cockpit view.

One of the issues I have found within GT5 cockpits is that their is quite a large variation in the seating position between various car types and car models. In some it appears you are further back than others. Some you feel too close and want to see more of the cockpit dials, dashboard or mirrors.

I have found that certain cars work well using the "Narrow" or "Narrower" settings better than others. Therefore I recommend using a hardware FOV or "Adjust Screen Angle" value of 85 Percent. This for me seemed to work well over various cars but it will be a personal preference as to what you may enjoy best.

The reason for my preference is that on cockpits that appear to be closer by default these are at a distance that still makes their dials,dash or mirrors acceptable. With other cars that feel as if your too far back with a 85 Percent setting you can use the "Narrow" or "Narrower" quick options to bring them closer. If you set a hardware value that is in the region of 60-80 you may find that certain cars feel almost too close at this setting while yes some are fine but you dont have an option to be further back only even closer from the "Quick Menu" options.

Quick Options - Hardware FOV Ratio
Narrow = Approx 13% Zoom or equal to approx -13% - 15% Hardware Options FOV
Narrower = Approx 22% Zoom or Approx -22% - 25% Hardware Options FOV

Example if using a "85 Percent Hardware FOV" combined with using the in game quick menu options.
Narrow @ 85 Percent -13 = 72 - 70 Approx
Narrower @ 85 Percent -22 = 63 - 60 Approx

So combining the "Narrow/Narrower" feature with the 85 Percent Hardware gives the option to also achieve what would be a hardware setting of approx 70 and 60 Percent.

EV Contrast Control
To help match the output of your monitors/displays or to change the contrast between day/night races if required you can use this "EV Contrast Control". It is availabe both in the "GT5 Hardware Options" and ingame "Quick Options"


Onscreen Info
The final option for screen configuration is using the various options for ingame information to be displayed. It is nice having the ability to remove all the ingame information for cockpit view when you want this.

This can be changed in the "GT5 Option Screen" or within the "Quick Options" during a race.
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Examples Of Good Alignment
Please note getting images close to perfect in alignment and colour matching in photos was difficult as the correct height/positioning for the camera is required.

The below were taken with a setting of approx 100% FOV so may seem a little too far back but this shows all of the cockpit.




Cockpit Examples
More To Follow


The Importance Of Good Positioning
Their are quite a few varying factors which will relate to different people. It comes down to depending on what size, type of display and preference the user may have. Additionally when you begin messing around with multiscreens are you a user that prefers the up close position with an angle like the 120 degrees shown. Or will you prefer a seating position further back giving full peripheral of all monitors at approx 70 degrees?

Position preference will play a part in your alignment of screens and for anyone building a cockpit take this into account as you may want adaptability in how your screens can be positioned. Best to finalise the position you want during the building process not after to ensure your cockpit facilitates it. This sole factor has held my own cockpit build back but now we know the options available and how multiscreens is working within GT5 it opens the door for work to restart.

Your seating position and height are important and should place your vision to be central to the middle display. If this is not achieved you may find it will effect how your screens appear to be aligned even though you have the correct settings for the angle used.

Screen Size - Seating Ratio
It does seem for some who have theirs already set up that having an approximate ratio close to 3x the screen height used or just multiply your screen size by 1.5 is popular and will give a comfortable seating distance. Thats if you do want all screens viewed within your peripheral vision.

As an example this gives the following seating distance for peripheral viewing using 3x 16:9 screens:
Allow upto +6" or -6" for you own FOV and preference:
24" screens = 36" seating distance
27" screens = 40" seating distance
32" screens = 48" seating distance
40" screens = 60" seating distance
50" screens = 75" seating distance

Not all of you may indeed want fulltime peripheral viewing and will want to go for 3x 40" or bigger sceens yet sit much closer to them. Personally I think 27" size would be a good optimium for price/effect and allow easy installation without completely taking up a whole room.
However prices of 24" at the moment are more attractive when considered with other costs involved with additional consoles.

5 Screens Vs 3 Screens
You can when setting up a 3x Screen configuration simulate one side of a 5 screen setup.
To do this change the layout to 1,2,3 in a 5x1 configuration for the left-hand side or 3,4,5 in a 5x1 configuration for the right-hand side.

It does seem a little OTT as quite often you wont be focusing on those far wide screens as a player. However it does help increase the spectacle and give more awareness of cars alongside the players car. Replays and panaromic views of the tracks of course show even more which can be impressive on some of the tracks. However really, 5 screen seems as beneficial to onlookers as it would to a player for wow factor.

Id find it too excessive personally to include additional consoles and screens for this feature when the money those would require could be spent in other areas to improve your general cockpit/sim or of course allow 3x larger screens to be purchased than 5x smaller ones.

*(images to add)
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Benefits Of Multiscreens
Sample Scene - Rome F430
I love this example with 5 cars entering a corner and annother 2 on your tail.
A single screen user in a situation like this sees very little of the other cars directly beside their own car.
Quite often in fact with a single screen their can be blind spots and collisions caused because of it.

Pay attention to "Dodge Viper" as very little of it is visible in the centre or single screen view. The "Audi R8" isnt even visible at all.
Notice in this example that the blind spot clearly indicates the user would also not see ANY cars in their mirrors, even the rearview mirror showing a car is into the right hand display.

Yet for a multiscreen user the mirrors are a useful tool as is the peripheral vision. This is one reason I prefer to use the full peripheral vision of all 3 screens than rely on sitting closer panning my head left or right. Instead a quick glance left or right is all that is needed but not full turning of your head.


Notice how in Triple screens this example highlights the "Citreon GT" behind you as visible in every mirror but blind to a single screen user.

Close Ups Will Highlight This Better-

Left Mirror

Rear View Mirror

Right Mirror

(* images to add)
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Car Garage & Arcade Mode
Bit annoying feature but buying new cars and adding cars to your favourites is required to use them in some "Game Modes" including ARCADE MODE.






Multiscreens & GT5 Game Modes

Detailed report to be added...

* What Game Modes Work?

* Face Tracking & Time Trial

* Photo Mode

* Challenges

* Replays

* Zoom Function - Arcade Only

* Creating Your Own Multiscreen Lobby & Online
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* Bugs & Issues


* GT5 Vs FM3 Multiscreen Experience

* Performance & Evaluation

* Costs & Equipment

* Recommendations

* Conclusion
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Most awesome thread seen on GTPlanet for a long time, if not ever.

Thank you very much for your outstanding work and efort Latte, looking forward when you finish the whole project in all sections.

Very nice guide!

I didn't see this in your guide and apologies if you did include this info, but if you turn off the Intro Movie in the Options/Utilities menu on your clients when you start the clients the next time they will ask you if you want to 'Initiate multi-monitor client?' when the game 1st boots so you don't have to go in to the options to initiate the multi-monitor clients.

This is only good if your server PS3 has a static IP. If it is dynamic and it changes every time you power on the server PS3 then you need to go in to the multi-screen options and match the clients IP's with the server every time. So it is advised to assign a static IP to you server PS3 to take advantage of this option.
Absolutely awesome looking and very nice guide too. Thanks.

Now all I gotta do is win the lottery so I can sample it for myself.....
Nice guide so far, was just looking at that feature last night and wondering how it might work... now to get some disposable income for two more of everything... :indiff:
Great thread I will be using this if and when I can do a multi setup. What size are the monitors you're running and where did you get the stand?
Great thread, the GT Planet community owes you for this amazingly detailed thread. I can't wait until next year when I get my triple screen setup. Great work.
Nice write-up! Well done. Man I wish they could do a "poor man's" multiscreen and have two PSP's do the other screens, LOL. Or at least let them be two proper side-view mirrors, running just from one PS3.

One correction in your write-up. Forza has been doing multiscreen before FM3. It was actually in FM2 also.

EDIT:Actually you do mention it. The sentence just reads funny for some reason. My bad.
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Well thank you guys for the kind words, I appreciate the support.

It isn't close to being finished yet and I understand some things have been missed as images I had were not good enough. If anyone has queries then please PM me in the meantime.
They will be included and of course with full setup and config details. My own opinion on certain things and a review are to come as well including a buyers guide looking at options from using Monitors-HDTVs-Projectors.

It will be completed within the week.

This is only the start and other screenshots are to follow showcasing weather and more cockpits.
Multiscreens is an incredible addition to the game as other owners will agree. I cant think really of a bigger/better upgrade.

Oh and to the other guys that have this already the REPLAY ZOOM feature does indeed work but ONLY on the after race highlight replay.
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I saw a Top Gear gt5 wishlist of hardware, and it included a curved monitor... has anyone any experience in these things? I think it had some crazy multi hdmi interconnection processing, or something ridiculously clever like that, that meant it got the multiscreen affect on one continuous panel... the thing is, does gt5's multiscreen support a zero border thing? So it leaves no gaps at all between the screens so this curved thing would work?
Well thank you guys for the kind words, I appreciate the support.

It isn't close to being finished yet and I understand some things have been missed as images I had were not good enough. If anyone has queries then please PM me in the meantime.
They will be included and of course with full setup and config details. My own opinion on certain things and a review are to come as well including a buyers guide looking at options from using Monitors-HDTVs-Projectors.

It will be completed within the week.

This is only the start and other screenshots are to follow showcasing weather and more cockpits.
Multiscreens is an incredible addition to the game as other owners will agree. I cant think really of a bigger/better upgrade.

Oh and to the other guys that have this already the REPLAY ZOOM feature does indeed work but ONLY on the after race highlight replay.

OUTSTANDING job on putting together this informative setup guide!

If I didn't already have a multiscreen setup I would have been immediately compelled to go out and buy everything after reading this guide and seeing all of your amazing photo's! 👍

As far as monitor / TV recommendations - Any devices with IPS panel types work great for off angle viewing needed for this type of setup - just doing a bit of research you can determine the panel type for monitors or TV's.
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Thank Mr latte.this guide will be very useful for me for my multiscreen set-up!
Can you make a video-report for us?it would be great!
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Fantastic job! Hopefully you'll get the T500RS pretty soon (if you haven't already). This kind of setup deserves the best wheel.
Thanks for the guide and review Mr Latte.
This week I installed 2 more consoles and hopefuly tomorrow I will recieve three E2409HDS screens I ordered.
I'm sure it will be a great experiance:tup: