GTP_WRS Week 58 : Official Results

  • Thread starter Vaxen


GTP Race Admin
United States
Sunnyvale, CA


:: GTP_Weekly Race Series ::


Week 58 (Official): Alfa Rome-o


Time Trial in Arcade Mode


Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GTA 1600 '65



Steward's Comments:

Nice job everyone!


OLR Team.

Important notices:
To streamline the WRS administration process, all required replays for this race must be submitted within 7 days. This thread will be listed as "Provisional" and will become "Official" once all posted replays have been verified. After 7 days, all drivers who fail to provide a requested replay will have their lap disqualified. (Beware: disqualification isn't taken lightly within the WRS.)
Drivers who do not have a submitted lap posted in the results are not to post any information related to a laptime they might have achieved in the results thread. Any such posts will have the times removed.

Replay Verification Requests:
This week we would like to see replays for all indicated results. All replays are to be posted here.

Instructions on how to upload your replay can be found here -

Division 1:

1---1'24.208---GTP_T-L (Verified)

2---1'24.762---GTP_Vagabond (Verified)

Division 2:

1---1'24.912---GTP_jack5428 (Verified)

2---1'24.922---GTP_transamguy (Verified)

3---1'25.123---GTP_Lou8ball (Verified)

5---1'25.160---GTP_ConRollins (Verified)

Q---(Off track)---GTP_Gerchu

Division 3:

1---1'25.424---GTP_Tuesdaymops (Verified)

2---1'25.640---GTP_Knap (Verified)

3---1'25.738---GTP_ealirendur (Verified)

10--1'26.904---GTP_academic (Verified)


Division 4:

1---1'25.940---GTP_Allibubba99 (Verified)

2---1'25.959---GTP_NINE_HUNDRED (Verified)

3---1'26.229---GTP_TBoat (Verified)


Division 5:

1---1'26.995---GTP_Racingworld (Verified)

2---1'28.654---GTP_cote_dazur (Verified)

3---1'30.127---GTP_Daz (Verified)


Overall Results:

>> Division 1: Par: 1'23.947 Gold: 1'24.189 Silver: 1'24.474 Bronze: 1'24.802
1---1'24.208---GTP_T-L r=1.356 (d1/0.380)
2---1'24.762---GTP_Vagabond r=1.959 (d1/0.244)

>> Division 2: Par: 1'24.803 Gold: 1'25.045 Silver: 1'25.330 Bronze: 1'25.657
3---1'24.912---GTP_jack5428 r=2.150 (d2/-0.079)
4---1'24.922---GTP_transamguy r=2.164 (d2/-0.398)
5---1'25.123---GTP_Lou8ball r=2.425 (d2/-0.340)
6---1'25.132---GTP_Insatiable r=2.435 (d2/0.100)
7---1'25.160---GTP_ConRollins r=2.468 (d2/-0.715)
8---1'25.342---GTP_viper84 r=2.679 (d2/0.159)
9---1'25.424---GTP_Tuesdaymops r=2.762 (d2/-1.008)
10--1'25.640---GTP_Knap r=2.983 (d2/-0.774)

>> Division 3: Par: 1'25.658 Gold: 1'25.900 Silver: 1'26.185 Bronze: 1'26.513
11--1'25.738---GTP_ealirendur r=3.110 (d3/-0.292)
12--1'25.864---GTP_MilleRSVR r=3.284 (d3/-0.319)
13--1'25.940---GTP_Allibubba99 r=3.380 (d3/-1.030)
14--1'25.959---GTP_NINE_HUNDRED r=3.402 (d3/-0.817)
15--1'25.982---GTP_the_wilco r=3.429 (d3/-0.299)
16--1'26.214---GTP_LeftyWright r=3.696 (d3/-0.173)
17--1'26.229---GTP_TBoat r=3.711 (d3/-0.480)

>> Division 4: Par: 1'26.514 Gold: 1'26.756 Silver: 1'27.041 Bronze: 1'27.369
18--1'26.533---GTP_orsche r=4.026 (d4/0.371)
19--1'26.672---GTP_Munch r=4.218 (d4/0.685)
20--1'26.771---GTP_RaceRyder r=4.351 (d4/0.216)
21--1'26.801---GTP_G3O_Hellas r=4.386 (d4/0.325)
22--1'26.904---GTP_academic r=4.506 (d4/1.385)
23--1'26.995---GTP_Racingworld r=4.613 (d4/-0.382)
24--1'27.311---GTP_AspecBob r=4.941 (d4/0.850)

>> Division 5: Par: 1'27.370 Gold: 1'28.824 Silver: 1'30.535 Bronze: 1'32.502
25--1'27.455---GTP_btcanon r=5.019 (d5/0.154)
26--1'27.582---GTP_Kelly r=5.049 (d5/1.949)
27--1'27.729---GTP_GDS r=5.082 (d5/0.294)
28--1'28.654---GTP_cote_dazur r=5.294 (d5/0.018)
29--1'30.127---GTP_Daz r=5.587 (d5/0.346)


Handicapped Results:


(Settings: Weight = 1.000 Squeeze = 1.589 Scoot = -0.404)

shows that the replay has been posted and verified.
shows that the submitted lap turned out to be dirty or doubtful.
shows that the replay has not been provided in due time.

Replay Checking:

  1. It is customary for all participants of the WRS to verify each others submitted replays
  2. Once you have checked the replay, post in this thread to say that you have checked it and whether it's clean, dirty or doesn't meet the required race specifications
  3. When verifying a replay, check against this weeks race specification, check that the tyres are the correct compound and that the power and weight is correct for example
  4. If you are unsure about a replay, always seek a second opinion before posting
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I knew my T3 was gonna be weak. Good laps guys. Replay:

Although, I just about had a heart attack when I saw "Time Trial in Arcade Mode" at the top! I did all that work in "GT Mode Practice" and I should have been in Arcade Mode? I had to go look at the original post to make sure I didn't screw up!:nervous:


    251.1 KB · Views: 14
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Well done to the winners and podium placers 👍

Good job Al for the D4 win, just pipped me :)

PAL Replay


  • GTP_NINE_HUNDRED replay week
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Heres the replay , loved this track . Looking forward to wednesdays race .
You must have lost a lot of time in the last sector eali, was already moaning
cause i lost first place on the leaderboard for dv3, but now happy again :)


  • week 58
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Gtp t-l, that time is absolutely ridiculous! Can't wait to see your lap, for the lines and speed you must have carried. Well done.

Great laps Jack and transamguy, I had a feeling d2 would be won with a 24.9, but couldn't get there myself. Cheers for your tune Jack, helped my time a lot.

Was really close for third in d2, only just over 5 hundredths separates 3rd to 6th.
Im pleased I managed to make third, I could have been a bit quicker through t3, but was happy with my lap, considering its the first time I've had to adjust brake balance over a lap.

Well done to all the winners and those on the podium, was a tricky lap to hold together with the lack of grip. Replay will follow tonight.
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Pretty brutal results to handicap right there.... Mark trashed the field, but needed to go way faster to make even H/C!?!?

Congrats jack, transaguy and Lou, 9 thousandths in it for 3rd!
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My replay. I just decided to ease back into it, because I haven't driven this car before, ever. Hence my slow time.


  • GTP_Daz WRS Week 58-
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Some crazy results right there one heck of a drag race to the line for me and Trans Am Guy then a super drag race for third. Nice job Trans Am and Louis nice job all D2 drivers for that matter wasnt a cake walk week I think we did well but Im sure we would have liked to have been able to do better.:)

I never saw a D2 winner not get a D1 time ever!

Nice job Mark. Cant wait to see how you did it I plan on trying to see if I can learn your secrets from your replay and chasing you some.

Congragulations all the podium winners and finishers and any guy that drove my tune alls i can say was thank god it could be quick thru T3 and I did my quickest T3 this lap with it.:)👍

Heres my replay tight to the entry wall of T2s last corner (what I think of as a chicane). The car body itself is not the problem its the front tire that gets close. always can see some space even at the tightest point but not as much as I would like to see. Might take you some time to verify sorry about that.

I have a pic and will attempt to get it in my post so everyone can see how close. Prefer never to submit a lap this close. Again I apologise but am 100 percent sure its clean.



  • GTP_jack5428 Week
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Here's my replay. It was a fun race, but couldn't spend enough time on in (about an hour). This is my first entry to the WRS.


PS: I submitted my Qualifying splits in early Feb and was expecting a email. Since the articla said 4-6 weeks, I didn't really bother to check. After waiting almost 6 weeks, I thought I'd check the forum thread and sure enough, results were posted in Mid Feb. :dunce: Was elated to find that I made it to D3 gold.

Edit: My username is GTP_academic


    252.4 KB · Views: 15
Time and tire correct. A nice looking lap. Interesting how similar your lap and Con Rollins lap appears to be to me.

You drove well I cant give you any advice my tune was obviously much different and you drove wheel but it looks to me like you know your stuff because Con Rollins definitly does.👍

7---1'25.160---GTP_ConRollins Time and tires correct. Clean lap.

I like how you could keep the rear of the car from coming out on the exit of the last corner if I tried to do it how you did instead of the car lining up along the wall perfectly straight the rear would have slammed into the wall. No idea if its a wheel thing or a tune thing or just your driving skill but I found it impressive anyhow myself.

Nice job and it was fun racing with you so hard this week on the splits board.
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Congrats to winners and podium finishers.

This was the first week where I used my own tune, and while it was fairly stable, it appears it wasn't very quick. Might be due to me not touching the gears. Didn't think I'd have a good result, but it's nice to see how (not very) good of a tuner I am.
Congrats to the placers and finishers!

Great battle there in D2 and D4 - congrats to Jack and Al and commiserations to transam and Mike (.01! .02!)

Here's the tale of T3:

[B][U] Place  |  Driver PSN           |  Div  |   Split 1 |   Split 2 |   Split 3 |  Δ  |   Laptime |[/U][/B]
[COLOR=Blue]      1 |  GTP_T-L              | div 1 |    29.228 |    26.031 |    28.949 |     |  1'24.208 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      2 |  GTP_Vagabond         | div 1 |    29.366 |    26.121 |    29.275 |     |  1'24.762 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      3 |  GTP_jack5428         | div 2 |    29.343 |    26.284 |    29.285 |  +1 |  1'24.912 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      4 |  GTP_transamguy       | div 2 |    29.444 |    26.104 |    29.374 |  -1 |  1'24.922 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      5 |  GTP_Lou8ball         | div 2 |    29.498 |    26.288 |    29.337 |  +1 |  1'25.123 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      6 |  GTP_Insatiable       | div 2 |    29.435 |    26.365 |    29.332 |  +1 |  1'25.132 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      7 |  GTP_ConRollins       | div 2 |    29.387 |    26.360 |    29.413 |  -2 |  1'25.160 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      8 |  GTP_Gerchu           | div 2 |    29.535 |    26.277 |    29.367 |     |  1'25.179 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      9 |  GTP_viper84          | div 2 |    29.450 |    26.581 |    29.311 |  +1 |  1'25.342 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     10 |  GTP_Tuesdaymops      | div 3 |    29.584 |    26.476 |    29.364 |  +1 |  1'25.424 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     11 |  GTP_Knap             | div 3 |    29.649 |    26.425 |    29.566 |  +2 |  1'25.640 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     12 |  GTP_ealirendur       | div 3 |    29.533 |    26.378 |    29.827 |  -3 |  1'25.738 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     13 |  GTP_MilleRSVR        | div 3 |    29.634 |    26.428 |    29.802 |  -1 |  1'25.864 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     14 |  GTP_Allibubba99      | div 4 |    29.630 |    26.665 |    29.645 |  +1 |  1'25.940 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     15 |  GTP_NINE_HUNDRED     | div 4 |    29.670 |    26.632 |    29.657 |  +1 |  1'25.959 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     16 |  GTP_the_wilco        | div 3 |    29.665 |    26.696 |    29.621 |  +1 |  1'25.982 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     17 |  GTP_LeftyWright      | div 3 |    29.719 |    26.564 |    29.931 |  -3 |  1'26.214 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     18 |  GTP_TBoat            | div 4 |    29.933 |    26.544 |    29.752 |  +1 |  1'26.229 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     19 |  GTP_orsche           | div 3 |    29.859 |    26.996 |    29.678 |  +3 |  1'26.533 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     20 |  GTP_Munch            | div 3 |    29.772 |    26.754 |    30.146 |  +1 |  1'26.672 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     21 |  GTP_RaceRyder        | div 4 |    29.617 |    26.791 |    30.363 |  -3 |  1'26.771 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     22 |  GTP_G3O_Hellas       | div 3 |    30.064 |    26.804 |    29.933 |  +1 |  1'26.801 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     23 |  GTP_academic         | div 3 |    30.064 |         0 |  1'26.904 |     |           |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]     24 |  GTP_Racingworld      | div 5 |    29.760 |    26.742 |    30.493 |  -4 |  1'26.995 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     25 |  GTP_AspecBob         | div 3 |    29.938 |    27.051 |    30.322 |     |  1'27.311 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     26 |  GTP_btcanon          | div 4 |    29.844 |    27.035 |    30.576 |  -2 |  1'27.455 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     27 |  GTP_Kelly            | div 2 |    30.049 |    27.125 |    30.408 |  -1 |  1'27.582 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     28 |  GTP_GDS              | div 4 |    30.049 |         0 |  1'27.729 |     |           |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]     29 |  GTP_cote_dazur       | div 5 |    30.034 |    27.526 |    31.094 |  -2 |  1'28.654 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]     30 |  GTP_Daz              | div 5 |    30.694 |    28.175 |    31.258 |  -2 |  1'30.127 |[/COLOR]

Heres the replay , loved this track . Looking forward to wednesdays race .
You must have lost a lot of time in the last sector eali, was already moaning
cause i lost first place on the leaderboard for dv3, but now happy again :)

Actually, I was expecting to drop, just wasn't sure how many would blow by - I knew there was at least 1-2 tenths left in T3 (mine really was timid) even from the few laps of my own I'd checked. I expected the target was to go under 1'25.5, and you proved that was right and then some by going well under the 29.5 in T3! Very nice T3 by Knap, too!

Hope I heightened your sense of achievement rather can caused grief :sly: I'll try to do at least two balanced sessions over the coming weeks, but they will likely be pretty late also.

And welcome, Sam! Nice effort for a single hour stint in a very tricky car. Mine was around the 3 hour mark, with 400k on the car (with some Route X and DS3 couch testing/tuning setup earlier in the week).

EDIT: PAL Replay 23 Attached. My replay is also close at the kink, but not quite as fine as Jack's, it seems!


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Wow that was a really close race Jack.:cheers: . It's funny how similar our lines are. I tend to shift more then most ppl, which i think is my downfall as i noticed this in last weeks race aswell. Have to look into that. But otherwise our runs were identical. I look forward to putting your ghost on and seeing if i can hold it off in T3. My .374 T3 was about 4th on my list so i know i had it in me, just ran out of time.
Congrats to you Jack and to all D2's. What a fun week watching the leaderboard shuffle. 👍
And congrats to T-L .. all i can say is wow ! :bowdown:


Here's mine


  • GTP_transamguy-wk58-NTSC-1'
    248.8 KB · Views: 13
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Congratulations guys!

Mark (T-L) told me that he's traveling & can't post their Replay, so he ask me if I can do it for him, so here it is.
Tomorrow I'll post mine.


    247 KB · Views: 19

Nice lap, easy to verify. Nicely smooth through the kink; looked like it might have been, ah, sweaty palm inducing at the big right in T2? Nah, this car could kill us everywhere!


Almost identical to mine at the kink - very close on the right curb, which probably lost time in the following sector with the suspension bouncing. Definitely don't look at my replay for this bit or T3 :dopey: As Mops showed, it's possible to go hotter into the last turn complex. Fortune favours the Brave (or the prepared, or something).


Tricky combo to "ease" back in with! Maybe try lower Controller Sensitivity and wider approach lines? (Even for the wheel, I dropped mine to -2, when I normally use 7 for both wheel and particularly controller).
Wow that was a really close race Jack.:cheers: . It's funny how similar our lines are. I tend to shift more then most ppl, which i think is my downfall as i noticed this in last weeks race aswell. Have to look into that. But otherwise our runs were identical. I look forward to putting your ghost on and seeing if i can hold it off in T3. My .374 T3 was about 4th on my list so i know i had it in me, just ran out of time.
Congrats to you Jack and to all D2's. What a fun week watching the leaderboard shuffle. 👍
And congrats to T-L .. all i can say is wow ! :bowdown:


Here's mine

Thanks Guy for verifying my replay.

Seems to me alot of corners you can use a low or high gear and basically one is way wrong and slows you down alot.

For example a lower gear gives you great acceleration but when you coast mid corner you are engine braking ad that could slow you down. You could do some shift tricks like not downshift until your ready to hit the throttle.

Many shifting tricks. I imagine theres a thread about it.

Was a challenging race and yeah it was many guys to win it seemed, times were pretty close this one, I tried to beat your splits again to T2 but couldnt get the job done. lol
Thanks for verifying eali ! This track DID send my t-shirt a bit sooner to the washing bin then expected, yeah ..
I tried to verify a drivers lap too, but after i put the zip-file from the pc on a usb stick, i cant get the data loaded in the ps3 ( though i use the same usb stick to take my data from the ps3, and upload it here via my pc ) . I did unzip it first ofcourse, but ps3 sees no gamedata . Any idea what goes wrong ?
Thanks for verifying eali ! This track DID send my t-shirt a bit sooner to the washing bin then expected, yeah ..
I tried to verify a drivers lap too, but after i put the zip-file from the pc on a usb stick, i cant get the data loaded in the ps3 ( though i use the same usb stick to take my data from the ps3, and upload it here via my pc ) . I did unzip it first ofcourse, but ps3 sees no gamedata . Any idea what goes wrong ?

No problem. It's often hard to get to the PAL replays before viper :sly:

Presuming it was a PAL replay you tried to view, did you miss any steps in the replay download guide? The easiest bit to miss is moving the extracted folder to the right spot; under PS3\SAVEDATA on the USB stick. Make sure to delete any existing folder under there (on the USB) that has the same name and xx number on the end, as the old folder's timestamp will slightly confuse the PS3, making the replay hard to find. The extracted folder should be called BCES00569-RPL0xx, for a PAL replay, and BCUS98114-RPL0xx for an NTSC (US, Canada, Japan, Brazil.... I mention this last part simply because we PALs can't view NTSCs, and vice versa. Annoying :mad:)
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Gonna try again tonight, i think its down to not having it in the right folder on the usb stick , but will first read ( which i SHOULD have read first) the replay download guide .:guilty:

Almost identical to mine at the kink - very close on the right curb, which probably lost time in the following sector with the suspension bouncing. Definitely don't look at my replay for this bit or T3 :dopey: As Mops showed, it's possible to go hotter into the last turn complex. Fortune favours the Brave (or the prepared, or something).

Thanks for checking :)

I did take T3 quite safe, so many laps lost getting on the gas to quickly and spinning the tyres or hitting every wall possible :dopey:
I did take T3 quite safe, so many laps lost getting on the gas to quickly and spinning the tyres or hitting every wall possible :dopey:

I found a little trick to t3, towards the end of the week, but couldn't pull it off on more than a few occasions. Sorry i didn't say before, but it may help in the online races - if you turn in early for the first part of the double right before the run to the finish you could ride the first part of the curb with one wheel either side (like a 50.50 on a skateboard) and then swing out, and cut in to the apex for the final right. I had a .15x once through t3, but still nothing compared to t-l. Can't wait to see his lap!

I'll post my replay tonight, when I get in. Didn't have time yesterday.
Time and tire correct. A nice looking lap. Interesting how similar your lap and Con Rollins lap appears to be to me.

You drove well I cant give you any advice my tune was obviously much different and you drove wheel but it looks to me like you know your stuff because Con Rollins definitly does.👍

Thanks. My biggest problem was the last corner. If I messed it up, then that lap as well as the next lap is ruined. So, I gave up after I got two decent exits (one before the start and one at the end) off the last turn.

Rant: I don't like tuning. Wish PD implemented a 'spec racing' as in GT5 prolog. That way, I know it the driving that matters.
Thanks Jack. I have no idea how I managed that. I just tried to get back on the gas as soon as I could which meant I was still pointing toward the wall and just came out of the turn fully floored. I had a great time this week battling you and all the D2 guys. I too felt a sub 1' would be needed, but I just couldn't break that barrier. Great run all!! Oh, and if that picture Jack posted doesn't look that close to any of you, check this angle out. Geeze Jack, you had a whole inch to play with!


Here is my replay. Thanks in advance for checking.


  • replay week
    252.6 KB · Views: 12
Congratulations are in order for all divisional winners and podium finishers. Al and Mike, you guys had some nice Div. 2 times. I hope to save some videos to compare racing lines. I really did like this weeks event. Here is my replay, apologies for the lateness.


  • GTP_TBoat WRS Week 58 Replay
    251.2 KB · Views: 13
Congrats to all the winners and podium finishers of this difficult week.👍

