anyone have gt4 codes for gameshark 2 v2?

  • Thread starter jgillis
I don't know if they're GS2 v2 codes, but already has some GT4 codes such as money and stuff. Check out their website.
I downloaded it and tried to convert the (m) code and cash from GS2 v3 codes using all 3 encryptions and the 1st one wouldn't let the game boot and the other 2 booted the game without any changes in money. I am using a GS2 v1.8.
I downloaded it and tried to convert the (m) code and cash from GS2 v3 codes using all 3 encryptions and the 1st one wouldn't let the game boot and the other 2 booted the game without any changes in money. I am using a GS2 v1.8.

the exact same thing happend to me. What are you using for your result? i used action replay.
I also am having trouble with the GS2v2 and was wondering if anyone had any idea if they would produce GS2v2 codes for GT4..... Anything would be nice and greatly appreciated.
[M] Must Be On
2005-02-25 17:51:00



2005-02-25 17:51:00

28BB832B 2B313E14

28BB83FF 25549E2B

2005-02-25 17:51:00

28BB91D6 0C10780B


All Cars Are Free
2005-02-25 17:51:00

280CBDE5 6FA17A65

28597274 0C15A42F

2005-02-25 17:51:00

2816EDA0 6A19AC6F

2816ED88 5AB95246


2816ED7C 7CB95246

282E55ED A14269A1


2816ED2B F7567A56


2816ED2B 035688D5

(Press [L1] to Activate, [R1] to De-Activate)

Timer Frozen
2005-02-25 17:51:00

E81C3490 0C0B6CFF

2816ED40 FBB7A954

2816EDD8 0CC16954

2816EDED 6D2D022B

2816EDD0 A181E56F

2816ED0C FBD9022B

282F8DED A1426965

D89CF9FB 0CA5723E

282F8DED FBD9022B

(Press [L2] to Activate, [R2] to De-Activate)

All Gold B License
2005-02-25 17:51:00

48B8E164 0CA17A56

59636082 0CA57A65

All Gold A License
2005-02-25 17:51:00

48B81A6F 0CA17A56

59636082 0CA57A65

All Gold IB License
2005-02-25 17:51:00

48B81AAE 0CA17A56

59636082 0CA57A65

All Gold IA License
2005-02-25 17:51:00

48B81A68 0CA17A56

59636082 0CA57A65

All Gold S License
2005-02-25 17:51:00

48B81A64 0CA17A56

59636082 0CA57A65

Enter Garage For:

Full Garage
2005-02-25 17:51:00

2816ED03 3FA28865

2816EDF7 599A7A65

2816ED54 59B77A03

2816ED01 591C7A0C

2816ED65 01967AF2

2816ED6F FB417A65

2816EDF1 6FA37A56

2816EDF2 D8E87A03

2816EDCF 6D107A65

2816ED37 6FD07AB2

2816EDA5 2CB77A40

2816ED3A 7822A534

2816EDAF 01A37A7B

2816EDB1 40137A6A

2816EDDE D2B77A40

2816ED57 6F967A56

2816EDE6 84D07AF1

2816ED93 84A57AF2

2816EDE9 84967A03

2816ED51 6AA17A0C

2816ED2D 6F197A56

2816EDAE 6F96525A

2816ED82 0CB969EA

2816ED73 D03488BE

2816ED5A 369A7A65

2816EDF9 361C7A0C

2816EDE0 36B77A03

2816ED86 A1D76EED

2816ED2E 3FA2AC65

280D32FF 784269F1

(This will replace cars already in the Garage!)

I copy the codes & i convert to AR V.2/GS V.2

Tell me if it's not working or so..
It didn't work; those codes look very similar to the GS2V3 codes. I tried everything. I also found this at the GS website in the FAQ's about v2 and earlier:

Q. I have a Gameshark Version 2 or earlier, where can I find codes?
A. Versions 2 and earlier were created and sold by Gameshark’s previous owner Interact and are no longer supported. Contact tech support or visit our website for upgrade details.

I'll try some other things too and get back to the formum. Thanks for the help anyways! :P
I'm working on getting version 3 converted. I think the problem is with the (M) code. I'm hope to figure it out within the next day or two.
Okay I got it. Try this (M) code and then just covert the codes you want into raw format.

0E3C7DF2 1456E7A5
F058EF88 0058EF8B
Working GS2 v1/2 GT4 Codes

Found some codes and tested them. Not all of them worked, but all of these below worked correctly on my GS2 v1.8 for GT4.

(M) Always On
0E3C7DF2 1456E7A5
F058EF88 0058EF8B

Max: Cash ($1,000,000,000,000)
20A1FCA8 B8C9425E
20A1FCAC 7A726F98

Timer Reset to 0'00.000
E006FEFF 0086F99C
200C2000 8CA40718
200C2004 00830818
200C2008 AC41F898
200C200C 080D5E04
200C2010 8C42F898
20357808 08030800
D086F99C 0000FDFF
20357808 8C42F898
(Press & Release [L2] to Reset Timer to 0'00.000)
Well here's the license codes already converted. Those are the only one's I actually used. Any of the codes for GS version 3 can be converted to raw format and then used on GS version 2.


All Gold B License

40A205F4 00100001
0000F991 00000000

All Gold A License

40A20634 00100001
0000F991 00000000

All Gold IB License

40A20674 00100001
0000F991 00000000

All Gold IA License

40A206B4 00100001
0000F991 00000000

All Gold S License

40A206F4 00100001
0000F991 00000000
I must have one hell of a picky gameshark, these codes didnt work at all on my Gameshark 2 V2, do you have to start a new game or something? I wouldnt think so... *sigh* oh well.
Here is a new complete list of codes I converted updated from the GS v3/4 codes posted at GameShark Today. I have tested them and they all work on my GS2 v1.8 Except I can not get the 'Full Garage' deal to work. Any help on getting the 'Full Garage' to work would be greatly appreciated. I will be glad to share the game save with all the cars, gold licenses, money, etc. when I get the garage to work.

--[M] Must Be On--
0E3C7DF2 1456E7A5
F0100008 0058EF8B

0E3C7DF2 1456E7A5
F0100208 0000000E

--Infinite: Fuel--
200C20D0 C48005D0
200C20D4 03E00008
200C20D8 E48005D4
2039E5EC 0C030834

--Infinite: Nitrous--
20354C38 3C01461C
20354C3C 34214000
20354C4C E46204E0

--Max: Cash--
20A1FCA8 B8C9425E
20A1FCAC 7A726F98

--Max: Days--
20A17AB8 002596E6

--All Cars Are Free--
201639F8 24100000
2043AFD0 0002282D
204489A4 24020000

--All Tune Shop Parts Are Free--
201639F8 24100000
2043AFD0 0002282D

--No Time Penalties--
20350314 AC80060C

200C20A0 26840104
200C20A4 90810466
200C20AC 03E00008
200C20B0 A0810466
20345208 08030828
D086F99C 0000FBFF
200C20A8 34210001
D086F99C 0000F7FF
200C20A8 3021FFFE
(Press [L1] to Activate, [R1] to De-Activate)

--Timer Frozen--
E006FEFF 0086F99C
200C2000 8CA40718
200C2004 00830818
200C2008 AC41F898
200C200C 080D5E04
200C2010 8C42F898
20357808 08030800
D086F99C 0000FDFF
20357808 8C42F898
(Press [L2] to Activate, [R2] to De-Activate)

--Ultra Slow Timer--
20357FBC 24420001

--All Gold B License--
48B8E164 0CA17A56
59636082 0CA57A65

--All Gold A License--
40A20634 00100001
0000F991 00000000

--All Gold IB License--
40A20674 00100001
0000F991 00000000

--All Gold IA License--
40A206B4 00100001
0000F991 00000000

--All Gold S License--
40A206F4 00100001
0000F991 00000000

--Mission Hall Completed--
40A20734 00220001
0000F003 00000000

--Max A-Spec Points--
40A20736 00220001
000000FF 00000000
40A20736 00220001
00FF00FF 00000000

--Idiot CPU Cars: Enabler--
200C20B0 3C01000C
200C20B4 00310821
200C20B8 90210000
200C20BC 10200002
200C20C0 24020001
200C20C4 24030000
200C20C8 03E00008
200C20CC A0830466
203535E0 0C03082C
(NOTE: Must Be On For Idiot CPU Cars)

--Idiot CPU Car 1--
000C0002 00000001

--Idiot CPU Car 2--
000C0003 00000001

Idiot CPU Car 3
000C0004 00000001

--Idiot CPU Car 4--
000C0005 00000001

--Idiot CPU Car 5--
000C0006 00000001

--Enter Garage For: Full Garage--
200C2020 27BDFF00
200C2024 7FBF0000
200C2028 7FA40010
200C202C 7FB00020
200C2030 3C01000C
200C2034 8C240000
200C2038 24050001
200C203C 14800010
200C2040 AC250000
200C2044 24040015
200C2048 AFA40030
200C204C 0C112296
200C2050 3C05000B
200C2054 10400006
200C2058 8FA40030
200C205C 24010001
200C2060 AE040008
200C2064 AE00000C
200C2068 AE010010
200C206C 26100020
200C2070 24840001
200C2074 240104B0
200C2078 0081082B
200C207C 1C20FFF2
200C2080 7BBF0000
200C2084 7BB00020
200C2088 7BA40010
200C208C 08172C38
200C2090 27BD0100
201702AC 0C030808
(NOTE: This will replace cars already in the Garage!)
Ok this is probably a stupid question but how can you tell which gameshark version you have for sure. The booklet that came with mine refers to it a v2 and the CD itself is from 2001. Is there anyway to tell for sure?

Also, none of the codes worked for me so I'm wondering if there's something I'm missing. Is there a writeup available from those of you who had the codes work fine? Do you have to start with no GT4 memory or will it just load over your existing data?
The number behind the "v" is your version number. So in your case you have the same version as I do which is version 2.

If none of the codes worked for you, then you just need to use a different (M) code. You don't have to buy a new cheat device. First make sure you double check your codes, especially the (M) code. Then you can try editing the (M) with one of these below until the codes work.

Gameshark Ver 2

0E3C7DF2 1456E7A5
F0100008 0058EF8B

0E3C7DF2 1456E7A5
F0100008 0010000B

0E3C7DF2 1456E7A5
F0100208 0000000E
Thanx for the reply, I'll try later

The number behind the "v" is your version number. So in your case you have the same version as I do which is version 2.

If none of the codes worked for you, then you just need to use a different (M) code. You don't have to buy a new cheat device. First make sure you double check your codes, especially the (M) code. Then you can try editing the (M) with one of these below until the codes work.

Gameshark Ver 2

0E3C7DF2 1456E7A5
F0100008 0058EF8B

0E3C7DF2 1456E7A5
F0100008 0010000B

0E3C7DF2 1456E7A5
F0100208 0000000E
The number behind the "v" is your version number. So in your case you have the same version as I do which is version 2.

I have a GS2 v1.9. Forgive my ignorance, but where do I find the "M" code for mine? Do I understand correctly that it's unique to the version?

Also, my memory card has been in slot 1 the whole game. How do I make GT4 look for it in slot 2 so I can use the GS in slot 1?

Thanks for all of the info in this thread. I thought for sure I'd have to get a newer version to work with GT4.
See my post on Mar 01 2005, 7:07 PM in this thread. I have a GS2 v1.8 and this is the (m) code that works for me;

--[M] Must Be On--
0E3C7DF2 1456E7A5
F0100008 0058EF8B

I put my GS module in Slot2 and it works great.
I have a GS2 v1.9. Forgive my ignorance, but where do I find the "M" code for mine? Do I understand correctly that it's unique to the version?

Also, my memory card has been in slot 1 the whole game. How do I make GT4 look for it in slot 2 so I can use the GS in slot 1?

Thanks for all of the info in this thread. I thought for sure I'd have to get a newer version to work with GT4.

Yes there are different (M) codes or master codes for each version of gameshark or any other cheat device. So it's very important to get the right one and sometimes you have to try more then one for the codes to work.

GT4 won't recognize a card in slot 2. Well at least I don't think it will for the autoload to work at start menu but it does recognize port 2 when using the photo mode. Either way your sharkcard should work in slot 2. That's were I've always had mine although it may be different for version 1 gamesharks but I don't think so.

People just have to convert the newer cheat device codes to the older foramts. However some formats like the latest codebreaker can't be converted at this time but for now there's no need to buy something new.

Here are some alternative (M) codes for version 1:

EC878330 147EC020

EC878330 1446E7A0

EC878530 1456E79B
could someone please convert this code:

No tire Wear:

GS2 v3:

2816EDB6 01963801

2816ED19 F7568F65

2816ED22 6DB98503

2816ED0A 6DB98566

2816ED76 6DB9E4F6

2816ED64 6DB95219

2816EDE5 F8AA7AF1

2816ED9C 83327AF7

2823B464 784269ED

Convert it to what version 2?

Well assuming you need gs2v2:

Tire Wear

200C20E0 3C01C61C
200C20E4 34214000
200C20E8 AC810210
200C20EC AC8102FC
200C20F0 AC8103E8
200C20F4 AC8104D4
200C20F8 03E00008
200C20FC 8E650014
2039E5F4 0C030838
Woohoo! Thanks 2o. I have v 1.9 and no codes posted before worked. I finally stumbled across one that did! Here I was ready to buy a new GS...Thanks a lot man!