24hrs le- mans

  • Thread starter ayrton1666
So I decided that it was time to do the last b spec races,as the game is almost complete.....3 drivers are level 37,36 and 34....using the sauber merc.started on racing med and found it was lashing down so crawled round 1 lap and pitted,was 3 and a half mins down end of lap 2.. Clawed my way to second before saving, four hrs done...resumed today and it was still wet ,the leading ai cars started lapping faster than me for some reason till the rain eased and we all switched to inters....now 6 hrs done,I have taken the lead,by around a min, however I am pitting and second lace is not this lap so gonna be close for a while.........more to follow.
I just bought a PS3 to go back and play GT5. I'm about 2 weeks in, and I'm loving the B-Spec races. How does the save work on these longer races? Also, can you save in the Championship series?

Thanks for posting. It helped me understand how somebody can complete the 24 hour races!
I just bought a PS3 to go back and play GT5. I'm about 2 weeks in, and I'm loving the B-Spec races. How does the save work on these longer races? Also, can you lot of hours i have put into GT5

Thanks for posting. It helped me understand how somebody can complete the 24 hour races!
For longer races just drive into the Pits. Yes you can
I just bought a PS3 to go back and play GT5. I'm about 2 weeks in, and I'm loving the B-Spec races. How does the save work on these longer races? Also, can you save in the Championship series?

Thanks for posting. It helped me understand how somebody can complete the 24 hour races!
For longer races just drive into the Pits to save the game. And yes you can save in the Championship series. As long as you have all the updates for GT5.