GTP_WRS Week 96 : Official Results

  • Thread starter Vaxen


GTP Race Admin
United States
Sunnyvale, CA


:: GTP_Weekly Race Series ::


Week 96 (Official): Christmas in Daytona


Time Trial in Arcade Mode


Chevrolet 2011 Dale Earnhardt Jr. #88 Impala


Road Course - Daytona

Steward's Comments:

Merry Christmas!


OLR Team.

Important notices:
To streamline the WRS administration process, all required replays for this race must be submitted within 7 days. This thread will be listed as "Provisional" and will become "Official" once all posted replays have been verified. After 7 days, all drivers who fail to provide a requested replay will have their lap disqualified. (Beware: disqualification isn't taken lightly within the WRS.)
Drivers who do not have a submitted lap posted in the results are not to post any information related to a laptime they might have achieved in the results thread. Any such posts will have the times removed.

Replay Verification Requests:
This week we would like to see replays for all indicated results. All replays are to be posted here.

Instructions on how to upload your replay can be found here -

Division 1:

1---1'40.407---GTP_Grand_Prix (Verified)

2---1'40.466---GTP_w-g-e (Verified)

3---1'41.146---GTP_gmmatthew (Verified)


Division 2:

1---1'41.002---GTP_gooners_17 (Verified)

2---1'41.012---GTP_ealirendur (Verified)

3---1'41.094---GTPcats_pajamas (Verified)


Division 3:

2---1'41.661---GTP_Mamba (Verified)

3---1'41.794---GTP_Racingworld (Verified)

Q---(Off track)---GTP_Litchi

Division 4:

1---1'42.776---GTP_Iddledoo (Verified)

2---1'42.944---GTP_RaceRyder (Verified)

3---1'44.213---GTP_GDS (Verified)

Division 5:

1---1'45.212---GTP_zapphoid (Verified)


Overall Results:

>> Division 1: Par: 1'40.142 Gold: 1'40.364 Silver: 1'40.626 Bronze: 1'40.927
1---1'40.407---GTP_Grand_Prix r=1.388 (d1/-0.587)
2---1'40.466---GTP_w-g-e r=1.463 (d1/0.328)

>> Division 2: Par: 1'40.928 Gold: 1'41.150 Silver: 1'41.411 Bronze: 1'41.712
3---1'41.002---GTP_gooners_17 r=2.111 (d2/-0.091)
4---1'41.012---GTP_ealirendur r=2.126 (d2/-0.681)
5---1'41.094---GTPcats_pajamas r=2.249 (d2/0.023)
6---1'41.146---GTP_gmmatthew r=2.327 (d2/0.226)
7---1'41.548---GTP_EDK r=2.818 (d2/0.095)
8---1'41.593---GTP_Worst_Driver r=2.868 (d2/0.698)
9---1'41.661---GTP_Mamba r=2.944 (d2/-0.427)

>> Division 3: Par: 1'41.713 Gold: 1'41.935 Silver: 1'42.197 Bronze: 1'42.498
10--1'41.794---GTP_Racingworld r=3.122 (d3/-0.726)
11--1'42.044---GTP_orsche r=3.472 (d3/0.432)
12--1'42.329---GTP_otxjto r=3.813 (d3/-0.022)

>> Division 4: Par: 1'42.499 Gold: 1'42.721 Silver: 1'42.982 Bronze: 1'43.283
13--1'42.533---GTP_Allibubba99 r=4.051 (d4/0.294)
14--1'42.776---GTP_Iddledoo r=4.404 (d4/-0.053)
15--1'42.944---GTP_RaceRyder r=4.618 (d4/0.323)

>> Division 5: Par: 1'43.284 Gold: 1'44.619 Silver: 1'46.190 Bronze: 1'47.996
16--1'44.213---GTP_GDS r=5.232 (d5/0.163)
17--1'45.212---GTP_zapphoid r=5.459 (d5/-0.077)


Handicapped Results:


(Settings: Weight = 1.000 Squeeze = 1.766 Scoot = -0.168)

shows that the replay has been posted and verified.
shows that the submitted lap turned out to be dirty or doubtful.
shows that the replay has not been provided in due time.

Replay Checking:

  1. It is customary for all participants of the WRS to verify each others submitted replays
  2. Once you have checked the replay, post in this thread to say that you have checked it and whether it's clean, dirty or doesn't meet the required race specifications
  3. When verifying a replay, check against this weeks race specification, check that the tyres are the correct compound and that the power and weight is correct for example
  4. If you are unsure about a replay, always seek a second opinion before posting
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Still can't believe I beat Wes, and it looks like I didn't lose much in bus stop either. :scared:

Congrats to all podium finishers! :cheers: Tough combo for sure, but a great one. :D Hope everyone had a good Christmas.

Replay is NTSC. 👍


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Congrats Ron and all other podium finishes.:cheers:

I'm still away from home so I can't post the replay but here is a video of my lap.

Somewhat expected to have a positive handicap from this event. I'm not so great with the road course and I knew that not getting to my own personal goal wasn't going to get me anywhere.

Congrats to winners and podium finishers.
Brilliant time Rob!! Well done mate! 👍 :cheers:

Very close between you and Wes :eek:
Congratulations to all podium finishers. Achieved my goal, got my negative handicap !!!
Now on to the Nurnburgring :)
Replay, I was never comfortable with this car


  • GTP_zapphoid WRS WK96
    301.9 KB · Views: 9
Congrats to Rob, Wes, and Mohit (blazing back sectors there!), Baron, and other podiums and submitters.

Special thanks to Vaxen for putting this up in the silly season 👍

Do the Bus Stop. It never fails to amuse:

[B][U] Place  |  Driver PSN           |  Div  |   Split 1 |   Split 2 |   Split 3 |   Split 4 |  ∆  |   Laptime |[/U][/B]
[COLOR=Blue]      1 |  GTP_Grand_Prix       | div 1 |    28.009 |    24.113 |    13.398 |    34.887 |     |  1'40.407 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      2 |  GTP_w-g-e            | div 1 |    28.099 |    24.066 |    13.424 |    34.877 |     |  1'40.466 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      3 |  GTP_gooners_17       | div 2 |    28.427 |    24.135 |    13.365 |    35.075 |  +2 |  1'41.002 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      4 |  GTP_ealirendur       | div 2 |    28.205 |    24.064 |    13.487 |    35.256 |  -1 |  1'41.012 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      5 |  GTPcats_pajamas      | div 2 |    28.129 |    24.265 |    13.460 |    35.240 |  -1 |  1'41.094 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      6 |  GTP_gmmatthew        | div 1 |    28.491 |    24.158 |    13.375 |    35.122 |     |  1'41.146 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]      7 |  GTP_Litchi           | div 3 |    28.282 |    24.621 |    13.363 |    35.214 |  +2 |  1'41.480 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      8 |  GTP_EDK              | div 2 |    28.312 |    24.315 |    13.551 |    35.370 |     |  1'41.548 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      9 |  GTP_Worst_Driver     | div 1 |    28.572 |    24.141 |    13.381 |    35.499 |  -2 |  1'41.593 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     10 |  GTP_Mamba            | div 3 |    28.422 |    24.343 |    13.509 |    35.387 |     |  1'41.661 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     11 |  GTP_Racingworld      | div 3 |    28.325 |    24.448 |    13.514 |    35.507 |     |  1'41.794 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     12 |  GTP_orsche           | div 3 |    28.426 |    24.473 |    13.524 |    35.621 |     |  1'42.044 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     13 |  GTP_otxjto           | div 3 |    28.502 |    24.457 |    13.508 |    35.862 |     |  1'42.329 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     14 |  GTP_Allibubba99      | div 3 |    28.710 |    24.441 |    13.471 |    35.911 |  +1 |  1'42.533 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     15 |  GTP_Iddledoo         | div 4 |    28.686 |    24.388 |    13.501 |    36.201 |  -1 |  1'42.776 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     16 |  GTP_RaceRyder        | div 4 |    29.124 |    24.582 |    13.443 |    35.795 |     |  1'42.944 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     17 |  GTP_GDS              | div 4 |    29.134 |    24.919 |    13.515 |    36.645 |     |  1'44.213 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]     18 |  GTP_zapphoid         | div 5 |    29.232 |    24.900 |    13.520 |    37.560 |     |  1'45.212 |[/COLOR]

Nice combo!

I always enjoy this track for some reason; pretty pleased with the result for the time I put in (buuut .... .01 :drool:. Eh, I was expecting at least one of them to pass me). At least after utterly embarassing myself here in the Jag with DS3 way back when.

My PAL replay is attached. I apologize in advance. Here's the interesting bit:





Looking at the line on the replay also gave me confidence in it.

I should be able to review Zapphoid's later.


    291.6 KB · Views: 10
I mentioned setting a lap that would have put me third had I not barely scraped the wall - it was 1:30.876. Not only that, I had a couple of other laps set to achieve a 1:30.9xx but each time I messed up the bus stop. A podium spot would have been a real treat. Nevertheless, 6th place is not to be sniffed at.

Anyway, enough complaining, here's my replay:


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The rule counts for dirty laps, other faster laps as well.

Sorry, oversight on my part. I'll make sure not to do it again.

EDIT: Oh, so it turns out you're only not allowed if you haven't officially submitted a lap. :boggled: Never mind then.
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Times and tires correct, clean laps 👍
I never have figured out that bus stop.

Nice job Mohit, it's a good thing you were gone at the end of the week or you probably would have made me look silly.

Ren, also a very nice lap, you really seem to have gained a lot of speed in a short period of time.

I'll try to get my replay up tonight.
Awesome time Rob... right at the limit of what I thought was possible 👍

I submitted before leaving to visit family over Christmas and got a rejection message back... tried agin from my in laws but just couldn't get it to send... wouldn't have been good enough to challenge Rovb or Wes though... proper fast times :cheers:
Awesome time Rob... right at the limit of what I thought was possible 👍

I submitted before leaving to visit family over Christmas and got a rejection message back... tried agin from my in laws but just couldn't get it to send... wouldn't have been good enough to challenge Rovb or Wes though... proper fast times :cheers:
Shame Chris, your last submission was correct but 13 hours late.


Correct Matthew.
Shame Chris, your last submission was correct but 13 hours late.

:lol: Yeah... I was trying to submit off my brother-in-law's iPhone, couldn't remember when the dealine was or what day it was either (lost track with having a week off pre Xmas)... bit of an all round cock-up :D
Week 96 result submission. Correct replay.............


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Hi Guys,

Sorry for being late on posting my replay. Being away on holidays slighty complicates things. Anyway here it is.


  • GTP_Iddledoo Week 96 PAL
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GTP_gooners_17 replay:

I haven't watched it, so it will need to be verified 👍


  • GTP_gooners_17 Week
    291.5 KB · Views: 10
My PAL replays, congrats to all the winners and podiums :cheers:


    293.3 KB · Views: 8
Gayle, the replay you uploaded was for Al at Monza.


Clean and correct. Saw some different lines to try next time we're here.


Clean and correct.
Nice job, maybe a little too nice.

My replay, finally.


  • Week
    291.6 KB · Views: 11
Gayle, the replay you uploaded was for Al at Monza.


Clean and correct. Saw some different lines to try next time we're here.


Clean and correct.
Nice job, maybe a little too nice.

My replay, finally.
OK, thanks. I know what happened then. I'll submit the right one.
Here is my replay. Don't waste your time to check it, it's dirty at the entry of bus stop :(


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2---1'41.012---GTP_ealirendur (Replay Needed)

Great lap ren, nice bus stop too, I had a lap very close to that at t3 was on a 16.05 didnt want to be too tentative in the bus stop and went in too wide :banghead: still don't think I would have done a 41.0 even if I nailed it through there.

1---1'42.776---GTP_Iddledoo (Replay Needed)

Good lap a bit too tentative on turn one but given the car it wasn't too bad sector 2 was good but you lost a about 6-8 tenths in the bus stop at all and maybe a further tenth or so on the long straight by braking too much exiting the bus stop, i found lifting off instead of braking would have worked fine. Either way good clean lap. The track isn't the best to drive not too many reference points especially the bus stop so that was hard to nail.

3---1'41.094---GTPcats_pajamas (Replay Needed)

Great lap mate :cheers: I just couldn't get through the bus stop in the .6s too much, i think i did once or twice but that was with horrible t1-t3

3---1'44.213---GTP_GDS (Replay Needed)

Very Very Very safe lap here very clean too. I see you were braking and accelerating at the same time, not really good as it slows down the braking process a bit in my opinion, additionally your apex speeds were a bit low I think you were trying to stop the car from spinning out but you only need a very small amount of throttle, like 10% and thats at the end of the braking. Other than that the lines were good, just needed a tiny bit more risk 👍

1---1'41.480---GTP_Litchi (Replay Needed)

Yeah sorry mate very small section hard to spot if your following the car as it passes there so quickly good lap though, still think you would have beaten me had it been clean. You need to get a wheel sector 2 would have been much faster


Mines still not checked, feel free to dissect the lap and give me tips as always :cheers:
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Time and tires correct, bus stop entry OK 👍

Consider that back scratched :sly: Thanks for the check. Actually, my bus stop that was still a little tentative in terms of entry and exit speed; I had no lap close to it, and was running out of time, so I really, really didn't want to bin it again (had very similar splits which I promptly dumped in the bus stop before that).

Sadly, I'm very, very bad at tips unless I'm looking at stuff back to back. If I was better at replay analysis....

However, that turn one was a bit late (went long - I braked earlier and let it out slowly); going that wide over to the rumble/grass on the second last infield turn caused you problems linking up into the last one; very important turn. Bus stop looked pretty solid; I think you might have turned in for the exit a little soon. Best advice, watch aliens there, it's possible to keep more gas in (both in and out) with the right rhythm :dopey:

Time and tires correct, bus stop entry OK 👍

Consider that back scratched :sly: Thanks for the check. Actually, my bus stop that was still a little tentative in terms of entry and exit speed; I had no lap close to it, and was running out of time, so I really, really didn't want to bin it again (had very similar splits which I promptly dumped in the bus stop before that).

Sadly, I'm very, very bad at tips unless I'm looking at stuff back to back. If I was better at replay analysis....

However, that turn one was a bit late (went long - I braked earlier and let it out slowly); going that wide over to the rumble/grass on the second last infield turn caused you problems linking up into the last one; very important turn. Bus stop looked pretty solid; I think you might have turned in for the exit a little soon. Best advice, watch aliens there, it's possible to keep more gas in (both in and out) with the right rhythm :dopey:

Cheers yeah I had a turn one better than that a .291 that's the lap I blew at the bus stop this one just had a better bus stop and I didn't have time for another lap had to go for Christmas dinner so I let it be
Back from holiday travels just in time. Sorry for the delay. My Replay.

Again! My zip files folder is full and not allowing me to delete. I did delete the last one but still need room. Can anyone tell me how to clear up this mess!
Back from holiday travels just in time. Sorry for the delay. My Replay.

Again! My zip files folder is full and not allowing me to delete. I did delete the last one but still need room. Can anyone tell me how to clear up this mess!

Unfortunately you cannot delete the replays (attachments) in archived folders Dale.
I've deleted about 10 of your older replays so you have some more breathing room for now. I'll get rid of a few more in a bit 👍
Replay as requested. Wonder if anyone else is having this problem now. Is it because of the amount of GTP races with replay requested? I have been on podium 37 times.


  • RaceRyder Week 96 NTSC
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Replay as requested. Wonder if anyone else is having this problem now. Is it because of the amount of GTP races with replay requested? I have been on podium 37 times.

Bingo! Success has it's drawbacks :lol:
The problem has hit a few members, and when it does we just manually erase a few replays from the archived results.