GTP_WRS Week 131 : Official Results

  • Thread starter Vaxen


GTP Race Admin
United States
Sunnyvale, CA


:: GTP_Weekly Race Series ::


Week 131 (Official): El Matador Valiente


Time Trial in Arcade Mode


Opel Speedster '00


Circuito de Madrid / Reverse

Steward's Comments:

Nice job everyone!


OLR Team.

Important notices:
To streamline the WRS administration process, all required replays for this race must be submitted within 7 days. This thread will be listed as "Provisional" and will become "Official" once all posted replays have been verified. After 7 days, all drivers who fail to provide a requested replay will have their lap disqualified. (Beware: disqualification isn't taken lightly within the WRS.)
Drivers who do not have a submitted lap posted in the results are not to post any information related to a laptime they might have achieved in the results thread. Any such posts will have the times removed.

Replay Verification Requests:
This week we would like to see replays for all indicated results. All replays are to be posted here.

Instructions on how to upload your replay can be found here -

Division 1:

1---1'42.486---GTP_Sutuki (Verified)

2---1'42.666---GTP_PASM (Verified)

3---1'42.808---GTP_doodle-96 (Verified)


Division 2:

1---1'42.664---GTP_Caine (Verified)

2---1'43.195---GTP_Arianrhod (Verified)

3---1'43.275---GTP_Gravitron (Verified)

4---1'43.336---GTP_Carlos (Verified)


Division 3:

1---1'43.108---GTP_Wins (Verified)

2---1'44.281---GTP_AspecBob (Verified)

9---1'45.009---GTP_Sig (Verified)
13--1'45.759---GTP_luv2drive (Verified)

Q---(Replay not provided)---GTP_Racingworld

Division 4:

1---1'48.147---GTP_Grieco72 (Verified)

Division 5:

1---1'48.043---GTP_whiskyecho96 (Verified)


Overall Results:

>> Division 1: Par: 1'42.414 Gold: 1'42.651 Silver: 1'42.930 Bronze: 1'43.252
1---1'42.486---GTP_Sutuki r=1.101 (d1/-0.099)
2---1'42.664---GTP_Caine r=1.349 (d1/-0.840)
3---1'42.666---GTP_PASM r=1.351 (d1/-0.103)
4---1'42.808---GTP_doodle-96 r=1.521 (d1/-0.097)
5---1'42.815---GTP_escama1 r=1.529 (d1/0.319)
6---1'43.108---GTP_Wins r=1.851 (d1/-1.220)
7---1'43.146---GTP_FordMKIVJ5 r=1.890 (d1/-0.023)
8---1'43.195---GTP_Arianrhod r=1.941 (d1/-0.350)

>> Division 2: Par: 1'43.253 Gold: 1'43.490 Silver: 1'43.769 Bronze: 1'44.090
9---1'43.275---GTP_Gravitron r=2.031 (d2/-0.445)
10--1'43.336---GTP_Carlos r=2.117 (d2/-0.369)
11--1'43.521---GTP_viper84 r=2.370 (d2/0.230)
12--1'43.567---GTP_Anastasis14 r=2.425 (d2/0.226)

>> Division 3: Par: 1'44.091 Gold: 1'44.328 Silver: 1'44.608 Bronze: 1'44.929
13--1'44.281---GTP_AspecBob r=3.267 (d3/-0.326)
14--1'44.377---GTP_otxjto r=3.392 (d3/-0.107)
15--1'44.421---GTP_Airsick r=3.444 (d3/-0.168)
16--1'44.442---GTP_LeftyWright r=3.469 (d3/0.223)
17--1'44.593---GTP_Allibubba99 r=3.649 (d3/0.360)
18--1'44.681---GTP_the_wilco r=3.742 (d3/-0.123)
19--1'44.893---GTP_Eklmejlazy r=3.963 (d3/0.314)

>> Division 4: Par: 1'44.930 Gold: 1'45.167 Silver: 1'45.446 Bronze: 1'45.768
20--1'45.009---GTP_Sig r=4.111 (d4/0.317)
21--1'45.101---GTP_DigitalBaka r=4.241 (d4/0.558)
22--1'45.324---GTP_Vinal_monkey r=4.521 (d4/-0.021)
23--1'45.733---GTP_Roamer2629 r=4.964 (d4/0.132)
24--1'45.759---GTP_luv2drive r=4.991 (d4/1.520)

>> Division 5: Par: 1'45.769 Gold: 1'47.194 Silver: 1'48.871 Bronze: 1'50.799
25--1'46.167---GTP_WifeBeeter r=5.093 (d5/0.079)
26--1'48.043---GTP_whiskyecho96 r=5.502 (d5/0.202)
27--1'48.147---GTP_Grieco72 r=5.523 (d5/0.822)


Handicapped Results:


(Settings: Weight = 1.000 Squeeze = 1.867 Scoot = 0.154)

shows that the replay has been posted and verified.
shows that the submitted lap turned out to be dirty or doubtful.
shows that the replay has not been provided in due time.

Replay Checking:

  1. It is customary for all participants of the WRS to verify each others submitted replays
  2. Once you have checked the replay, post in this thread to say that you have checked it and whether it's clean, dirty or doesn't meet the required race specifications
  3. When verifying a replay, check against this weeks race specification, check that the tyres are the correct compound and that the power and weight is correct for example
  4. If you are unsure about a replay, always seek a second opinion before posting
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congratulations guys, some great times up and down the board!

here's my PAL replay


  • GTP_Caine - WRS Week 131 - PAL
    291.2 KB · Views: 11
Congrats guys. :cheers:

Pleased to have still put in a D1 time and beaten my handicap, but to be honest I've still got the dampener of that 1:42.985 I had to throw away- which I would have been far happier with. :ouch:
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Congrats to you Caine for the D2 win and *tight* 2nd place overall. 👍

Cheers to Sutuki for the fairly commanding win, and Bart for bump-drafting Caine into 2nd. :sly:

Nice to see Christina and Jon, both throwing threatening splits my way.
Some were better than others. :lol: They're all over the map. :ill:

Daniel, when you said you had a magic lap, I guess you were talking about T3. :eek:
Nice turnout in general in D3.

Brandon, crazy finish there with a DS3. 👍👍 I tested the combo with a DS3 and found catching the oversteer a bit easier than with the wheel...maybe you liked that part. :)

My replay is below, suffix 033, NTSC.


The T3 times:
[B][U] Place  |  Driver PSN           |  Div  |   Split 1 |   Split 2 |   Split 3 |  Δ  |   Laptime |[/U][/B]
[COLOR=Blue]      1 |  GTP_Sutuki           | div 1 |    39.307 |    35.363 |    27.816 |     |  1'42.486 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      2 |  GTP_Caine            | div 2 |    39.205 |    35.642 |    27.817 |  +1 |  1'42.664 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      3 |  GTP_PASM             | div 1 |    39.440 |    35.393 |    27.833 |  -1 |  1'42.666 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      4 |  GTP_doodle-96        | div 1 |    39.558 |    35.520 |    27.730 |  +1 |  1'42.808 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      5 |  GTP_escama1          | div 1 |    39.477 |    35.500 |    27.838 |  -1 |  1'42.815 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]      6 |  GTP_Wins             | div 3 |    39.417 |    35.759 |    27.932 |     |  1'43.108 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      7 |  GTP_FordMKIVJ5       | div 1 |    39.597 |    35.700 |    27.849 |     |  1'43.146 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      8 |  GTP_Arianrhod        | div 2 |    39.751 |    35.649 |    27.795 |  +2 |  1'43.195 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      9 |  GTP_Gravitron        | div 2 |    39.647 |    35.762 |    27.866 |  +2 |  1'43.275 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     10 |  GTP_Carlos           | div 2 |    39.492 |    35.863 |    27.981 |  -2 |  1'43.336 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     11 |  GTP_Racingworld      | div 3 |    39.672 |    35.704 |    27.978 |  -2 |  1'43.354 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     12 |  GTP_viper84          | div 2 |    39.704 |    35.810 |    28.007 |     |  1'43.521 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     13 |  GTP_Anastasis14      | div 2 |    39.643 |    35.924 |    28.000 |     |  1'43.567 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     14 |  GTP_AspecBob         | div 3 |    40.274 |    36.189 |    27.818 |  +2 |  1'44.281 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     15 |  GTP_otxjto           | div 3 |    40.132 |    36.225 |    28.020 |     |  1'44.377 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     16 |  GTP_Airsick          | div 3 |    40.152 |    36.131 |    28.138 |  -2 |  1'44.421 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     17 |  GTP_LeftyWright      | div 3 |    40.050 |    36.465 |    27.927 |     |  1'44.442 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     18 |  GTP_Allibubba99      | div 3 |    40.279 |    36.276 |    28.038 |  +1 |  1'44.593 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     19 |  GTP_the_wilco        | div 3 |    40.211 |    36.401 |    28.069 |  +1 |  1'44.681 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     20 |  GTP_Eklmejlazy       | div 3 |    40.470 |    36.073 |    28.350 |  -2 |  1'44.893 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     21 |  GTP_Sig              | div 3 |           |           |           |     |  1'45.009 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     22 |  GTP_DigitalBaka      | div 3 |    40.475 |    36.436 |    28.190 |  -1 |  1'45.101 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     23 |  GTP_Vinal_monkey     | div 3 |    40.347 |    36.911 |    28.066 |  -1 |  1'45.324 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     24 |  GTP_Roamer2629       | div 3 |    40.752 |    36.811 |    28.170 |     |  1'45.733 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     25 |  GTP_luv2drive        | div 3 |    40.834 |    36.575 |    28.350 |  -2 |  1'45.759 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     26 |  GTP_WifeBeeter       | div 3 |           |           |           |     |  1'46.167 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]     27 |  GTP_whiskyecho96     | div 5 |    41.760 |    37.240 |    29.043 |  -2 |  1'48.043 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     28 |  GTP_Grieco72         | div 4 |    41.319 |    38.223 |    28.605 |  -2 |  1'48.147 |[/COLOR]


    292.8 KB · Views: 13
Congratulations to all winners and podiums.
Not really happy with my +.202 handicap, but these type of cars are not really mine, difficult to handle for me.
Anyway, funny combo.


    303.7 KB · Views: 9
Congrats to all who achieved their goals and to the podium finishers.

@Brandon: One hell of a showing this week my friend. Epic lap. :bowdown:

@doodle: Very proud of you for taking the high road and submitting, even improving with a last minute run and manage to podium. I guess my little speech in the other thread put a fire under your butt. 👍 You may not like me or the things I say, but its all for a you can see. I hated to see you put the effort in and not submit just because you weren't happy with your time. My hats off to you for manning up and submitting your times. As I always say...NGU. :bowdown:
Nice to see Christina and Jon, both throwing threatening splits my way.
Some were better than others. :lol: They're all over the map. :ill:

Yes, yes I know... I knew I'd left 0.11 on the road and that most of that was in T3. I think 27.845 was my best through there after that but it wasn't attached to a great T1. Still, very happy to be running regularly again, and very pleased to have a negative handicap this week - can't remember when that last happened :lol: It's all good practice for the GT6 WRS qualifiers anyway :gtpflag:

Congrats everyone (even Lucas :sly:) for the laps. Outstanding job by Caine, Wins & Frank 👍

Replay to follow...
Tried my best but there was no way I could achieve a time faster than my submitted without ending up in the barrier.


  • GTP_Sig TT131
    297.2 KB · Views: 11
Congrats everyone!! As for me, still at the very bottom of my division, running the risk of demotion I guess...oh well, I'll want to race with you guys anyway, so my pride will take some more punches...
Wow. Finished with a Div 1 bronze time. Very pleased with that! Thanks for the honorable mention guys! I really wouldn't have gotten that time if it wasn't for Caine's guide and honestly, if Frank hadn't posted that fast lap I wouldnt have tried so hard once I got past Holty on the boards. When I was first running the track, I thought if I could just get around a I'd be okay with that. Blew it out of the water!

Lucas, this was definitely one of my favorite combos. I do like oversteering cars, but I kept oversteering out into the barrier of the first chicane until I changed my sensitivity to a 5. Then I tried 4, and that first batch of laps I beat my time by 3 tenths.

Mitch, thanks ol buddy. Shame you didn't show up this week. Would have loved to even the score ;)

I left about 3-4 tenths out there and on my last series of runs on the week I was up on my ghost a pretty good margain and blew it on the last double right of t2. Didn't have to try it anymore after that, but it was a great combo. Good work every body!

Here's my replay.


  • GTP_Wins - WRS Week 131 - NTSC
    292.1 KB · Views: 12
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A nice clean lap mate 👍 main thing I noticed was how early you were shifting, I don't think it made too much difference regarding lap time, so nothing to worry about.


Again, shifting quite early compared to me. Very close on the left at the first chicane, but I can't see you touching anywhere. I'm sure you were pushing but seemed a little cautious to me, for a few corners you would have been better to just lift rather than brake, something to maybe work on in the future 👍 other than that, a nice clean lap.


Sorry for double post :banghead:

Again, shifting quite early compared to me. Very close on the left at the first chicane, but I can't see you touching anywhere. I'm sure you were pushing but seemed a little cautious to me, for a few corners you would have been better to just lift rather than brake, something to maybe work on in the future 👍 other than that, a nice clean lap.

Thanks for the check. 👍

Scanned the replay closely for the first chicane, and found it okay.

Thanks for the tips as well :) Will try it, with a bit more stable car, should work for training.
Congrats everyone! This was a slippery little car this week. I learned alot of patience but still couldn't come up with a - handicap. Looking forward to the on-line race!!!!


P.S. only 4 TT's to go!!!!
Great result Ali and Tim. Congratulations to all submitters. Never in a million years I expected a negative handicap. Especially not after last week and the great performance of Tim and Wins.
Daniel, when you said you had a magic lap, I guess you were talking about T3. :eek:

Yeah! I beat you at something, for once :sly: Very glad to have that T3 comparable to those of the big boys (and Christina). I sort of knew it was pretty good, because it was almost impossible to reproduce... Maybe the trick was to not downshift to 1st, seemed to work better for me.

Congratulations to everybody who got on the podium, especially Wins and Frank (good one, Frank 👍) -- hopefully D3 will be rid of both of you soon... :P It was a close race for third place in our division, I'm quite happy with my performance especially since so many of us submitted.

Thank you Tim and Vaxen :cheers:

Here is my NTSC replay. I actually had a lap that was 0.02s faster, but it would not have been as easy to check as this one in one spot, so decided it was not worth bothering.


    295.2 KB · Views: 8

Nice and clean mate, no problems. You were a bit tighter through the chicane so could carry more speed, and then held it tighter into the roundabout and the long right at the start of sector 2. You also used 3rd where I used 4th for the fast left at the end of sector 1. Otherwise its hard to see where the time went...just seemed to be one of those cars that bled time for the slightest error. Great job Caine!

And here's my PAL replay... :cheers:


  • WRS131_GTP_Carlos
    292.9 KB · Views: 10

Smooth lap, Carlos, well done. 👍 Very nice T1, only the long left you could have cut a little bit more. The third turn in sector 2 you steered in a bit early, turn in later and you will be able to carry more speed. Also in T3 you could have used more rumble strip on the left while braking, since they are part of the track. Would have enabled you to be earlier on the throttle too 👍

replay added


    291.7 KB · Views: 12
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Nice and clean mate, no problems. You were a bit tighter through the chicane so could carry more speed, and then held it tighter into the roundabout and the long right at the start of sector 2. You also used 3rd where I used 4th for the fast left at the end of sector 1. Otherwise its hard to see where the time went...just seemed to be one of those cars that bled time for the slightest error. Great job Caine!

thanks for checking mate 👍

T1 for me was all about that chicane, it's where I seemed to gain the most time.
T2 was a bit of a let down really. Cost me the TT.

I think the main way to gain time here is focus on getting good drive off the corners.

Smooth lap, Carlos, well done. 👍 Very nice T1, only the long left you could have cut a little bit more. The third turn in sector 2 you steered in a bit early, turn in later and you will be able to carry more speed. Also in T3 you could have used more rumble strip on the left while braking, since they are part of the track. Would have enabled you to be earlier on the throttle too 👍

replay added

Thank you PASM, much appreciated 👍
Bart, is there any chance of you posting a video of your lap for those of us who don't have a PAL disc? :)
Here's the NTSC replay! Well done to all of you!


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