Is v1.10 stable? Game hangs since update

  • Thread starter twohoos
I've heard some sporadic complaints but haven't seen a major thread on this. Trying to see how widespread this issue is.

Background/context: Prior to v1.10, GT5 never, ever hung up on me. I got to A-spec level 40 and B-spec level 35 without a single hiccup. My disc is clean (one tiny blemish, smaller than a pin-head, and it was there before the update). PS3 is a slim model, a year old, with lots of open air to vent and about 80GB out of 120GB still free.

Now: Since the PS v3.60/3.65 and GT5 v1.10 updates, GT5 has been hanging up on me randomly after events. It's happened about a dozen times now, in 3 or 4 different ways. It's happening about every 3rd or 4th event now. My specific symptoms:

- Always [edit: usually, not always - added Type 4 below] happens at the conclusion of an event/stage, such that it's impossible to exit the event, and therefore the event results/prizes are lost.
- Has happened at online events (Seasonals) and offline events (GT Rally Special Event, between stages).
- Also happened to one of my B-spec drivers.
- In each of the hangup types below, the only way out is to use PS button and exit.
- Hangup Type 1: Cross finish line of last lap, game takes control of car, but the "FINISH" text and race results never appear. The car will continue to drive slowly around the track forever, lap after lap. Controller buttons unresponsive, except Start will pause/un-pause.
- Hangup Type 2: Race results appear, credits & experience awarded, but during exit the screen goes dark. "GranTurismo 5" text/logo appears bottom right of screen, and the sound of cars driving by on-track continues forever. The "Saving Data" flag never appears.
- Hangup Type 3: Same as 2, but no sound or logo. Completely dead.
- Hangup Type 4: After hitting the race-start icon within an event, the menu icons at the bottom of the screen disappear, but the race never starts. The track view and car sound effects continue, but the game is unresponsive.

I'm not real upset about the millions in lost credits, but it's pointless now to undertake any significant event since there's about a 1-in-3 or 1-in-4 chance that all results will be lost. Multi-stage or championship events are completely out.

Please share your post-update reliability experiences, good or bad.

[EDIT: Good news, I hope -- I disabled custom background music (and turned off all menu & race BGM, actually) and did about 20 Seasonals without a hitch. :) Might have been a placebo effect, but I felt like the menus/transitions were a bit quicker/smoother too. Too early to completely declare victory, but I'm hopeful.

Maybe my BGM got corrupted during the recent PS3 firmware or game updates...or else v1.10 just doesn't like custom BGM?? For those having issues, please indicate whether you're also using custom BGM.]

[EDIT 2: Looks like custom BGM was the culprit. Since disabling it, I've racked up 12+ hours of Seasonals and Time Trials with zero problems. 👍 Feel free to keep posting your own issues of course.]
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YESSSS. Its the whole reason I stopped grinding seasonals to get a bentley, vette and others. I had ~5 mill, wasted.
Before the latest patch, I found a specific track on my custom playlist (menu) that causes the game to freeze at the end of a race. I don't know if it's the mp3 format or something, but I turned the custom playlist off and it never froze again.

But since 1.10, the issue seems to have come back even with the custom playlist off... :(
The game hangs at the end of events for me too. I now clear the game cache under options whenever I start GT5, seems to solve the issue for me.
I've had to quit/restart a few times now after it just stops with a full bar loading a track.. usually while loading the 'burg for the Dream Car in B-Spec. Also had a hang up after finishing the Indy 500 in A-Spec, didn't go anywhere after I clicked exit. Things still went on in the background behind the leaderboard, though.

The Indy thing was solved by simply logging out of the network and leaving it for a couple minutes. All was fine after that, even logged back in. I have noticed that racing while logged out eliminates pretty much all problems across the board as well.
Many of the same problems for me, plus many problems online (black screen) which never occurred before to me. My PS3 is new(2 mnths old) slim, clean disc. So I can only assume it's related to recent update.
My game has started hanging at the title screen. 10 minutes+ without the game starting, happens about 20% of the times I start it up.
Yep,same on mine....finish a race,the computer takes control of the car and it just idles around the track and continues that way til I quit the game and reload it....WTF PD!👎
This is a problem for me too. I have the 80Gb fat version, good cable connection and after last update it keeps freezing when trying to connect to online lobbies. I didn`t have these problems prior to the 1.10 update.
When it happens I can only restart, and to make the matter worse, my PS3 won`t read discs 9 of 10 times and gives me the 80010514 errorcode instead.
This isn`t fun anymore....
Good responses, thanks everyone. I'll try clearing the network cache and game-data cache (don't know why I didn't think of that before, duh).

On the PS3 firmware -- I mis-spoke, sorry, I do have 3.65. At least, when I go to Update it says I already have the latest version installed. Original post edited.

I still think any further inputs and anecdotes would be valuable. I know PD keeps an ear to the ground for these sorts of issues, and if this intermittent crashing is "real", it's the hardest sort of bug for programmers to find. So any details, common experiences, etc. that we can provide might help them track it down.
Same problems for me too after the 1.10. ☹
Only a few hangs/crashes before that and now it's a constant problem. Wouldn't try an endurance event with this update at all!
I've had 2 and 3. Only since V1.10 as well. Online a new race has started while i'm stuck with the full black screen. Grinding on the seasonals I lost 3,000,000cr after the last race I did crashed after the timings came in and all i could hear was the cars going round.
I was having the same problems with hangs and freezes. I attributed it to having almost 1200 cars, 1500 paint chips and 12M cr, plus a bunch of new helmets and suits.

Yesterday, it hiccuped again and the PS3 shut off by itself. When I restarted, my data file was corrupted, and everything is gone.

I don't create save files regularly. In fact, my last one is from February. So I'm a little sad about the loss.

But, I still have all my trophies and I decided to just start over again. I had some fun golding the licenses and I'll probably try to keep my car count low this time since I already have that trophy.

So, I'd say that if you are having these problems and you don't want to end up starting all over again, you should probably back up your game save file daily.

PS. I cleared my cache every time I played the game and it had no effect on the freezing and hang up issues. So, I don't believe the cache is the root problem.
Happened to me, do any of you guys with this problem use custom soundtracks? I did, and I had to disable it. Thank god I have a phone which doubles as an MP3 player.
Happened to me, do any of you guys with this problem use custom soundtracks? I did, and I had to disable it. Thank god I have a phone which doubles as an MP3 player.

I use them. I may disable them until it sorts itself out, which is a shame as I have Race BGM i really like and I've changed the Menu BGM to GT2's sounds:tup:
I had it hang once for me after spending an hour on the Elise seasonal event. It froze as soon as I hit exit where the cars drive around the track in the background with the grid/ lineup in the foreground.
What I did since then and haven't had a problem since it go and save my replay and start a new race. As soon as it starts, I cancel it and quit. No hangups.
This is happening to me too. Sometimes entering races (happened in b-spec and seasonal events, more times than I could count), sometimes entering online public lobby, and after entering, game takes forever to load car list/open setting menu and ends up crashing after I try to leave pits.(black screen with gt logo for over 15 minutes)
- Hangup Type 2: Race results appear, credits & experience awarded, but during exit the screen goes dark. "GranTurismo 5" text/logo appears bottom right of screen, and the sound of cars driving by on-track continues forever. The "Saving Data" flag never appears.
I had this happen twice the day after the update, but it was after exiting a race before the finish.
Also the BGM sometimes resets itself to GT5's default BGM instead of my playlist. This was happening before the update but happens a lot more frequently now.

I installed 3.65 before GT5 1.10
Cleared network cache and things seemed to be going well. Got in 4 clean Seasonal races @ Eifel, exited & saved, then got in two more clean Seasonals @ SSR5. While still in the SSR5 event, I tried to start a 3rd race at that and got a new hang-up type: after hitting the race-start icon, the menu icons at the bottom of the screen disappeared, but the race never started. The track view and car sound effects continued, but the game was unresponsive.

I do have custom race BG music enabled. I'll try disabling that tomorrow evening.
Try this, back up your GT5 game save, remove completely GT5 (game data, game saves, everything), re-install, update, copy back game save, and that's it. Everything has gone back to normal.

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