nike 2022 car

  • Thread starter milhouse83
lets just hope we get to live long enough to see this car on the streets :D



I really like the b&w effect in the last one. Very cool.

Alas, I don't believe Nike will be MAKING any cars. Maybe they would badge it as a Nike? Like Judd sports car engines being badged as MGs...
I have that car too. It is nice, but one question is, are Nike really capable of making cars?

of course not... their shoes fall apart easy enough; and that car does give me any sort of hope.

I'll just stick with a company whose priority is making cars, not low quality shoes.
How do you use this car? Like if i were to accually drive one, pedals by feet or like a motor cycle. And i love how it has 8 gears
How do you use this car? Like if i were to accually drive one, pedals by feet or like a motor cycle. And i love how it has 8 gears

Right foot gas, left foot brake... I can tell that much.
It seems that you have to steer with the two joysticks that the driver's holding. I bet each stick has a button, one for gear up and one for gear down.

Like I said, all guesses, but sounds about right eh?
Where can I race this Nike car for credits? or whatever else I can win to sell for money? I guess the main question I want to ask is how can I make money for upgrades with this thing?
Awesome Shot! When I clicked on my Nike Dealership it wanted to detect my EyeToy? Then when it did it brunged up the screen when I can see myself on the TV.
Deep Gettin' In
Where can I race this Nike car for credits? or whatever else I can win to sell for money? I guess the main question I want to ask is how can I make money for upgrades with this thing?
You can't race it as far as I know of for credits. Its a special car. And the selling price is a big fat $0.00.

And there are only 2 upgrade categories. Tires, and Other which only allows the body frame work selection at the end of the category.

And I think this car is in PAL. The cars that are supposedly for PAL (XJR-9, Eclipse 2005) are in this one.
See that's what I don't get: there's 3 ways of getting this car!?!?

I already have 2 in my garage; if I had the t-shirt and an Eyetoy, i'd have another? come on.
The driver is humping the seat, meaning he is laying down. I was awarded this car last night (I actually sabotaged my IB license so I could get Bronze and get this car instead of the stupid RX-8 or the Austin-Healey). I drove this car at Suzuka (full circuit) and the thing was a blast to drive. It's fast, but not Group-C fast. It has 8 gears and a crazy engine sound...

But if you listen hard, along with the sound of the engine, you can hear a heartbeat - and the heart rate increases with speed. I thought this was a great touch, since it's well documented how racing drivers' heart rates increase to about 180 beats per minute during a race (at least F1 and Indycar drivers are known for this, not sure about loungeCAR...i mean...NASCAR.)
McLaren F1GTR
You can't race it as far as I know of for credits. Its a special car. And the selling price is a big fat $0.00.

And there are only 2 upgrade categories. Tires, and Other which only allows the body frame work selection at the end of the category.

And I think this car is in PAL. The cars that are supposedly for PAL (XJR-9, Eclipse 2005) are in this one.

This car can be raced. I just did it on autumn ring against a viper in arcade mode. Took me by surprise since I remember reading elsewhere on this board from the car's designer that the Nike pushes too many poly's to be raced agaisnt another anything else. That being said, I tried it again in a S2000 @ Midfield, top down, also worked. Unfortunately though, so far only capable in arcade, and only against one other car. This however to my knowledge was not supposed to be possible, due to the PS2's hardware not being able to render everything correctly.(Which does kind of make me laugh considering how much draw-in I've come across so far on different tracks.) Anyhow, might be old news to some, if so, sorry. Don't have enough time for both the game and keeping up on the boards
McLaren F1GTR
Originally Posted by McLaren F1GTR

And I think this car is in PAL. The cars that are supposedly for PAL (XJR-9, Eclipse 2005) are in this one.

it's definitely in the PAL Version. I just won it at the intenational A-License task. 💡
The driver is humping the seat, meaning he is laying down. I was awarded this car last night (I actually sabotaged my IB license so I could get Bronze and get this car instead of the stupid RX-8 or the Austin-Healey). I drove this car at Suzuka (full circuit) and the thing was a blast to drive. It's fast, but not Group-C fast. It has 8 gears and a crazy engine sound...

But if you listen hard, along with the sound of the engine, you can hear a heartbeat - and the heart rate increases with speed. I thought this was a great touch, since it's well documented how racing drivers' heart rates increase to about 180 beats per minute during a race (at least F1 and Indycar drivers are known for this, not sure about loungeCAR...i mean...NASCAR.)
LOL.....geez....if you get all get all 3 cars!!

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