GTP_WRS Week 144: Official Results

  • Thread starter Vaxen


GTP Race Admin
United States
Sunnyvale, CA


:: GTP_Weekly Race Series ::


Week 144 (Official): It Feels Like the First Time


Time Trial in Arcade Mode


Toyota Superautobacs Apex MR-S '00


Autumn Ring Reverse

Steward's Comments:

Updated to include thematic604 and mistersafeway


OLR Team.

Important notices:
This thread will be listed as "Provisional" and will become "Official" once all posted replays have been verified.
Disqualification isn't taken lightly within the WRS.

Drivers who do not have a submitted lap posted in the results are not to post any information related to a laptime they might have achieved in the results thread. Any such posts will have the times removed.

Division 1:

1---1'15.336---Mysteron71 (Verified)

2---1'15.541---mistersafeway (Verified)

3---1'15.883---J_Starscream (Verified)


Division 2:

1---1'16.906---thematic604 (Verified)

2---1'17.360---JamCar0ne (Verified)

3---1'17.525---danbojte (Verified)

Division 3:

1---1'16.612---Deux_Milles (Verified)

2---1'18.201-R-nolucktoday (Verified)


Overall Results:

>> Division 1: Par: 1'15.123 Gold: 1'15.475 Silver: 1'15.867 Bronze: 1'16.297
1---1'15.336---Mysteron71 r=1.202 (d1/-0.011)
2---1'15.541---mistersafeway r=1.389 (d1/0.032)
3---1'15.883---J_Starscream r=1.679 (d1/-0.044)
4---1'16.179---BenMillard r=1.909 (d1/-0.019)

>> Division 2: Par: 1'16.298 Gold: 1'16.827 Silver: 1'17.414 Bronze: 1'18.061
5---1'16.612---Deux_Milles r=2.198 (d2/-0.872)
6---1'16.906---thematic604 r=2.378 (d2/-0.022)
7---1'17.360---JamCar0ne r=2.636 (d2/0.021)
8---1'17.525---danbojte r=2.724 (d2/0.401)

>> Division 3: Par: 1'18.062 Gold: 1'18.767 Silver: 1'19.550 Bronze: 1'20.412
9---1'18.201-R-nolucktoday r=3.066 (d3/0.565)


Handicapped Results:



(Settings: Weight = 1.000 Squeeze = 2.588 Scoot = 0.122)

shows that the replay has been posted and verified.
shows that the submitted lap turned out to be dirty or doubtful.
shows that the replay has was found to be invalid.

Replay Checking:

  1. It is customary for all participants of the WRS to verify each others submitted replays
  2. Once you have checked the replay, post in this thread to say that you have checked it and whether it's clean, dirty or doesn't meet the required race specifications
  3. When verifying a replay, check against this weeks race specification, check that the tyres are the correct compound and that the power and weight is correct for example
  4. If you are unsure about a replay, always seek a second opinion before posting
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Good round guys and congrats to all who hit their target 👍 I reckon there's been a balls up somewhere due to the fetchy issue as I saw in the race thread that mistersafeway had submitted via mod help yet he is not in the finishing list? I expect the results to change when someone figures out who's in and who's not? here's the post I'm referring to..
Yeah, screw it, I'll add Gravitron and @MadMax to it now, hopefully one of them's available. Sorry for double post, just want anybody else having trouble to see this.

Looking forward to the real results :P 👍
Hope this saves others a bit of time:


EDIT: Uh-oh...using photo mode the lap I sent was dirty. Front left and both right tyres inside of kerb in the final right-left chicane. Couldn't see this tyre when driving in chase cam. Even when looking backwards in the replay, it's for such a short moment that I didn't realise.

It was only by freezing at exactly the right few frames and using Photo Mode that I saw 3 wheels are off track on the 2nd lap I sent in. Too late to unsubmit it now and my splits actually look good in the leaderboard.
Now I see my first lap I sent in, although 0.15 slower, mightstill have been better than 2.000 handicap. That is where I wanted to get back to after my previous WRS TT put me at about 2.400!

EDIT: Are laps still being added into the system? Will the WRS website be updated so our results history will be complete? All in good time, I'm sure. At least you have 1 less entry to work out now.
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??? only 7 people on the final list for the event in this thread , but when I look at the leaderboard I see 13 people on the list , and iam 1 off the people that isnt on the final list in here , weird ???

Edit. nevermind , I just read on the other thread what the problem is ....
??? only 7 people on the final list for the event in this thread , but when I look at the leaderboard I see 13 people on the list , and iam 1 off the people that isnt on the final list in here , weird ???

Edit. nevermind , I just read on the other thread what the problem is ....
Yeah I think there's still some times to put on the thread...
Edit. nevermind , I just read on the other thread what the problem is ....

Is there some private section where this is being discussed? I see nothing in the WRS section other than tumbleweed.. keep us in the loop please guys before the last few lose interest also 👍
Is there some private section where this is being discussed? I see nothing in the WRS section other than tumbleweed.. keep us in the loop please guys before the last few lose interest also 👍
@JoostBaksteen has been looking into Fetchy issues. Apologies, but it looks like there are still problems. We will announce here and/or the 145 thread when Fetchy is healthy again.

I have alerted @Vaxen that mistersafeway and hematic604 were accidentally left off the results above.

For 144, some of the replays are available from the leaderboard, if anyone has time to check them.
This should work, it was probably because the attachment in question was only available in a private conversation. I know I could have just invited people to it, but it seemed better to allow anybody to see it as per usual.


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Not sure whether this is the correct replay but it should be. I just thought I'd pop mine on for others to check. 👍


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