GTP_WRS Week 93 : Official Results

  • Thread starter Vaxen


GTP Race Admin
United States
Sunnyvale, CA


:: GTP_Weekly Race Series ::


Week 93 (Official): Charming a Lady in Monaco


Time Trial in Arcade Mode


Lotus Elise 111R '04


Cote d'Azur

Steward's Comments:

Nice job everyone!


OLR Team.

Important notices:
To streamline the WRS administration process, all required replays for this race must be submitted within 7 days. This thread will be listed as "Provisional" and will become "Official" once all posted replays have been verified. After 7 days, all drivers who fail to provide a requested replay will have their lap disqualified. (Beware: disqualification isn't taken lightly within the WRS.)
Drivers who do not have a submitted lap posted in the results are not to post any information related to a laptime they might have achieved in the results thread. Any such posts will have the times removed.

Replay Verification Requests:
This week we would like to see replays for all indicated results. All replays are to be posted here.

Instructions on how to upload your replay can be found here -

Division 1:

1---1'44.853---GTP_w-g-e (Verified)

2---1'45.655---GTP_Mike_Peperni (Verified)

3---1'46.245---GTP_Grand_Prix (Verified)

Q---(Off track)---GTP_gmmatthew

Division 2:

1---1'45.984---GTP_ROCK3T (Verified)

2---1'46.169---GTPcats_pajamas (Verified)

3---1'46.646---GTP_Insatiable (Verified)

5---1'48.220---GTP_AtomicZombie (Verified)

Division 3:

1---1'45.911---GTP_Litchi (Verified)

2---1'47.897---GTP_Brinomial (Verified)

3---1'48.132---GTP_LeftyWright (Verified)


Division 4:

1---1'48.344---GTP_CargoRat (Verified)

2---1'48.407---GTP_Airsick (Verified)

3---1'48.742---GTP_RaceRyder (Verified)


Division 5:

1---1'53.378---GTP_zapphoid (Verified)


Overall Results:

1---1'44.853---GTP_w-g-e r=0.825 (d1/-0.423)

>> Division 1: Par: 1'45.028 Gold: 1'45.362 Silver: 1'45.755 Bronze: 1'46.208
2---1'45.655---GTP_Mike_Peperni r=1.582 (d1/0.317)
3---1'45.911---GTP_Litchi r=1.781 (d1/-1.220)
4---1'45.984---GTP_ROCK3T r=1.835 (d1/-0.860)
5---1'46.169---GTPcats_pajamas r=1.971 (d1/-0.295)

>> Division 2: Par: 1'46.209 Gold: 1'46.543 Silver: 1'46.936 Bronze: 1'47.389
6---1'46.245---GTP_Grand_Prix r=2.036 (d2/0.082)
7---1'46.382---GTP_Worst_Driver r=2.173 (d2/0.022)
8---1'46.646---GTP_Insatiable r=2.421 (d2/0.198)
9---1'46.885---GTP_Carlos r=2.623 (d2/0.178)

>> Division 3: Par: 1'47.390 Gold: 1'47.724 Silver: 1'48.117 Bronze: 1'48.569
10--1'47.897---GTP_Brinomial r=3.480 (d3/-0.020)
11--1'48.132---GTP_LeftyWright r=3.678 (d3/0.202)
12--1'48.169---GTP_Allibubba99 r=3.705 (d3/-0.010)
13--1'48.220---GTP_AtomicZombie r=3.743 (d3/-0.387)
14--1'48.344---GTP_CargoRat r=3.834 (d3/-0.646)
15--1'48.407---GTP_Airsick r=3.881 (d3/-0.590)

>> Division 4: Par: 1'48.570 Gold: 1'48.904 Silver: 1'49.298 Bronze: 1'49.750
16--1'48.742---GTP_RaceRyder r=4.172 (d4/0.023)
17--1'49.722---GTP_GDS r=4.979 (d4/-0.058)

>> Division 5: Par: 1'49.751 Gold: 1'51.758 Silver: 1'54.119 Bronze: 1'56.835
18--1'50.458---GTP_Roamer2629 r=5.117 (d5/1.046)
19--1'51.126---GTP_DOUG r=5.228 (d5/0.512)
20--1'52.309---GTP_abrunet85 r=5.411 (d5/1.286)
21--1'53.378---GTP_zapphoid r=5.562 (d5/0.064)


Handicapped Results:


(Settings: Weight = 1.000 Squeeze = 1.610 Scoot = 0.198)

shows that the replay has been posted and verified.
shows that the submitted lap turned out to be dirty or doubtful.
shows that the replay has not been provided in due time.

Replay Checking:

  1. It is customary for all participants of the WRS to verify each others submitted replays
  2. Once you have checked the replay, post in this thread to say that you have checked it and whether it's clean, dirty or doesn't meet the required race specifications
  3. When verifying a replay, check against this weeks race specification, check that the tyres are the correct compound and that the power and weight is correct for example
  4. If you are unsure about a replay, always seek a second opinion before posting
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Congratulations to all podium finisher and divisions winner!

Awesome laptime Wes 👍
Oh man, good race. My T3 was crap again. Good Job everyone and congrats to the winners. My NTSC replay.


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Wow, Wes, I guess you really had your revenge on Monaco!

To be in D1 Gold and still be able to pull off a huge negative handicap like that... I take my hat off to you, sir :bowdown:

Congratulations to all podium finishers. Al, missed it by a hair! Very close battle in D4 👍
Fun week, congrats to everyone for completing fast and clean laps at this track. 👍 :lol: Learned a few things about driving on Monaco from this week's combo. 👍

Replay is NTSC.


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Here is my requested replay, I think it will test how close you can get to the outside wall going in to turn one and still not touch it. Good luck to any other close call gamblers :nervous: It's a good thing that the mirrors are a little stubby on this one :lol:


  • GTP_LeftyWright_WRS-WK93 NTSC
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Wow, certainly wasn't expecting that. I knew I had found some magic in the last sector, but I didn't think it was enough to overcome your last posted splits Airsick. Especially with your second sector time. You must have lost a ton of time in the last sector.

Great job to all other podium finishers aswell. Amazing times at the top. You top guys continue to amaze me and again, its an honor to compete with everyone here. Good times.
Awesome job guys!! and Stunning lap Wes

I had a edit: good lap but realized too late it was run under my non GTP tag.. then I had a buisness trip and wasnt able to re-run.

I certainly was never going to trouble Wes anyway!!

Awesome job Mike and well done on Bronze Rob 👍
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Nice run ROCK3T. I should have put more time in over the weekend, but I got a bit comfortable with my lead so I quit early. Not sure I would have been able to match your time anyway though.

Mike, sorry you had trouble with your lap, but the one you submitted is still very solid.

As usual Wes, your able to make everyone else look like we were driving with the e-brake on, amazing t3.

Replay will come later.
WOW Wes! :bowdown: Congrats to the rest of the field. ie: Humans!!!!

I just missed 2nd I mean 3rd in D3! Nice T3 Lefty!

Kind of sucks not having a chance at a division win but I guess that's the way it goes sometimes.


  • Brinomial WRS Week 93
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Congrats to all division winners and podium placers. Outstanding times from Wes, and also from Litchi with a DS3. Great battle in D4 as well between Mitch and Airsick (sorry I don’t know your name). As usual for me I struggled for seat time this week (although did manage more than you Matt). Lost some time out of the chicane and also thru Tabac, but overall was pleased with the lap, and my next best was over a tenth slower. The 0.3 that I believe I left on the track would probably have put me right on handicap.

My first d2 win and my first d1 time :D Must thank Mitch, the splits I put up before this man gave me the inspiration to go on would not have got me my first victory by less than a tenth :D
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Congratz to al podiums. Some close finishes here and there

But a special :bowdown: to Wes. Amazing
I have a bad feeling about this:

No Contact with walls or other objects. Any contact with walls, no matter how minor, will result in a DQ.

It appears that in the first corner, my right front wheel appears to go through the inside wall by a tiny amount. I'm shocked as I did not consider the possibility of contact there, there was no sound or loss of speed. I must have been too busy checking my close call at Mirabeau Haute (turn after the first split).

I've seen some of the result archives, and I've seen DQs given for wing mirrors going through walls, so I suspect I may get a red flag here. I would like to dearly apologise for this incident.

Here's the replay anyway:


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Congrats everyone. :cheers:

[B][U] Place  |  Driver PSN           |  Div  |   Split 1 |   Split 2 |   Split 3 |  ∆  |   Laptime |[/U][/B]
[COLOR=Blue]      1 |  GTP_w-g-e            | div 1 |    29.552 |    48.160 |    27.141 |     |  1'44.853 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      2 |  GTP_Mike_Peperni     | div 1 |    29.876 |    48.082 |    27.697 |     |  1'45.655 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]      3 |  GTP_Litchi           | div 3 |    29.877 |    48.360 |    27.674 |     |  1'45.911 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      4 |  GTP_ROCK3T           | div 2 |    29.902 |    48.507 |    27.575 |     |  1'45.984 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      5 |  GTPcats_pajamas      | div 2 |    29.994 |    48.441 |    27.734 |     |  1'46.169 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      6 |  GTP_Grand_Prix       | div 1 |    30.110 |    48.406 |    27.729 |     |  1'46.245 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      7 |  GTP_Worst_Driver     | div 1 |    29.986 |    48.580 |    27.816 |     |  1'46.382 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      8 |  GTP_gmmatthew        | div 1 |    30.085 |    48.714 |    27.842 |  +1 |  1'46.641 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      9 |  GTP_Insatiable       | div 2 |    30.278 |    48.463 |    27.905 |  -1 |  1'46.646 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     10 |  GTP_Carlos           | div 2 |    30.042 |    49.044 |    27.799 |     |  1'46.885 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     11 |  GTP_Brinomial        | div 3 |    30.383 |    48.910 |    28.604 |     |  1'47.897 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     12 |  GTP_LeftyWright      | div 3 |    30.547 |    49.581 |    28.004 |  +4 |  1'48.132 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     13 |  GTP_Allibubba99      | div 3 |    30.344 |    49.577 |    28.248 |  +1 |  1'48.169 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     14 |  GTP_AtomicZombie     | div 2 |    30.274 |    49.540 |    28.406 |  -2 |  1'48.220 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     15 |  GTP_CargoRat         | div 4 |    30.259 |    49.763 |    28.322 |     |  1'48.344 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     16 |  GTP_Airsick          | div 4 |    30.429 |    49.440 |    28.538 |  -3 |  1'48.407 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     17 |  GTP_RaceRyder        | div 4 |    30.407 |    50.176 |    28.159 |     |  1'48.742 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     18 |  GTP_GDS              | div 4 |    30.826 |    50.528 |    28.368 |  +1 |  1'49.722 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     19 |  GTP_Roamer2629       | div 3 |    30.716 |    50.463 |    29.279 |  -1 |  1'50.458 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     20 |  GTP_DOUG             | div 3 |    31.019 |    50.752 |    29.355 |     |  1'51.126 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     21 |  GTP_abrunet85        | div 4 |    31.562 |    50.984 |    29.763 |     |  1'52.309 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]     22 |  GTP_zapphoid         | div 5 |    32.276 |    51.444 |    29.658 |     |  1'53.378 |[/COLOR]

EDIT: Yes, gm matthew, that will have to be a DQ, but someone will need to check and confirm themselves as well.
Same thing happened to me back in Week 6, but luckily I caught it before submitting anything. ;)
EDIT: Yes, gm matthew, that will have to be a DQ, but someone will need to check and confirm themselves as well.
Same thing happened to me back in Week 6, but luckily I caught it before submitting anything. ;)

Fair enough. Pretty embarrassing to get a DQ in only my second week... :guilty:

On a brighter note:
My first d2 win and my first d1 time :D Must thank Mitch, the splits I put up before this man gave me the inspiration to go on would not have got me my first victory by less than a tenth :D

You are certainly welcome my friend. I'm not the fastest driver out there but if I can get others to reach their full potential and more, its a win for me, regardless of where I finish on the board. I love seeing people improve and reach their goals and beyond.

Congrats on your win, many more to come I'm sure.

Indeed, it's dirty in turn 1, sorry
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There appears to be some debate regarding my replay. The photo that I uploaded shows tyre contact with the wall (which I have checked and confirmed by viewing the replay again), whereas on the other hand Litchi insists that the turn is clean.

Hopefully an admin will soon clear this up.
There appears to be some debate regarding my replay. The photo that I uploaded shows tyre contact with the wall (which I have checked and confirmed by viewing the replay again), whereas on the other hand Litchi insists that the turn is clean.

Hopefully an admin will soon clear this up.

Just about to have a look 👍
There appears to be some debate regarding my replay. The photo that I uploaded shows tyre contact with the wall (which I have checked and confirmed by viewing the replay again), whereas on the other hand Litchi insists that the turn is clean.

Hopefully an admin will soon clear this up.

Yea sorry for the confusion guys, it looked clean 4 times in a row when i checked it. But Gravitron asked me to check a bit more and i finally found an angle where i was able to take a picture showing that it's dirty.


So sorry again Matthew. Thanks for your honesty and your sportsman 👍

I edited my post here
That's too bad Matthew, but you've handled it very well.
It's unfortunate, but these things do happen from time to time. Good Luck next week 👍
Yea sorry for the confusion guys, it looked clean 4 times in a row when i checked it. But Gravitron asked me to check a bit more and i finally found an angle where i was able to take a picture showing that it's dirty.

So sorry again Matthew. Thanks for your honesty and your sportsman 👍

I edited my post here

I had trouble reproducing it myself for a third time, so I guess that I was only touching the wall for a frame or two. In any case, it's been settled, I accept my DQ and vow to be more careful next time. Thanks, guys.