GTP_WRS Week 34 : Official Results

  • Thread starter Vaxen


GTP Race Admin
United States
Sunnyvale, CA


:: GTP_Weekly Race Series ::


Week 34 (Official): British Invasion


Time Trial in Arcade Mode


Jaguar XKR Coupe '10


Road Course - Daytona

Steward's Comments:

Nice job everyone!


OLR Team.

Important notices:
To streamline the WRS administration process, all required replays for this race must be submitted within 7 days. This thread will be listed as "Provisional" and will become "Official" once all posted replays have been verified. After 7 days, all drivers who fail to provide a requested replay will have their lap disqualified. (Beware: disqualification isn't taken lightly within the WRS.)
Drivers who do not have a submitted lap posted in the results are not to post any information related to a laptime they might have achieved in the results thread. Any such posts will have the times removed.

Replay Verification Requests:
This week we would like to see replays for all indicated results. All replays are to be posted here.

Instructions on how to upload your replay can be found here -

Division 1:

1---1'56.622---GTP_Welsh-Bain (Verified)

2---1'57.237---GTP_Anghammarad (Verified)

3---1'57.280---GTP_CSL (Verified)

Q---(Off Track)---GTP_DHolland

Q---(Off Track)---GTP_Markyboy

Division 2:

1---1'57.232---GTP_UsualSuspect (Verified)

2---1'57.377---GTP_Speedy6543 (Verified)

3---1'57.490---GTP_MadMax86 (Verified)

9---1'58.261---GTP_AtomicZombie (Verified)


Division 3:

1---1'57.682---GTP_WRP001 (Verified)

2---1'57.859---GTP_Benz-27 (Verified)

3---1'58.192---GTP_gooners_17 (Verified)

5---1'58.741---GTP_Sjaak (Verified)

6---1'58.782---GTP_LeftyWright (Verified)

9---1'59.819---GTP_unkymo1 (Verified)

12--2'00.491---GTP_AspecBob (Verified)

Division 4:

1---1'59.220---GTP_MilleRSVR (Verified)

2---1'59.636---GTP_otxjto (Verified)

3---2'00.724---GTP_RaceRyder (Verified)

4---2'01.299---GTP_paul-p1988 (Verified)

Division 5:

1---2'02.911---GTP_Daz (Verified)


Overall Results:

>> Division 1: Par: 1'56.424 Gold: 1'56.708 Silver: 1'57.042 Bronze: 1'57.427
1---1'56.622---GTP_Welsh-Bain r=1.232 (d1/-0.272)
2---1'57.232---GTP_UsualSuspect r=1.831 (d1/-0.418)
3---1'57.237---GTP_Anghammarad r=1.835 (d1/-0.015)
4---1'57.280---GTP_CSL r=1.873 (d1/-0.031)
5---1'57.377---GTP_Speedy6543 r=1.957 (d1/-0.839)
6---1'57.378---GTP_Yanaran r=1.958 (d1/0.212)

>> Division 2: Par: 1'57.428 Gold: 1'57.712 Silver: 1'58.046 Bronze: 1'58.431
7---1'57.490---GTP_MadMax86 r=2.073 (d2/0.004)
8---1'57.635---GTP_EDK r=2.243 (d2/-0.390)
9---1'57.682---GTP_WRP001 r=2.298 (d2/-0.708)
10--1'57.859---GTP_Benz-27 r=2.480 (d2/-0.870)
11--1'57.889---GTP_jack5428 r=2.510 (d2/0.114)
12--1'58.120---GTPcats_pajamas r=2.731 (d2/0.051)
13--1'58.126---GTP_Rikson r=2.736 (d2/-0.163)
14--1'58.192---GTP_gooners_17 r=2.793 (d2/-0.246)
15--1'58.196---GTP_viper84 r=2.797 (d2/0.089)
16--1'58.261---GTP_AtomicZombie r=2.853 (d2/-0.901)
17--1'58.280---GTP_wotzit07 r=2.869 (d2/0.054)
18--1'58.363---GTP_Eriba r=2.941 (d2/-0.344)
19--1'58.424---GTP_Hydro r=2.994 (d2/-0.102)

>> Division 3: Par: 1'58.432 Gold: 1'58.716 Silver: 1'59.050 Bronze: 1'59.435
20--1'58.741---GTP_Sjaak r=3.358 (d3/0.208)
21--1'58.782---GTP_LeftyWright r=3.399 (d3/-0.307)
22--1'59.220---GTP_MilleRSVR r=3.814 (d3/-0.640)
23--1'59.295---GTP_the_wilco r=3.879 (d3/0.211)

>> Division 4: Par: 1'59.436 Gold: 1'59.720 Silver: 2'00.054 Bronze: 2'00.439
24--1'59.636---GTP_otxjto r=4.235 (d4/-0.440)
25--1'59.708---GTP_poolhaas r=4.319 (d4/0.666)
26--1'59.819---GTP_unkymo1 r=4.432 (d4/-0.351)
27--2'00.029---GTP_ealirendur r=4.642 (d4/0.973)
28--2'00.355---GTP_el_loco r=4.927 (d4/1.615)

>> Division 5: Par: 2'00.440 Gold: 2'02.146 Silver: 2'04.153 Bronze: 2'06.462
29--2'00.479---GTP_WifeBeeter r=5.008 (d5/0.276)
30--2'00.491---GTP_AspecBob r=5.010 (d5/1.170)
31--2'00.724---GTP_RaceRyder r=5.055 (d5/0.642)
32--2'01.299---GTP_paul-p1988 r=5.168 (d5/0.458)
33--2'02.911---GTP_Daz r=5.460 (d5/0.293)

Q---(Off Track)---GTP_DHolland

Q---(Off Track)---GTP_Markyboy


Handicapped Results:


(Settings: Weight = 1.000 Squeeze = 1.941 Scoot = -0.360)

shows that the replay has been posted and verified.
shows that the submitted lap turned out to be dirty or doubtful.
shows that the replay has not been provided in due time.

Replay Checking:

  1. It is customary for all participants of the WRS to verify each others submitted replays
  2. Once you have checked the replay, post in this thread to say that you have checked it and whether it's clean, dirty or doesn't meet the required race specifications
  3. When verifying a replay, check against this weeks race specification, check that the tyres are the correct compound and that the power and weight is correct for example
  4. If you are unsure about a replay, always seek a second opinion before posting
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Woohoo!!! My first Podium, 2nd on the D2's
Some very impressive D1 times 👍
Congrats everyone!

Here's my PAL replay


  • GTP_Speedy6543 WRS
    312.4 KB · Views: 15
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Woohoo!!! My first Podium, 2nd on the D2's
Some very impressive D1 times 👍
Congrats everyone!

Congrats and let me say , it's about time you get on the podium. (and in one of your videos too) 👍

- Nice lap mate. 👍

Your splits were: 32.387 / 27.636 / 16.019 /18.155 / 23.180
Very solid lap and a bit carefull at the bus-stop.
Very easy to check , thanks for that. 👍

My submitted lap splits are 32.703:ouch: / 27.570 / 16.056 / 17.939 / 23.222

here's my replay:


  • GTP_MadMax86 GT5 WRS
    322.7 KB · Views: 17
Had a great time again this week,congratulations to everyone!

Here is my NTSC replay


  • GTP_otxjto_replay week
    324.3 KB · Views: 14
Congratulations to all who participate in this week,and to division and podium winners :cheers:

A word to Dan, he is beyond alien :bowdown:

Special mention to Speedy for a great fight, sorry mate :sly: you had the win till the last hour.

MadMax, when i saw you posted after the hour i tough, there it cames with a insane split, but no,
thank god you were enterteined on TT20 :scared:

Really happy for this weeks victory and again on D1 pace :dopey:

WRP001, great win on D3 with a great time. Just wait for your promotion.


32.233 / 27.646 / 16.165 / 17.973 / 23.215

My replay, and it´s really close on the bus stop but i 10x checked


  • GTP_UsualSuspect WRS 34 Replay PAL.rar
    311.8 KB · Views: 15
Well, guess it's time to see if this is clean as I believe it is. After seeing some of the pictures posted in the thread, I went back and checked again as best as I could with the current replay functions (hoping update will improve this a lot). Both entry apexes and the final exit apex need to be looked at in the bus stop. Fingers crossed I didn't miss anything.

Some awesome results out there guys, especially Dan with a 56.2xx :crazy:

Fantastic battle at the top of D2, with very quick times by all.

Congrats to WRP001 for the D3 win and MilleRSVR on the D4 top spot!

Hopefully my NTSC replay attaches as it should below:


  • GTP_Welsh-Bain WRS Week
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Wow, some nice battles there in the results. Enjoyable combo; I was just happy to meet my conservative target in time. Congrats all!

Here's the splits math (disclaimer about discrepancies between submitted lap and splits applies, I'll try to fix sid later):

What are you going to call it when you're promoted, Tim? :sly:

[B][U] Place  |  Driver PSN           |  Div  |  Split 1 |  Split 2 |  Split 3 | Split 4+5|  Split 3 Pos |   Laptime |[/U][/B]
[COLOR=Blue]      1 |  GTP_DHolland         | div 1 |   32.068 |   27.339 |   16.022 |   40.867 |            1 |  1'56.296 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      2 |  GTP_Welsh-Bain       | div 1 |   32.336 |   27.382 |   16.151 |   40.753 |            5 |  1'56.622 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      3 |  GTP_Markyboy         | div 1 |   32.174 |   27.394 |   15.969 |   41.143 |            2 |  1'56.680 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      4 |  GTP_UsualSuspect     | div 2 |   32.233 |   27.646 |   16.165 |   41.188 |            9 |  1'57.232 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      5 |  GTP_Anghammarad      | div 1 |   32.289 |   27.479 |   16.063 |   41.406 |            4 |  1'57.237 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      6 |  GTP_CSL              | div 1 |   32.315 |   27.494 |   16.009 |   41.462 |            3 |  1'57.280 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      7 |  GTP_Speedy6543       | div 2 |   32.387 |   27.636 |   16.019 |   41.335 |            8 |  1'57.377 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      8 |  GTP_Yanaran          | div 1 |   32.334 |   27.435 |   16.126 |   41.483 |            6 |  1'57.378 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      9 |  GTP_MadMax86         | div 2 |   32.362 |   27.651 |   16.093 |   41.384 |           11 |  1'57.490 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     10 |  GTP_EDK              | div 2 |   32.721 |   27.510 |   16.120 |   41.284 |           16 |  1'57.635 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     11 |  GTP_WRP001           | div 3 |   32.409 |   27.534 |   16.007 |   41.732 |            7 |  1'57.682 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     12 |  GTP_Benz-27          | div 3 |   32.566 |   27.602 |   16.041 |   41.650 |           12 |  1'57.859 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     13 |  GTP_jack5428         | div 2 |   32.566 |            0 |  1'57.889 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     14 |  GTPcats_pajamas      | div 2 |   32.575 |   27.541 |   15.989 |   42.015 |           10 |  1'58.120 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     15 |  GTP_Rikson           | div 2 |   32.510 |   27.611 |   16.132 |   41.873 |           13 |  1'58.126 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     16 |  GTP_gooners_17       | div 3 |   32.857 |   27.888 |   16.035 |   41.412 |           20 |  1'58.192 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     17 |  GTP_viper84          | div 2 |   32.744 |   27.987 |   16.125 |   41.340 |           22 |  1'58.196 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     18 |  GTP_AtomicZombie     | div 2 |   32.533 |   27.884 |   16.070 |   41.774 |           19 |  1'58.261 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     19 |  GTP_wotzit07         | div 2 |   32.663 |   27.595 |   16.072 |   41.950 |           14 |  1'58.280 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     20 |  GTP_Eriba            | div 2 |   32.609 |   27.639 |   16.100 |   42.015 |           15 |  1'58.363 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     21 |  GTP_Hydro            | div 3 |   32.613 |   27.647 |   16.124 |   42.040 |           17 |  1'58.424 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     22 |  GTP_Sjaak            | div 3 |   32.836 |   28.004 |   16.130 |   41.771 |           24 |  1'58.741 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     23 |  GTP_LeftyWright      | div 3 |   33.005 |   27.642 |   16.185 |   41.950 |           21 |  1'58.782 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     24 |  GTP_MilleRSVR        | div 4 |   32.901 |   27.934 |   16.143 |   42.242 |           25 |  1'59.220 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     25 |  GTP_the_wilco        | div 3 |   33.054 |   28.102 |   16.163 |   41.976 |           28 |  1'59.295 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     26 |  GTP_otxjto           | div 4 |   32.958 |   27.896 |   16.027 |   42.755 |           23 |  1'59.636 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     27 |  GTP_poolhaas         | div 3 |   32.961 |   28.132 |   16.216 |   42.399 |           27 |  1'59.708 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     28 |  GTP_unkymo1          | div 3 |   32.884 |   28.057 |   16.282 |   42.596 |           26 |  1'59.819 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     29 |  GTP_ealirendur       | div 3 |   33.556 |   27.973 |   16.187 |   42.313 |           31 |  2'00.029 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     30 |  GTP_el_loco          | div 2 |   33.181 |   28.012 |   16.262 |   42.900 |           29 |  2'00.355 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     31 |  GTP_WifeBeeter       | div 3 |   33.181 |            0 |  2'00.479 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     32 |  GTP_AspecBob         | div 3 |   32.888 |   28.509 |   16.135 |   42.959 |           30 |  2'00.491 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     33 |  GTP_RaceRyder        | div 4 |   33.582 |   28.599 |   16.330 |   42.213 |           32 |  2'00.724 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     34 |  GTP_paul-p1988       | div 4 |   33.634 |   29.024 |   16.480 |   42.161 |           33 |  2'01.299 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]     35 |  GTP_Daz              | div 5 |   33.634 |   29.024 |   16.480 |   43.773 |           34 |  2'02.911 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     xx |  GTP_Sidplayos2       | div 2 |   32.635 |   27.624 |   16.130 |   -3.868 |           18 |  1'12.521 |[/COLOR]
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Great Job everyone. Usual Suspect your a force to be reckoned with now thats for sure. Congragulations on yet another D2 win.

Speedy excellent job on your first podium finish. Looking forward to seeing you drive in your video.:)

A 1:56.2 is possible. Holy Smokes Dholland. Thats insane.

I wasnt going to submit since I only had the weekend to try not the usual 7 full days I always need to be competive in D2. But in the last half hour I did a clean lap just .010 slower than my fastest ever so slightly dirty by an inch lap. So I went for it.

Im having internet connection troubles...I cant view the splits board, it wont load. Submitting was a big gamble and Im just happy to see I did do a D2 time. lol

Right now my connection is barely working but it doesnt work long enough for me to sign into the PSN network and I wont be able to download the new Spec 2 update. 👎
Well, guess it's time to see if this is clean as I believe it is. After seeing some of the pictures posted in the thread, I went back and checked again as best as I could with the current replay functions (hoping update will improve this a lot). Both entry apexes and the final exit apex need to be looked at. Fingers crossed I didn't miss anything.

Hopefully my NTSC replay attaches as it should below:

View attachment 76858
I'll watch if after the update. :D
Nice WRS opener though, besting MarkyBoy is not something easily done.👍

Quite a few standouts this week, well done everyone. :cheers:

Still a bit disappointed I didn't give this one extra session, my final run tonight proved 5 tenths(40.9xx) left in the finish, almost submitted and the last time round I caught it an inch or less in the grass, a shame to leave so much "easy time" on the track.(First time I ever went backwards from splits to finish)
Job well done passing me through the finish UsualSuspect and Anghammorad.
Congratz to all the podium finishers. My goal was to get 1'58 flat this week so I was pretty psyched with my final time. I think I managed one of the fastest 3rd sectors. Still managed to lose a bunch in the final two sectors.

My splits:

32.409 / 27.534 / 16.007 / 18.410 / 23.322

NTSC replay attached.


    313.6 KB · Views: 14
Nice racin' fellas! 👍

- Nice to have DHolland back, any time:tup:
- Speedy podium, 'bout time! 👍
- Tim going for the gold streak 👍
- Kevin in the top 10 👍
- Blair in D4 beating me by over 1sec 👍

Didn't submit because real life took over, but I'm about to look into Spec 2.0 and eagerly awaiting the next WRS event, and Wed's online race! 👍👍👍👍
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Cool stuff guys, and nice time from Welsh in your opening race, I too am a little bit doubtful in 1 spot at the bus stop, as I could never get a clear photo snap on the exact moment where in doubt, but the lap SHOULD be clean, replay posting will occur within the next 5 hours, along with a youtube video.
Congratulations to all podium finishers!

Here is my first ever replay (NTSC).


    319.8 KB · Views: 14
Nice times people, 56.2 is unreal as usual from DHolland, but especially nice going WRP and UsualSuspect!

My result turned out pretty much how I expected, never really got the repetitions in to find the limits in T4, I think my split there was 18.2. I figured I could get another .2 but Dan and Welsh-Bain must have been flying!
Congrats and let me say , it's about time you get on the podium. (and in one of your videos too) 👍
-Nice lap mate. 👍
Your splits were: 32.387 / 27.636 / 16.019 /18.155 / 23.180
Very solid lap and a bit carefull at the bus-stop.
Very easy to check , thanks for that. 👍
My submitted lap splits are 32.703:ouch: / 27.570 / 16.056 / 17.939 / 23.222

Thanks for checking 👍
I really had to push. Making this fastest lap just 2 houres before deadline:scared:
My time before this one was .555 so you would've taken my spot there ;)

Special mention to Speedy for a great fight, sorry mate :sly: you had the win till the last hour.

Indeed a great fight in the D2 top:tup:

Speedy excellent job on your first podium finish. Looking forward to seeing you drive in your video.:)

- Speedy podium, 'bout time! 👍

Thanks guys. I was really hoping for the podium this time.
I just loved the track and car combo 👍
I must've driven about 200 laps here to get where I am now :crazy:
Congrats to all the winners,

Here is im replay:


  • GTP_Nuclearfire WRS week
    315.1 KB · Views: 14
I was looking for my time on the board, then I noticed what I submitted. A time that even the aliens would be proud of :lol:

That's a pity, lesson learnt. Don't submit before rushing out the door for a flight next time Peter!! :banghead:

4th, are you serious :scared: Well done that is just an awesome effort.
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Congrats to all Division winners and podium finishers.👍

Great lap Tim, two golds in two weeks in D3. At that rate you'll be promoted to D2 in quick order.👍


Some awesome results out there guys, especially Dan with a 56.2xx

Fantastic battle at the top of D2, with very quick times by all.

Congrats to WRP001 for the D3 win and MilleRSVR on the D4 top spot!

Thanks RIP, otxjto was ahead on the leader board but I managed to beat him in the last sectors. Braked really late for the bus stop and just made it through clean.:scared:

Attached is my NTSC replay.


    317.1 KB · Views: 16
Nice one Dan, was annoyed last night that i hadn't given myself more chance, i had plenty of chances but let them go, had a .420 T3 once and a .353 finish after a high .5 T3 slightly invalid:tdown:, atleast i know the lap i submitted with is definatly clean but let myself down i feel this week.
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Congrats to all podiums. Special mention to Usual Suspect and WRP001 who performed well above their respective divisions. I must confess that I am a bit surprised that my final sector was so relatively poor.
Awesome time Dan 👍 And congrats to Welsh_Don for a podium first time out 👍 (that's bad manners you know :sly:) And Mark for rounding off the podium.

Joao... wow mate. D1 Bronze handicap again. Awesome! 👍

And to Tim for not only a division win but with a time just a hair shy of D2 Gold 👍

Well done to all who survived the week. My apologies for bowing out but I was hard wired for a different combo and didn't want to throw the time away by compromising my meagre talents.
Congrats Tim! First win right? Nice time high up in the D2 regions 👍

Good job to all podium finishers (so close to gold Speedy, hope you get it next week) :cheers:
Congrats to the winners.👍 and a thanks for the combo.

My pal replay.


    338.3 KB · Views: 16
And to Tim for not only a division win but with a time just a hair shy of D2 Gold 👍

Congrats Tim! First win right? Nice time high up in the D2 regions 👍

Nice times people, 56.2 is unreal as usual from DHolland, but especially nice going WRP and UsualSuspect!

Nice racin' fellas! 👍 Tim going for the gold streak 👍

Great lap Tim, two golds in two weeks in D3. At that rate you'll be promoted to D2 in quick order.👍

Thanks guys... this group is really fun to run with and very supportive! I know the same guys who are trying their best to out run me every week are at the same time always willing to help. Really cool and unique I think. 👍

If only I had gone for it more in the bus stop I would have been in the top 10. Kevin pipped me at the line into 11th. :mischievous:

I do feel there was an element of luck for me this week versus normal in that I didn't run that many laps (relative to my normal craziness) and this particular lap was so much faster than my other laps. Usually I have a bunch of laps within a tenth or two and just trying to shave a little. This was basically just getting it all together for a single lap and not completely choking at the end.

I still managed to lose a bunch in the final sectors though. If I do ever manage to get in D2 that's something I've got to work on if I want any hope of competing. I'm curious to see the other replays of the bus stop... I think my run through there was just a bit too clean to be really fast. Playing it safe if you will with 3 purple sectors in my pocket.
Thanks guys... this group is really fun to run with and very supportive! I know the same guys who are trying their best to out run me every week are at the same time always willing to help. Really cool and unique I think. 👍

If only I had gone for it more in the bus stop I would have been in the top 10. Kevin pipped me at the line into 11th. :mischievous:

I do feel there was an element of luck for me this week versus normal in that I didn't run that many laps (relative to my normal craziness) and this particular lap was so much faster than my other laps. Usually I have a bunch of laps within a tenth or two and just trying to shave a little. This was basically just getting it all together for a single lap and not completely choking at the end.

I still managed to lose a bunch in the final sectors though. If I do ever manage to get in D2 that's something I've got to work on if I want any hope of competing. I'm curious to see the other replays of the bus stop... I think my run through there was just a bit too clean to be really fast. Playing it safe if you will with 3 purple sectors in my pocket.

Great job by you this week, and this track can be as you are describing, just due to the nature of turn 1 and the Bus Stop. There is a definite risk vs. reward balance.

I was also having a bit of trouble building consistency with this combo. I had several laps that were 1:58.0xx, but it took me some time to get into the 57's.

My first lap in the 57's was a 57.98x, then I managed a dirty 57.5xx. So then I was frustrated because I knew how much time I was leaving out there and just went for it on the total lap time. My best before this was a 57.777, which I thought was a pretty cool looking time, but I wanted to be as close to that 57.5 as possible.

Ended up with this, and am happy with my total time, and glad to be ahead of D3, which is always a secret goal. :sly:

BTW, congrats to all the top times. Well done to the 3 guys in the 56's, and great job as well by the top runners in the other divisions. The podiums were definitely earned this week. 👍
My replay (EU);

A good result for a change!


  • GTP WEEK 34
    318.4 KB · Views: 15

Clean lap, specs. correct. Nice job Tim.👍