Shift 2: G27 Wheel Settings. ***PATCH v1.02*** Updated.

  • Thread starter AWDwhite_2g
These settings were created with the PS3 version.

PATCH NOTE v1.02: Logitech FFB Fixes

FFB fixes *may* not take effect in'till after you have reset your pre patch saved controls.

Options > Gamplay> Controls> Adjust Controls> (R1) to Advance Controls. ( Triangle button) to Reset.

NOTE: Make changes accordingly after your have reset controls back to default. Use the wheel settings below as a baseline.

Changes noted after patch v1.02:

- On/off FFB sensation simulating loss of grip in a turn has been patched with a more progressive sensation.

- Input lag has been significantly reduced if not eliminated.

- Loss of FFB strength after first race restart has been patch.

- A steering FFB motor "buffer" seems to have been implemented at the wheels center in a way that allows the car to be more controllable in a strait line or in catching a slide. In other words when crossing over the wheels center left to right the FFB motors now progressively increase in force instead of coming on hard and bouncing the wheel left and right over its center.

- While free spinning the wheel in an attempt to save a slide or conduct a drift the "chattering noise/feeling" has been patched. In other words the wheel now spins unobstructed while making hard multiple rotational countersteers.

Wheel settings: *Updated for patch v1.02*

I have listed my personal settings, use them as a base setting and tweak them to your personal preference as you progress through the game.

G27 Wheel Settings:


Steering DZ:________0%

Steering SN:________50%

Throttle DZ:________ 0%

Throttle SN:________50%

Brake DZ:__________0%

Brake SN:__________50%

Clutch DZ:__________0%

Clutch SN:__________50%

Speed SN:__________0%

Drift Speed SN:______0%

Steering Lock:_______900*

Drift Steering Lock:___900*

Note: Steering Lock - If you choose to set up your G27 with 900* you will find it becomes difficult to turn quick on tight tracks with certain cars. This is where each vehicles tuning menu comes in handy. By increasing a specific cars steering lock you can increase the responsiveness of the steering without compromising the visual 900* correspondence between your *G27 Steering wheel* and the in game *cockpit view steering wheel*.

Note: Alternative G27 Steering Locks - Try: 360*, 540*, and 720*

Note: Steering Deadzone - This adds a no response zone at the center of the wheels rotation. Increasing this value is suggested to make it easier to control higher power, high speed cars in a strait line.

Note: Steering - Sensitivity at 50%. By increasing this value the in game steering will become more responsive (quick to your actions). By decreasing this value the in game steering becomes less responsive (slow to your actions).

Note: Throttle pedal - Sensativity at 50%. This value is similar to a mechanicly operated throttle cable on a real car. By decreasing this value you are making the upper portion of the pedal stroke less responsive and the lower portion of the stroke more responsive and vise versa.

Note: Brake Pedal - Sensativity at 50%. This is just a baseline. Here your personal preference is what matters most. By decreasing this value you are making the upper portion of the pedal stroke less responsive and the lower portion of the stroke more responsive. So ideally a lower value here is desired because it would be similar to a brake pedal on a real car.

Note: Clutch Pedal - Sensativity at 50%. This is just a baseline. Just like the brake, this setting is personal preference. Some prefer a clutch that engages/disengages high, some prefer it low. Increasing the value here will raise the engagement/disengagement point. Decreasing the value will lower the engagement/disengagement point.

Note: Speed and (Drift) Speed - Sensitivity 0%. Increasing this value is way of keeping the car more controllable at high speeds, mostly in a strait line. This setting becomes less important as you increase the steering wheel degree rotation. At 900* speed sensitivity isn't an issue. So this value at 0% is a way of saying the steering response is unaltered at any speed. The more you increase this value the less reponsive the car will become as your speed increases.

Note: Drifting - Do not be discouraged at how difficult it is to drift with a wheel in Shift 2...It takes alot of practice.

Note: Its suggested you re-map the Auto Gears and Auto Clutch button(s) with the Hud display and View change so you don't accidently turn the Auto Clutch or Auto Gears back on during gameplay.

Note: Be sure not to hit the lower 4 red buttons on the G27 shifter because that will toggle ON and OFF the Traction Control and Stability Control, and ABS.

Try it out.
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Since i have no idea on how different the G27 is (besides the H-shifter and clutch) can these settings work pretty well with a DFGT? Can't test it yet because i have yet to leave the house to pick up my pre-order lol.
Since i have no idea on how different the G27 is (besides the H-shifter and clutch) can these settings work pretty well with a DFGT? Can't test it yet because i have yet to leave the house to pick up my pre-order lol.

Should the same mate.
i think that steering sens and lock should be reduced a bit like 45 and 450. But i don't have the game yet.. is just an opinion from shift 1 experience. I've a dfgt not g27 maybe is different. However thanks, i'll start from your settings.
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i think that steering sens and lock should be reduced a bit like 45 and 450. But i don't have the game yet.. is just an opinion from shift 1 experience. I've a dfgt not g27 maybe is different. However thanks, i'll start from your settings.

it should always be set to your game wheel's maximum angle, then you adjust each car's steering lock in the tuning menu. it's much less hassle that way.
Thanks for the settings, I will try them with DFGT once game finishes installing.

than share your feelings about the dfgt that i have the same wheel but not the game (1st april here) and I'm interested.
than share your feelings about the dfgt that i have the same wheel but not the game (1st april here) and I'm interested.

I will post my impressions after a couple races, just finished installing. Probably will be a couple of hours but check back later.
After shift1 experience, and all the stock shift2 complaints, I'm not even going to try the stock wheel settings.
PS3 is installing now. Here's hoping for a winner.
Good to get some feeback this quickly. I've been playing all day long and have simply fallen in love with Shift 2!

Surround sound on high and half a bottle of Mr. Daniels down the pipe and I'm convinced this game is real!

They need to patch those default settings.

(Those first 2 races...oh man I wanted to set my PS3 on fire...then I discoved the Advance tuning menu.)

There is no doubt that Shift 2 is 100% better then Shift 1 in every way. It surely is up there with the greats now.

Its seems as though some of the things FORZA 3 and GT 5 did wrong or ingnored. Shift 2 did right and perfected. Although, I'm not bold enough to say the physics are better or even just as good...but Shift 2 is close, damn close...there on the right track and GT 6 and Forza 4 better tighten their puckers because I wouldn't be surprised if Shift 3 crawls up there in the next year or two and eats them from the inside out.
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Good to get some feeback this quickly. I've been playing all day long and have simply fallen in love with Shift 2!

Surround sound on high and half a bottle of Mr. Daniels down the pipe and I'm convinced this game is real!

They need to patch those default settings.

(Those first 2 races...oh man I wanted to set my PS3 on fire...then I discoved the Advance tuning menu.)

There is no doubt that Shift 2 is 100% better then Shift 1 in every way. It surely is up there with the greats now.

Its seems as though some of the things FORZA 3 and GT 5 did wrong or ingnored. Shift 2 did right and perfected. Although, I'm not bold enough to say the physics are better or even just as good...but Shift 2 is close, damn close...there on the right track and GT 6 and Forza 4 better tighten their puckers because I wouldn't be surprised if Shift 3 crawls up there in the next year or two and eats them from the inside out.

Does the LE of Shift 2 come with a bottle of JD? Damn if I knew I would of pre ordered...:dopey:
Wow I am really liking this game...I'm doing the time trials to test and the immersion is siiiick

I have my wheel set to 450 rather than 900 and it feels right (dfgt user)

Thanks for the settings everyone! Big help:dopey:
Nice - didn't look like there was much force feedback going on though. How did it feel ?

It feels pretty good, honestly. Bit shocked to say this game is impressing me with how fun it is.

Just uploaded another video:

Thanks AWDwhite_2g for the settings. 👍
^ Great videos MrSchwarz, Racing looks smooth and controlled. It such a drastic change from the way the game looks on the reviewer boards (IGN, Gamespot, Simracing TV, ect...)

I really hope this "Light Handling" first impression doesn't kill the games potential.

I really hope EA and SMS read these complaints and patch it before the default settings before its to late.
Gotta get them settings on a mental car before there truly tested.

How's the Zonda?
Hey, I need some help... i t seems the game doesnt even recognize that im using a wheel... i have to accelerate through the wheel buttons instead of the pedals (in fact the pedals does nothing). Also, I cannot bind new keys because the game says "multiple button press detected" or something like that... By the way, I'm trying it on a PS3.

Thanks in advance for the tips. 👍
I've used AWD's settings as a starting point and put the brake and accelerator at 40 and steering at 400.

Right now, it feels really good.
Great to see everyones having good results with different degrees of rotation.

I myself have played around with a bunch of different G27 steering locks. I find 900* is good for most light to moderately modified production cars, But 450* is great on the GT spec race cars. I use 900* pretty much all the time for drifting reguardless of what I'm driving...anything less causes the steering to feel to twitchy to hold a dirft.
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I just leave it at 900 all the time, than adjust the steering lock on the cars, isn't it easier so you don't have to go to the option screens everytime you switch cars? with 900 steering a normal road car will have 26-28 degrees of lock, for race car you can bump it up to 34-36. just save the tune and you can forget about fiddling with it forever.
I just leave it at 900 all the time, than adjust the steering lock on the cars, isn't it easier so you don't have to go to the option screens everytime you switch cars? with 900 steering a normal road car will have 26-28 degrees of lock, for race car you can bump it up to 34-36. just save the tune and you can forget about fiddling with it forever.

Yes, thats the idea. But in some case's its just not that easy to whip the wheel around.

As for Drifting with 900* (even with a specific cars steering lock maxed out) its still incredibly difficult to hold a good drift.

As for Racing with 900*...I use it most for most of the cars, except when I'm racing a GT or Works spec car, more then likely in real life those cars have a steering lock some where between 360* and 520*. So why not match?