GTP_WRS Week 73 : Official Results

  • Thread starter Gravitron


GTP WRS Race Admin
United States


:: GTP_Weekly Race Series ::


Week 73 (Official): Tim is Gonna Kill Me


Time Trial in Arcade Mode


Audi R10 TDI Race Car '06


Original Circuits > Grand Valley Reverse

Steward's Comments:

Nice job everyone!


OLR Team.

Important notices:
To streamline the WRS administration process, all required replays for this race must be submitted within 7 days. This thread will be listed as "Provisional" and will become "Official" once all posted replays have been verified. After 7 days, all drivers who fail to provide a requested replay will have their lap disqualified. (Beware: disqualification isn't taken lightly within the WRS.)
Drivers who do not have a submitted lap posted in the results are not to post any information related to a laptime they might have achieved in the results thread. Any such posts will have the times removed.

Replay Verification Requests:
This week we would like to see replays for all indicated results. All replays are to be posted here.

Instructions on how to upload your replay can be found here -

Division 1:

1---1'36.619---GTP_w-g-e (Verified)

2---1'37.284---GTP_Vagabond (Verified)

Division 2:

1---1'37.867---GTP_Arianrhod (Verified)

2---1'38.027---GTPcats_pajamas (Verified)

3---1'38.154---GTP_Hydro (Verified)

4---1'38.182---GTP_ConRollins (Verified)


Division 3:

1---1'38.423---GTP_orsche (Verified)

2---1'39.110---GTP_ealirendur (Verified)

3---1'39.614---GTP_LeftyWright (Verified)

8---1'41.929---GTP_Vinal_monkey (Verified)

Division 4:

1---1'39.723---GTP_Racingworld (Verified)

2---1'40.167---GTP_Airsick (Verified)

3---1'40.283---GTP_Allibubba99 (Verified)


Division 5:

1---1'43.530---GTP_zapphoid (Verified)


Overall Results:

>> Division 1: Par: 1'36.251 Gold: 1'36.646 Silver: 1'37.111 Bronze: 1'37.645
1---1'36.619---GTP_w-g-e r=1.311 (d1/-0.057)
2---1'37.284---GTP_Vagabond r=1.775 (d1/0.010)

>> Division 2: Par: 1'37.646 Gold: 1'38.041 Silver: 1'38.506 Bronze: 1'39.041
3---1'37.867---GTP_Arianrhod r=2.186 (d2/0.014)
4---1'38.027---GTPcats_pajamas r=2.322 (d2/-0.018)
5---1'38.154---GTP_Hydro r=2.414 (d2/-0.322)
6---1'38.182---GTP_ConRollins r=2.434 (d2/-0.467)
7---1'38.322---GTP_viper84 r=2.535 (d2/-0.035)
8---1'38.423---GTP_orsche r=2.607 (d2/-0.934)

>> Division 3: Par: 1'39.042 Gold: 1'39.437 Silver: 1'39.902 Bronze: 1'40.437
9---1'39.110---GTP_ealirendur r=3.057 (d3/-0.246)
10--1'39.614---GTP_LeftyWright r=3.460 (d3/-0.144)
11--1'39.723---GTP_Racingworld r=3.538 (d3/-0.847)
12--1'39.784---GTP_n0iZe r=3.582 (d3/0.145)
13--1'40.167---GTP_Airsick r=3.832 (d3/-0.779)
14--1'40.283---GTP_Allibubba99 r=3.904 (d3/-0.109)
15--1'40.417---GTP_MilleRSVR r=3.988 (d3/0.502)

>> Division 4: Par: 1'40.438 Gold: 1'40.833 Silver: 1'41.298 Bronze: 1'41.833
16--1'41.209---GTP_DOUG r=4.603 (d4/0.030)
17--1'41.428---GTP_the_wilco r=4.748 (d4/0.689)
18--1'41.509---GTP_Villisika32 r=4.798 (d4/1.119)
19--1'41.771---GTP_DDiamond r=4.961 (d4/0.214)

>> Division 5: Par: 1'41.834 Gold: 1'44.207 Silver: 1'46.998 Bronze: 1'50.209
20--1'41.929---GTP_Vinal_monkey r=5.013 (d5/1.480)
21--1'43.530---GTP_zapphoid r=5.238 (d5/-0.244)


Handicapped Results:


(Settings: Weight = 1.000 Squeeze = 1.751 Scoot = -0.314)

shows that the replay has been posted and verified.
shows that the submitted lap turned out to be dirty or doubtful.
shows that the replay has not been provided in due time.

Replay Checking:

  1. It is customary for all participants of the WRS to verify each others submitted replays
  2. Once you have checked the replay, post in this thread to say that you have checked it and whether it's clean, dirty or doesn't meet the required race specifications
  3. When verifying a replay, check against this weeks race specification, check that the tyres are the correct compound and that the power and weight is correct for example
  4. If you are unsure about a replay, always seek a second opinion before posting
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I feel good w/ this podium since my goal is to at least hit the 50% mark so I hit my target and passed 2 on the home stretch. Great job to orsche and ealirendur, you guyz were just to quick for me this week.
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Wes, that time is just sick! Congrats to all the podium winners and to the very few that submitted this week. Please come out and finish the R10 off on Wednesdays online races!

Frank you really showed D4 this week!

Replay to follow shortly.

First off I'm sorry for Kevin for the low turnout, it was an excellent combo in my opinion. A big 👍 to everyone who did submit and congratulations to everyone on the podium.

I got a cheap win this time but I still tried hard to get a good time. Chris, although it doesn't look like it you really kept me honest in the beginning of the week. On thurday I didn't even know a 1'36 was possible. You did a great job and deserved second (or first if my lap is dirty).
Oh and thanks again for the tune. It was pretty amazing what you did to that car's handling.👍

Here's a video of my lap, I don't know why it says HD but it's the bad quality you're used to from me.:sly:

I missed one apex, that cost me a tenth or so.


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Nice lap w-g-e 👍 and well done everyone else.

Last again :(

edit: oops forgot to change the file name.

Do you have your Gear Indicator turned off, or is that in AT? Not sure about hitting the curb under the bridge, I did that and thought it was dirty but I beat that time again clean and stopped worrying about it.


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Good job everyone! Pretty satisfied with my lap, altough lost quite a bit on the last sector.
Didn´t think to even have the pace with a race car like this, glad I was wrong. Best result until now for me.

Congratulations to the podium winners.

P.S. Wes, that time is more than crazy, tought that the winner would have a low 1'37, but you got even lower :crazy:

A special thanks to Chris for the fantastic tune :)

See you in the next week WRS event 👍
Nice lap w-g-e 👍 and well done everyone else.

Last again :(

edit: oops forgot to change the file name.

Do you have your Gear Indicator turned off, or is that in AT? Not sure about hitting the curb under the bridge, I did that and thought it was dirty but I beat that time again clean and stopped worrying about it.
I have my gear indicator turned off yes, thought it would be better to adjust to that if I would ever drive on one of those tracks in real life. Now it just distracts me if I use it.

Hitting the curb was clean in the previous WRS event on Grand Valley Speedway (it's a hard surface) so I don't worry about that.

And thanks guys, it was a lucky lap in that I hit 2 personal best sectors.:)
Wes, I noticed the gearbox setting in your video, it seems that your car goes so much faster as mine was :) especially in the last S before last turn :)

Would you be so kind to reveal the secret of your gearbox setting?
If you don´t want to share it, it´s ok.

I used Praiano´s settings with a litte adjustment for top speed, I think 4.000 for final gear.
Congratulations Wes (wow, great lap!), Patricia Christina (:ouch:), Shawn and Frank for your division wins, and everyone else who submitted, really.

My early runs were quite promising but then it got rather frustrating as I couldn't improve at all, which is why I didn't submit in the end.
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I have my gear indicator turned off yes, thought it would be better to adjust to that if I would ever drive on one of those tracks in real life. Now it just distracts me if I use it.

Seen a few people saying they're faster for turning it off in another part of the forum, I've not attempted it yet myself, I guess I rely on it too much as a braking indicator. I'll have to start taking more notice of the track surroundings for braking points. :crazy:
I got a cheap win this time but I still tried hard to get a good time. Chris, although it doesn't look like it you really kept me honest in the beginning of the week. On thurday I didn't even know a 1'36 was possible. You did a great job and deserved second (or first if my lap is dirty).
Oh and thanks again for the tune. It was pretty amazing what you did to that car's handling.👍
Thanks Wes, nice of you to say but you showed your class again this week and even my magic lap would've been a tenth down on your submission. 👍 I thought I was putting in a good showing early on but as usual, wish I'd put more time in - last night's desperation run saw me running 32.0's in sector 1, 31.1's in sector 2 and 33.6's in sector 3, just not in the same lap. I wasn't calm enough to sew it together and that's where you excel. Glad you liked the setup - this car was a bit of a tank before setup work and I was pretty pleased with how it ended up.

What happened to James though? I lucked in on 2nd place because he disappeared....

Anyway, congratulations on the win Wes and a heartfelt thanks and congratulations to everyone who joined in and stayed the course this week. :cheers: It was a great combo Kevin and the turn-out didn't reflect that, which is a shame. More congratulations to GTPorsche for an amazing handicap result and D3 win. 👍 Same for Racingworld and Airsick. 👍 And a big cheer for Christina for taking her first D2 win in a very tricky combo. Looks like you nailed that 3rd sector after all. 👍

I'll put my replay and video up later on. Thanks to Kevin for a great combo and Lucas for getting the results up. :cheers:
Congrats to all you brave souls who partook. :cheers: Wish I'd had the time for this one, it looked really fun. I only had 5 laps with the DS3, and TCS=5 was still not enough to subside the fear. :scared:

[B][U] Place  |  Driver PSN           |  Div  |   Split 1 |   Split 2 |   Split 3 |  ∆  |   Laptime |[/U][/B]
[COLOR=Blue]      1 |  GTP_w-g-e            | div 1 |    31.964 |    31.020 |    33.635 |     |  1'36.619 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      2 |  GTP_Vagabond         | div 1 |    32.203 |    31.269 |    33.812 |     |  1'37.284 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      3 |  GTP_Arianrhod        | div 2 |    32.471 |    31.559 |    33.837 |     |  1'37.867 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      4 |  GTPcats_pajamas      | div 2 |    32.585 |    31.484 |    33.958 |     |  1'38.027 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      5 |  GTP_Hydro            | div 2 |    32.626 |    31.456 |    34.072 |     |  1'38.154 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      6 |  GTP_ConRollins       | div 2 |    32.469 |    31.731 |    33.982 |  +1 |  1'38.182 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      7 |  GTP_viper84          | div 2 |    32.324 |    31.780 |    34.218 |  -1 |  1'38.322 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]      8 |  GTP_orsche           | div 3 |    32.460 |    31.795 |    34.168 |     |  1'38.423 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]      9 |  GTP_ealirendur       | div 3 |    32.682 |    31.954 |    34.474 |     |  1'39.110 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     10 |  GTP_LeftyWright      | div 3 |    33.317 |    31.912 |    34.385 |  +2 |  1'39.614 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     11 |  GTP_Racingworld      | div 4 |    32.983 |    31.962 |    34.778 |  -1 |  1'39.723 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     12 |  GTP_n0iZe            | div 2 |    32.597 |    32.429 |    34.758 |  -1 |  1'39.784 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     13 |  GTP_Airsick          | div 4 |    32.997 |    32.666 |    34.504 |  +2 |  1'40.167 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     14 |  GTP_Allibubba99      | div 4 |    32.887 |    32.521 |    34.875 |     |  1'40.283 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     15 |  GTP_MilleRSVR        | div 3 |    33.201 |    32.190 |    35.026 |  -2 |  1'40.417 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     16 |  GTP_DOUG             | div 3 |    33.349 |    32.759 |    35.101 |  +1 |  1'41.209 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     17 |  GTP_the_wilco        | div 3 |    33.508 |    32.575 |    35.345 |  -1 |  1'41.428 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     18 |  GTP_Villisika32      | div 3 |    34.007 |    32.611 |    34.891 |  +2 |  1'41.509 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     19 |  GTP_DDiamond         | div 4 |    33.264 |    33.168 |    35.339 |  -1 |  1'41.771 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     20 |  GTP_Vinal_monkey     | div 3 |    33.437 |    33.138 |    35.354 |  -1 |  1'41.929 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]     21 |  GTP_zapphoid         | div 5 |    34.110 |    33.599 |    35.821 |     |  1'43.530 |[/COLOR]

Special mention to Baron for a nice joyride in Marc's car. :P:lol:
Great run everyone. Wish there were more who would have tried this one. I was hesitant at first as I don't run the LMP's very much at all, but once I got going it became very addictive. I wish I could make the online race but it starts too early for me. I would have thought you would run the online on racing softs as there is liable to be quite a bit of slipping around. But it should be fun none the less.

Congrats to all who participated and especially those who podiumed. A special congrats to GTP_Arianrhod who made the overall podium this week.

I tought my T3 time would have pulled me through, but my T1 and T2 were not quite good enough for that to happen.

Here is my replay


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Congratulations Wes, with your overall win and a splendid time 👍 Welldone GTP Porsche for beating me the second time in a row with a small difference in the handicaped results, and offcourse congratulations to everyone who joined in this week. Special thanks go to Chris for the wonderfull tune 👍

Here is my PAL replay


  • replay week
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After the GTA I have been trying to apply some of the stuff I learned from chasing the aliens. This car lended it's self to D-stalling the low speed turns. So I tried to apply one of my Moto-x heros tricks to a couple of the low speed turns and had some great success. It's an old Hurricain Hanna trick where he would fly into the turn as late as he could and lock up the rear and rotate the scooter at the last minuite as he would exit out, but I was using the late Decompression stall timeing in place of the rear brake, almost like dumping the clutch.

Here is my NTSC USA replay :)


  • GTP_LeftyWright_WRS-WK73 NTSC
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Nice times everyone, this one took some time to adjust to.

Once I was able to get control of the car, this turned out to be one of the best combos I've been a part of. It really took a lot of discipline not to push too hard going into the corners, otherwise the car would just push wide and ruin the lap.

This was a really good week to learn to control corner entry, apex speed, and throttle control on exit. Hopefully I'll remember some of those things in the future.

Congrats to Arianrhod on your first win and getting under 1'38.

I'll put my replay up later.
Congrats to winners and podium finishers. I see I've taken the handicapped win again, not that it really counts for anything. :lol: Once I started getting comfortable with this combo, I had set my goal for a 1'39.0, and out of nowhere on Sunday, after running a 1'38.8, I took .4 off that to get my submitted lap time. This is also the first time I used my own setup, and I must say I did pretty well with it.

I'll have my replay up soon.
....but I was using the late Decompression stall timeing in place of the rear brake, almost like dumping the clutch.
👍 That was actually the best way to take the hairpin after the T2 split Lefty. Tricky to nail it just right but a good gain if you did.

Here's my video anyway. Not as spectacular as Wes' but I'm still quite pleased with it I think:

And my replay:


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Wow Wes that was on cold tires! (1st lap) Incredible.

Some people say they have more grip on the first lap, some people say they have less grip.. I don't believe in that, I think that's all just an illusion. With tyre wear and fuel depletion turned on it's a different matter of course.

Noize - I don't need to keep that a secret, I don't even make any effort tuning the transmission. MadMax86 (Pekka) has teached me a way of tuning the transmission that I now use on all cars. Though I have no idea if the results are any different than with the normal tranny trick.:P

First put the final gear to 3.100, then put max speed all the way to the left and adjust as following:
1st gear: 3.628
2nd gear: 2.570
3rd gear: 2.000
4th gear: 1.630
5th gear: 1.364
Final gear: 2.000
Max speed: 240 km/h
Some people say they have more grip on the first lap, some people say they have less grip.. I don't believe in that, I think that's all just an illusion. With tyre wear and fuel depletion turned on it's a different matter of course.

Noize - I don't need to keep that a secret, I don't even make any effort tuning the transmission. MadMax86 (Pekka) has teached me a way of tuning the transmission that I now use on all cars. Though I have no idea if the results are any different than with the normal tranny trick.:P

First put the final gear to 3.100, then put max speed all the way to the left and adjust as following:
1st gear: 3.628
2nd gear: 2.570
3rd gear: 2.000
4th gear: 1.630
5th gear: 1.364
Final gear: 2.000
Max speed: 240 km/h

Well I am a bit flabbergasted here, used youre tranny, did 5 rounds in the valley, and was able to take 0.204 of my best laptime .... deuhhhhh
👍 That was actually the best way to take the hairpin after the T2 split Lefty. Tricky to nail it just right but a good gain if you did.

I just love watching you drive "V", your timeing is just so cool to watch. I have always been a little reserved trying to slide the cars around because if I did it on power up the ghost would just take off, but the stuff I'm playing w/ now is the D-stall trick. I'm not as smooth as you but the light bulb is starting to light up as I look for more speed. It seams that the gearing is the most important thing for me to hit those D-stall events and the speed has to be just right also so your just at the bottom of the power band for escape out. It truly is something that can be called "a trick" and makes driving fun. Great job to all the podium standerz and I'm looking forward to another Speedy production. :)
Some people say they have more grip on the first lap, some people say they have less grip.. I don't believe in that, I think that's all just an illusion. With tyre wear and fuel depletion turned on it's a different matter of course.

Noize - I don't need to keep that a secret, I don't even make any effort tuning the transmission. MadMax86 (Pekka) has teached me a way of tuning the transmission that I now use on all cars. Though I have no idea if the results are any different than with the normal tranny trick.:P

First put the final gear to 3.100, then put max speed all the way to the left and adjust as following:
1st gear: 3.628
2nd gear: 2.570
3rd gear: 2.000
4th gear: 1.630
5th gear: 1.364
Final gear: 2.000
Max speed: 240 km/h

Thanks for posting that Wes 👍 I've always tried to get powerful race cars to have the final gear as close as possible to the left, and wound up with a 2.08x or somethign with this car. Is that the same thing you were shooting for here?

@ Al - The cold tires in hotlaps always seemed to be more of a psychological thing IMO. Almost all of my submitted laps have always been a lap 1 or 2.
We did try a few tests when 3D3 started (we were always looking for any advantage, and or 'myth', and as you know by now we get pretty into testing....well, everything - and yes I'm a huge Mythbusters fan :D).
I'm very interested in what others think on the topic, but I never let it influence my laps. As far as I'm concerned, the tires are always exactly the same in TT's.
Of course, I seem to have developed a terrible habit of running most of my laps within 2 hours of the deadline which means a lot of re-starts so maybe I just don't care because I don't have the luxury of running an extra warm up lap :lol: Denial is a very powerful thing!
The cold tires in hotlaps....

I'm very interested in what others think on the topic.
I think there is a difference Marc and depending on the car/tyre/track combination this can work either way. I realise I'm not the fastest draw in the west but I am generally pretty sensitive to subtle changes in behaviour which is why I can generally get a good setup for a car.... anyway...

In most cases, a lap on cold tyres can feel as though the tyres bite better than when warmed up and indeed in alot of cases the 1st lap can prove to be the fastest lap once I have a good handle on a combo and I think its to do with the tyre heating/overheating algorithm. The tyres will have a pre-determined optimal operating temperature and every action and motion of the car will produce a heating element. Once tyres are at 'running temperature' although they have optimal grip at this point, everything you do - braking, cornering, accelerating - will put more heat in and it becomes much easier to overheat the tyres. Watch the tyre temp graphic on 'hot' and 'cold' laps - it is much harder to overheat the tyre on lap 1 because the tyre is still cold, the upshot of that is you can literally work the tyre harder because aggressive cornering, braking etc pushes the tyre into optimal temperature rather than overheating it.

As a general rule I have noted that the softer/stickier the tyre, the more sensitive it is to this phenomenon. So with comfort tyres or S1s, you may well reach an optimum level after a few laps, even as many as ten laps depending on the track and how powerful the car is (and whether or not is has downforce) but with racing tyres you may get the best out of them in the first two laps, or even just the first lap depending on your driving style.
I think all the top lap times for GTA 8-5 were done on the first lap. I read something Zocky wrote about it and he was of the belief about cold tires giving the best lap times.
Thanks for posting that Wes 👍 I've always tried to get powerful race cars to have the final gear as close as possible to the left, and wound up with a 2.08x or somethign with this car. Is that the same thing you were shooting for here?

@ Al - The cold tires in hotlaps always seemed to be more of a psychological thing IMO. Almost all of my submitted laps have always been a lap 1 or 2.
We did try a few tests when 3D3 started (we were always looking for any advantage, and or 'myth', and as you know by now we get pretty into testing....well, everything - and yes I'm a huge Mythbusters fan :D).
I'm very interested in what others think on the topic, but I never let it influence my laps. As far as I'm concerned, the tires are always exactly the same in TT's.
Of course, I seem to have developed a terrible habit of running most of my laps within 2 hours of the deadline which means a lot of re-starts so maybe I just don't care because I don't have the luxury of running an extra warm up lap :lol: Denial is a very powerful thing!

I would agree with Marc. My strategy is to run a few laps to get to know the track and then make bonzai runs for my best time. I nearly always submit with a lap 1 result. It seems to me that only racing softs benefit from heat. I start a run and if I don't like it by turn 1, I start it over. If I get to turn 2 ok and then don't like it, I'll start it over again. I'll do this, oh maybe a million times or so, completing maybe 10 or twelve laps total before I get to where I think I can submit. From there, I crank up the kamakazi bonzai car and just go for it one lap at a time. If I better my lap time, I'll stop and save the best lap and start again.

I like to save after a good lap because I have been burned before by turning a quicker but dirty lap and then loosing the clean one.

But I really don't think heat in the tires makes a big difference.

Oh, almost forgot:




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Wooooo! First division win! :D I half expected to get trounced in T3 again but it looks like I got it right for a change. Extremely happy and pleased with that. :)
A special congrats to GTP_Arianrhod who made the overall podium this week.
And a big cheer for Christina for taking her first D2 win in a very tricky combo. Looks like you nailed that 3rd sector after all. 👍
Congrats to Arianrhod on your first win and getting under 1'38.
Why, thank you Gentlemen. :P And I got on the big podium! Although to be fair that was only because Twissy dropped out for whatever reason. Unexpected surprise but I'll take it. :) I couldn't believe it when I got into the 1'37's. But look at Wes' time, its crackers! :crazy:
Congratulations Patricia Christina (:ouch:)
:lol: Where did that come from? Thank you anyway. :cheers:

Congratulations from me to Wes and Chris for lighting the way, Chris for the setup it looks like most of us used this week, everyone who got a podium, everyone who beat their handicap, the race admins for making it all possible, and indeed everyone who ran this week. A week to remember. 👍


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I found that the cold tires were a factor for me on this combo and many others. This is not always the case, there were combos that I preferred the cold tires and would restart constantly!

Just my thoughts. Al