All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster!

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United States
Southern California
I think this is pretty hilarious. :lol:


  • Flimsy moral standards.
  • Every Friday is a religious holiday. If your work/school objects to that, demand your religious beliefs are respected and threaten to call the ACLU.
  • Our heaven is WAY better. We've got a Stripper Factory AND a Beer Volcano.

:lol: It's a more plausible explanation than some I've heard recently ;)

He finds that approximately 75% of the Carbon-14 has decayed by electron emission to Nitrogen-14, and infers that this artifact is approximately 10,000 years old, as the half-life of Carbon-14 appears to be 5,730 years. But what our scientist does not realize is that every time he makes a measurement, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is there changing the results with His Noodly Appendage.
💡 of course...someone needs to tell the scientists this. Maybe the tests should be done near some bolognese sauce, that might distract Him.


Touched By His Noodly Appendage

This sums it all up for me:

"As a scientist, I'd like to say that the currently accepted scientific theory is evolution. But, some competing ideas have been proposed, such as ID and FSMism, and discussion to include one should include the other, as these ideas are equally valid."
-- Mark Zurbuchen, Ph.D.
I can jsut hear your parents now. "Are you sure you're not just hungry, and confusing that 'Burning in you bosom' with that 'hole in your stomach' hungry feeling?"
AUP? 10 Commandments? Same thing Shirley, sorry, surely.

I remember you telling me not to call you Shirley.
AUP? 10 Commandments? Same thing Shirley, sorry, surely.

I remember you telling me not to call you Shirley.


Honour thy father and mother isn't in the AUP.

Honour thy father and mother isn't in the AUP.
Oh, but the honoring of Jordan is somewhat implied. And he can be looked upon as the Father of GTP. So honor thy father.

:lol: The FSM is awesome. I'm in!

Steve Lawrence
" One of the most exciting developments in fundamental physics in the last twenty years has been the development of so-called "String Theory." In String Theory, all fundamental sub-atomic particles are visualized and described mathematically as microscopic vibrating strings. Although as yet unproven, many physicists believe that String Theory has the potential to become the long-sought "Theory of Everything," through which the fundamental physical nature of all matter and forces will become understood.

Obviously String Theory IS correct, although misnamed (a secular humanist conspiracy perhaps?). As NOODLE Theory clearly unambiguously reveals, He has created the fundamental subatomic particles that form all matter in this universe in His own quivering image! You, me, the Earth, the stars...everything in the universe...are all built of trillions of tiny jiggling noodles, microscopic copies of our Divine Saucy Maker. Truly He is everywhere and in all things!
Boy-oh-Boyardi and Ramen!"
Haha there's a Wikipedia entry!

Codes of conduct

* Prayers are ended with the word RAmen rather than Amen.
* Followers are expected to dress in pirate regalia.


A rival faction, based on SPAM: The Spaghetti Pulsar Activating Monster, has formed and is calling for a Holy War against FSM. SPAMation claims to have the One True Letter to the Kansas School Board.
Are you guys kidding me?

I still don't know why I don't link to this stuff to give you a good laugh when it's fresh. His Noodliness is so stale.

You guys are not with the next big thing, obviously.