Racing Event Owners! Get A Event Countdown Image

  • Thread starter asdfg11
Hello all,

I wish to share with you, a count down image useful for helping people work out the time that your event starts. Here is an example which you would have in your racing event/series post.

blahblah race six, Rome, starts in




When this countdown finishes the following is displayed:


To make your own, go here

Please direct all feedback (good or bad) here. 👍

A year has past since being asked but here is a donation button for anyone feeling kind!
Click me to donate!
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We've all been using this for a while. It's great man thanks a lot 👍

Any chance we can get more customization?
mmm, just basic stuff like fonts, colors, sizes?

Nothing too big, looks great as is.
nifty. 👍

suggestion: dropping the BB Code in a text box to make it easier to select and copy would be nice.
I just need to make changes on the front end off the website so you guys can use the new features that I have coded. I will add Dr_Watsons BB code idea while I am there.

I added:
Background Colours
Font Colours
Font Size
Font choice..... Can we decide on a short list of fonts for me to install? The current was Arial.

Any more ideas welcome.
Oooo fonts. Personally I'd love to see Syntax. Here's a few other of my favs: Helvetica, Tahoma, Georgia, Times New Roman, Franklin Gothic, Garamond, VAG Rounded, Digital Sans would also be cool if you could find it.

But thanks for taking our suggestions, this is such an awesome tool and you should put up a little donate button!

Now every one won't have the same looking one xD. Great.
If you have a moment could you test out the new demo version please? I want to make sure nothing is broken before I replace the current version that everyone uses. The new demo is at

One thing I am aware of is transparency/no background colour - I am still looking into that.
It's great! Love the fonts ! hahaha, awesome stuff as.

But yeah, transparency option would put it right into legendary mode 👍
Transparent (select white as the background colour)

Solid + curved

(I need glasses so I cant tell very well but this looks fuzzy?)

Added sizes and Syntax font. You dont want to go too big or the forum resizes it - but I believe it depends on the screen size of the user seeing it. Default has always been 24.
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Thanks :)

I'll probably replace the old version today unless I find anything broken.

Edit: Ok redirected the old site to the new :)
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I am wondering if a image which showed a table of starting dates of the most common few timezones would be of any use.

Here is a short example

GMT(+0000) Wed Aug 11 18:02
EST(-0500) Wed Aug 11 13:02
CST(-0600) Wed Aug 11 12:02
ETC(+0000) Wed Aug 11 18:02

Let me know.
That would totally be of great use. I'd love that and I'm sure every one else would too.

Great work 👍
Absolutely. Use it often. In fact it's useful enough that I've made it sticky. I'm checking with a few other mods to make sure they agree, but for now at least it's a sticky. 👍
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Oh crap, I think I broke your server! :x

It's down atm, not sure if it's 'cause of maintenance on the other side of the box or what have you, but yeah, heads up.

Thanks again btw, great service.

Back up now, probably just a slight regular hiccup I've never encountered before. Just freaked out 'cause I was working on a thread layout xD:dunce:
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