The Saab Fan Club

  • Thread starter High-Test
Kansas City, MO
Surprisingly, a search revealed that GTP was missing a Saab fan club. That needs to change.

Svenska aeroplanaktiebolaget was started by a group of aircraft engineers, and the rest is history. They introduced heated front seats in 1972, and jumped on the turbo bandwagon in 1978.

They've seen greatness in the form of the Saab 99, and seen criticism as the 9-7X and 9-2X.

While they have had great sales in Europe, they have only showed profits for two of the ten years GM has been a majority holder.

As of January this year, I've had a 2003 Saab 9-3 (that is really my dad's company car) as my daily since my Lexus had a massive electrical failure. It's the 170 horse model,:grumpy: but it is a very fun car to drive. The turbo doesn't waste time spooling up,:D and it handles great and gets excellent gas mileage. My only complaint is that it is the noisiest car ever. I can hear the Kansas wind just as well inside with the windows closed as I can outside of the car.:grumpy:

Here's the "Ranting Swede" (I call it the ranting swede because it always finds something to beep at me for)

GTP, show your love for the other Swedish car maker.


High-Test (President)
powripper (Swedish car lover in chief;) )
George Morley
Are you a Saab fan too?

I just realized something. I should be getting around 27 city and 30 highway, right? My turbo spools up really fast, and I'm usually getting 21. Also, the Temp guage is almost always at the halfway mark. Isn't that running a little hot?

I saw my first 9-7x today.. It wasn't all that bad looking, just a bit misproportioned. When my Mom turned her 9-3 in to our local Saab dealer, the people who worked there were quite offended when I told my mom the 9-7x is really a Trailblazer. :dopey:

EDIT: Did donuts for the first time in my life today in the Saab. That was fun!
I saw my first 9-7x today.. It wasn't all that bad looking, just a bit misproportioned. When my Mom turned her 9-3 in to our local Saab dealer, the people who worked there were quite offended when I told my mom the 9-7x is really a Trailblazer.

But you forget the 9-7 has better engineered stuff on it. Not saying the TB is bad because it isn't (although it made a slight mockery out of the Blazer), but if I was going to get a GM360 it would be the Saab for sure. It looks much better then the TB or Envoy.

Also on the same note, some guy on the S-10 forums is going to try and put the 9-7 front end on a Blazer...which should prove to be hot!
Why not?

There's a Saab 9-3 down my street that's the same pewter color with the same 10 spoke wheels. It's kinda creepy. Only difference is tht my door handles are faded and whitish gray instead of black.:boggled:
The coolest color for the 9-3 is that greenish yellow color. I love it for some strange reason.
The neon slime/metallic pus?

It looks pretty good on the convertible, but not all that great on the 9-3. I wouldn';t mind a 9-3 wagon, those are pretty cool.

What do you guys think of the new 9-5? Are the front changes enough, or should they have changed the whole body?
Ya that color.

But with teh 9-5 I don't like the chrome glasses it got around the looks out of place.
Yeah, I like the new headlight design, but I'm still not sure about the trim rings. They seem to be growing on me though.
I like Saab since I was young
My cousin had a white 900 coupe in late 80's
He drove it at 130km/h in Hongkong highway
I had a blast and loved Saab ever since
The new 9-5 is a bit weird but I totally respect the style
at least it looks better than the new icon of Subaru
also I love Volvo too, but I love Saab in the first place
They went on to be the first to mass produce turbocharged automobiles after the failure of GM's '62 Olds Jetfire.

some quick research shows saab introducing a turbocharged model (the 99) in 1978, while BMW had introduced the 2002 turbo in 1973 (as a 74 model) and porsche had introduced the 911 turbo in 1975. i know the 2002 had a production run of about 1500. i cant say the numbers for the porsche.

so they were NOT the first to mass produce the turbo sucessfully.
Whoops.. Sorry about that! I'll fix it.

Hey, powripper, how did you get the title of the link to say saab fan club?
Always had a soft spot for Saabs, my dad has had a 900 coupe and a 9000 in the past, and today i love the 9-3 and 9-5 models.
To answer the question posed by daan in the second thread, no, we don't. The evidence for that is the fact that the original "Saab fan club" filled one entire page.

I'll join the Saab fan club in the unlikely event that Saab re-designs the 9-5. I call that event unlikely because it's been a decade and no re-design is in sight.
Count me in! Here is my SAAB, a 95 900 SE Turbo.

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