GTP_WRS Week 77: Official Results

  • Thread starter Vaxen


GTP Race Admin
United States
Sunnyvale, CA


:: GTP_Weekly Race Series ::


Week 77 (Official): The Little Nissan That Could


Time Trial in Arcade Mode


Nissan Zytek Z11SN Greaves Motorsport '13


Circuit de la Sarthe 2013

Steward's Comments:

Good job everyone!


OLR Team.

Important notices:
This thread will be listed as "Provisional" and will become "Official" once all posted replays have been verified.
Disqualification isn't taken lightly within the WRS.

Drivers who do not have a submitted lap posted in the results are not to post any information related to a laptime they might have achieved in the results thread. Any such posts will have the times removed.

Division 1:

1---3'40.402---DEPR (Verified)

2---3'40.445---GTP_Jammy (Verified)

3---3'40.585---GTP_Mamba (Verified)


Division 2:

1---3'41.200---GTP_Bambi (Verified)

2---3'42.293---gr8racrs (Verified)

Q---(No Replay)---GTP_Vipond

Division 3:

1---3'40.464---GTPdangerzone641 (Verified)

2---3'45.359-R-euclid58 (Verified)

3---3'45.913---kelrick85 (Verified)


Division 4:

1---3'50.653-R-SuperSquirrel51 (Verified)

2---3'50.864-R-pogledrip (Verified)


Overall Results:

>> Division 1: Par: 3'39.096 Gold: 3'39.844 Silver: 3'40.677 Bronze: 3'41.592
1---3'40.402---DEPR r=1.557 (d1/-0.206)
2---3'40.445---GTP_Jammy r=1.574 (d1/-0.313)

3---3'40.464---GTPdangerzone641 r=1.581 (d1/-1.035)
4---3'40.585---GTP_Mamba r=1.630 (d1/0.112)
5---3'40.809---GTP_Eternal r=1.715 (d1/0.250)
6---3'41.083---MeisterFetz r=1.815 (d1/0.092)
7---3'41.150---GTP_Gravitron r=1.839 (d1/0.009)

8---3'41.200---GTP_Bambi r=1.857 (d1/-0.612)

>> Division 2: Par: 3'41.593 Gold: 3'42.716 Silver: 3'43.964 Bronze: 3'45.337
9---3'41.926---GTP_Patrick1 r=2.099 (d2/0.252)
10--3'42.293---gr8racrs r=2.208 (d2/0.126)
11--3'43.129---GTP_Crispy74 r=2.444 (d2/0.232)
12--3'44.069---thematic604 r=2.692 (d2/-0.109)

>> Division 3: Par: 3'45.338 Gold: 3'46.836 Silver: 3'48.500 Bronze: 3'50.331
13--3'45.359-R-euclid58 r=3.005 (d3/-0.234)
14--3'45.456---monkeywall r=3.026 (d3/0.685)
15--3'45.913---kelrick85 r=3.128 (d3/-0.095)
16--3'46.127---GTP_GT916 r=3.176 (d3/-0.176)
17--3'46.170---GTP_Gadget6711 r=3.185 (d3/-0.031)

18--3'47.335---RacingOtaku86 r=3.433 (d3/0.593)
19--3'47.838---Yo-2099 r=3.534 (d3/0.093)

>> Division 4: Par: 3'50.332 Gold: 3'55.200 Silver: 4'00.610 Bronze: 4'06.561
20--3'50.653-R-SuperSquirrel51 r=4.022 (d4/0.000)
21--3'50.792---GTP_Steven r=4.031 (d4/0.209)
22--3'50.864-R-pogledrip r=4.036 (d4/0.253)

Q---(No Replay)---GTP_Vipond


Handicapped Results:






(Settings: Weight = 1.000 Squeeze = 2.223 Scoot = -0.120)

shows that the replay has been posted and verified.
shows that the submitted lap turned out to be dirty or doubtful.
shows that the replay has was found to be invalid.

Replay Checking:

  1. It is customary for all participants of the WRS to verify each others submitted replays
  2. Once you have checked the replay, post in this thread to say that you have checked it and whether it's clean, dirty or doesn't meet the required race specifications
  3. When verifying a replay, check against this weeks race specification, check that the tyres are the correct compound and that the power and weight is correct for example
  4. If you are unsure about a replay, always seek a second opinion before posting
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Why do I even try these TT's... Obviously, I'm still getting irked comparing my times to others.
Well how else are you going to get better? They may be frustrating but the more laps you the better you'll get. It won't be a one-week process it takes months but you'll get there. 👍

@GTRacer22 thanks man, but LMPs are like drugs to me. :lol: I'm mediocre at best in anything else.
I'll check D1's replays (DERP & Mamba)

Edit: I'll check Dangerzone & Bambi.
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Congrats to all podium finishers you all have no idea how frustrated I am that I forgot to submit
All replays I watched nobody did perfect lap. Everyone had some small mistake (or mistakes) - including myself. With perfect lap it could been 3'40.0 to anybody I checked. Well done all.
Congrats to the overall winner and all who hit their goal 👍 I sort of lost interest when i realized I had been too careful with the white lines on my first 2 sessions and never went back... sorry about the no show :embarrassed:

Cya all again soon in a future event 👍
@Gravitron said that the chikanes on mulsane diddent get redlaped they ware okay?

In case it's not obvious, the Mulsanne chicanes' boundaries are defined by the tarmac and rumbles - the white lines are meaningless there. As long as you can get through both without being red-lapped, you're good.
I don't like doing this, because I feel common sense should have told anyone that the curbs were the boundary there, but because the chicane boundaries were not specifically listed, and because of my comments about not red-lapping half-way through the week, we're going to have to allow it. We'll not make this mistake again.
Congrats @Kjeld Lund on the win. Congrats to other podiums, and everyone who reached their goal.

I'm glad to see that my second half was pretty decent after all.

Thanks to the admins for continuing to put these races together.:cheers: (Even though I'm a non-drinker.);)
I echo Baron's congrats 👍, and yeah, you had a great end of the lap! :cheers:

Online races tomorrow should be fun. :)

.Place..|..Driver PSN.......... |..Div..|.. Split 1 |.. Split 2 |.. Split 3 |.. Split 4 |.. Split 5 |.. Split 6 |....|.. Laptime |
......1 |..DEPR................ | div 1 |....32.716 |....36.984 |....30.166 |....25.234 |....31.550 |..1'03.752 |..+3 |..3'40.402 |
......2 |..GTP_Jammy............| div 1 |....33.152 |....37.000 |....30.300 |....25.083 |....31.150 |..1'03.760 |..+3 |..3'40.445 |
......3 |..GTPdangerzone641.... | div 3 |....32.933 |....36.834 |....30.333 |....25.233 |....31.317 |..1'03.814 |.... |..3'40.464 |
......4 |..GTP_Mamba............| div 1 |....32.950 |....36.750 |....30.283 |....25.283 |....31.300 |..1'04.019 |..-3 |..3'40.585 |
......5 |..GTP_Eternal..........| div 1 |....32.950 |....37.183 |....30.350 |....25.200 |....31.350 |..1'03.776 |..+3 |..3'40.809 |
......6 |..MeisterFetz..........| div 1 |....32.850 |....37.017 |....30.466 |....25.384 |....31.333 |..1'04.033 |.... |..3'41.083 |
......7 |..GTP_Gravitron........| div 1 |....32.817 |....36.783 |....30.500 |....25.250 |....31.417 |..1'04.383 |.... |..3'41.150 |
......8 |..GTP_Bambi............| div 2 |....33.150 |....36.983 |....30.234 |....25.000 |....31.383 |..1'04.450 |..-2 |..3'41.200 |
......9 |..GTP_Vipond.......... | div 2 |....33.000 |....37.116 |....30.484 |....25.283 |....31.433 |..1'04.338 |..+2 |..3'41.654 |
.... 10 |..GTP_Patrick1........ | div 1 |....33.217 |....37.200 |....30.250 |....25.283 |....31.333 |..1'04.643 |.... |..3'41.926 |
.... 11 |..gr8racrs............ | div 2 |....32.816 |....37.117 |....30.633 |....25.467 |....31.883 |..1'04.377 |..+1 |..3'42.293 |
.... 12 |..GTP_Crispy74........ | div 2 |....33.162 |....37.767 |....30.783 |....25.233 |....31.600 |..1'04.584 |..+1 |..3'43.129 |
.... 13 |..thematic604..........| div 2 |....33.317 |....37.533 |....30.500 |....25.617 |....31.650 |..1'05.452 |..+1 |..3'44.069 |
.... 14 |..euclid58............ | div 0 |....33.900 |....37.700 |....30.883 |....25.517 |....31.000 |..1'06.359 |..+1 |..3'45.359 |
.... 15 |..monkeywall.......... | div 2 |....33.784 |....37.733 |....30.700 |....25.567 |....31.716 |..1'05.956 |..+1 |..3'45.456 |
.... 16 |..kelrick85............| div 3 |....33.700 |....37.767 |....30.867 |....25.583 |....31.917 |..1'06.079 |..+3 |..3'45.913 |
.... 17 |..GTP_GT916............| div 3 |....34.123 |....37.733 |....30.867 |....25.566 |....31.700 |..1'06.138 |..+3 |..3'46.127 |
.... 18 |..GTP_Gadget6711...... | div 3 |....33.617 |....37.883 |....30.767 |....25.516 |....31.800 |..1'06.587 |.... |..3'46.170 |
.... 19 |..RacingOtaku86........| div 2 |.......... |.......... |.......... |.......... |.......... |......|.... |...... 3'47.335 |
.... 20 |..Yo-2099..............| div 3 |....33.784 |....37.683 |....31.083 |....25.817 |....32.100 |..1'07.371 |..+1 |..3'47.838 |
.... 21 |..SuperSquirrel51......| div 0 |....34.767 |....38.283 |....31.384 |....25.500 |....32.500 |..1'08.219 |..+1 |..3'50.653 |
.... 22 |..GTP_Steven.......... | div 3 |....34.550 |....38.333 |....31.300 |....26.067 |....32.633 |..1'07.909 |..+2 |..3'50.792 |
.... 23 |..pogledrip............| div 0 |....34.750 |....38.534 |....30.916 |....25.934 |....32.366 |..1'08.364 |.... |..3'50.864 |

Thanks guys. My very first win and i'm realy glad i diddent give up this one. The constant feeling that i could go faster and making mistakes somewhere on track. Destrying lap after lap i one turn, and finaly getting it right, and then bieng to slow somewhere else. The worst lap was a 1,39,997 i had to throw away by hitting one cone on the wery last chicance. Was ready to kill some one there. Was almost not ready to try this, when i stept on a pease of charcoal last weekend and it burned its way in to my foot and a trip to the hospital to fix it. I'm still walking on my toes not to stress it to much.

A big thanks to the Stewards, Admins and moderators for getting this big wheel to run perfect :cheers:
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Well done to the winners-some truly mind bogglingly fast times there 👍
And last place again,do I mind ? Not in the slightest,to run on a track I barely know and improve my times from first run to the end by over 15 seconds(I note down my fastest times/splits for comparison)makes me one happy bunny,although by the end I was absolutely sick of the sight of La Sarthe :lol: Its a pity the game doesn't record mileage for these events,as I reckon I would've been in the high hundreds,if not higher.
As for checking replays,i'd like to do my bit and check some,but as for the most part I didn't even know where I was on track,i'll leave that to someone with a bit more knowledge.
Cheers to the WRS team for another corker of an event :cheers:
Its a pity the game doesn't record mileage for these events,as I reckon I would've been in the high hundreds,if not higher.
That's right. But it's possible to get the distance of all your sessions by referring to the distance on the car. Ie. make a note of it before you start, then calculate after the last session or the session before doing something else with the car. And as far as I know, you still need to open the car settings before you exit arcade mode (be it race, tt or drift). It's a feature, not a bug.
(off-topic continued in the general thread)
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@Thematic The distance on the car was what I was referring to-On the Garage screen it was 52.8 miles before my first lap,and was still 52.8 at the end.

And as far as I know, you still need to open the car settings before you exit arcade mode (be it race, tt or drift). It's a feature, not a bug.

So,if i've got this right-I have to open the settings before I leave the event for the game to record my mileage ?
Another strange thing was my PP didn't drop,even though I drove well in excess of 200 miles-I thought this was as the game didn't consider Arcade mode as being part of the overall game,if you see what I mean.
Would anyone mind checking my replay? I'm going to try and verify the replays that haven't been gone over yet.
I'll check all the replays....

Edit: My replay has to check by someone else...
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GTP_Vipond - Dirty? 2nd last chicane - time 3'33. PD not red flag. Cone not fall :confused:

Circuit de la Sarthe 2013_3.jpg

Circuit de la Sarthe 2013_6.jpg
