GTP_WRS Week 30 : Low Speed Car, High Speed Ring

  • Thread starter EDK


WRS Admin
United States
Boise, ID

GT7 Week 30 : Low Speed Car, High Speed Ring


Hotlap Event in Time Trial


Maserati Merak SS '80


High Speed Ring

:: Open to All GTPlanet Registry Members ::

:: Members are not obligated to take part ::

Overview (How Does This Work?):
  • You must be part of our registry to participate.
  • These are Time Trial Events, we have Online Races here.
  • Set the game up according to the event, car and track details below.
  • Save Your BEST LAP replay before exiting your session.
  • Be sure and run cleanly to the end of the first sector after setting your fast lap. If you exit right away, your time stamp may not show up in your replay.
  • Report your split times in here, so you can compare your pace to other racers, without revealing the full lap time. (Note: this is required if participating)
  • Our leaderboard shows how you stack up during the week, before the deadline.
  • Submit your lap via PM to our Fetchbot, before the event deadline.
  • On deadline day, we will publish the results in our leaderboard and in a thread in this section.
  • Identified replays will be checked by your fellow participants to be sure you meet the event regulations.

Race Details:
  • Mode: World Circuits > Time Trial
  • Track: High Speed Ring
  • Car Type: Garage Car
  • Make: Maserati
  • Model: Merak SS '80
  • Max Power HP: 216 HP (Stock)*
  • Weight: 3,131 lbs/1,420 kg (Stock)*
Driving Options:
  • Transmission: Auto or Manual
  • Tires: Comfort Medium (front and rear)
  • Driving Line, Cones, Markers: Optional
  • Traction Control | ASM | ABS: Optional
  • Brake Balance: Not Allowed
  • Countersteering Assist: Prohibited
  • Tuning: No Tuning Allowed: Power and weight are to be stock.
  • In-Race Multi-Function Display (MFD) Functions: Optional
  • Custom Wheels: Not Allowed
  • Custom Body Parts: Not Allowed
  • Paint and Racing #: Livery editor Allowed if available
Course Settings:
  • Time: Optional

Standard Clean OLR Rules (These Apply to ALL Events):
  • The event MUST be run using your registered PSN account.
  • The use of the clutch is strictly prohibited.
  • Use of the Handbrake is Prohibited.
  • No Contact with walls or other objects. Any contact with walls, no matter how minor, will result in a DQ.
  • At Least 2 Tires must be in contact with track at all times (See image below).
    • In situations where contact with the track is not possible because tires are airborne (above the ground), then the run is only legal if at least two tires in-line would have made contact with the track if the car were not airborne.
    • If track contact cannot be 100% determined, then consider it dirty.
  • Rumble/ripple strips are part of the track.
  • No contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible.
  • If you're not 100% sure that your lap is clean, then consider it dirty.
  • No hybrids.
  • No cheating of any kind,these are relaxed races and we are experienced racers, we know what times can be done,and we can read your mind. We will know.
  • Nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules.


Race Specifics (Rules for This Specific Event):
  • No contact with walls or any objects. I see you. Don't do it.

Steward's Comments:
Hi all, it's been a bit. I decided to drop in after the recent update, and found one of the new cars fun at an old favorite track. It's like it's 1980 all over again, we have severe inflation, gas/diesel shortages, and depressing global economic news. So let's embrace it, in all the BROWN of the '80 Maserati Merak. ;)

Saving Replays, Viewing sector times and Submissions:
  • You need to make sure you use the 'Save Best Lap Replay' (ghost replay), not the 'Save Replay' (See pic below).
  • Before saving your replay ensure that you continue running after completing your fast lap until at least the end of first sector. This will ensure you have a complete replay.
  • To view your best lap replay, go to 'My Library' and watch the replay from there using the 'Replays' option.
  • While viewing your Replay, enter the live timing screen to view your sector splits. You will need to do this after your car has passed the sector markers to see it listed.
  • Simply post the splits that are shown in the live timing screen, and our Fetchbot will parse them and add them together for your total sector time.
  • When saving your fastest lap replay please ensure that you watch the replay to the end and that it displays your full lap time. Any replays submitted that do not show the posted lap time will result in a DQ.
  • Remember - When you submit your time you're also declaring that your run is 100% clean. We request replays for the purpose of verifying to all those concerned that the drivers claim is correct, which in turn safeguards the integrity of the driver, and just as importantly, the WRS. The golden rule is to check your replay before submission. If youre still unsure, check it again, ask for a second opinion and if youre still undecided, run the lap again.

(Best Lap Replay Save)


Thread rules:

The following information cannot be discussed in this thread (they can, however, be discussed on Discord or via other private IM service.):
  • Total Lap Time.
  • Any information which can be used to infer your total lap time.
  • If you choose to Share your Best-Lap Replay via GT7 before the deadline,your full lap time will be considered to be shared publicly which contravenes our rules. Even if you've only shared with Friends.
The following information can be discussed in this thread :
  • The first 2 sectors: T1 and T2 times.
  • Any settings discussion.



All submissions must be sent by PM (Subject title: GTP_WRS Week 30 Submission ) to (WRSFetchbot):
  • Please submit your FULL LAP TIME in the following format on a single line:
  • You will get an automated response within 15min, letting you know whether your submission was accepted, or if you had an error.
  • ?For those of you who were used to submitting replays on GT6, you no longer have the ability to export the files.?
  • If you have an error, don't panic. Just review the instructions for submission and submit again. If you are having trouble and cannot figure it out, please post your question in the race thread.
  • Users can ask the bot for the current submitted time by sending a message with the Subject: "GTP_WRS Week ### Get Entry" and any text in the body.
  • Users can delete their submitted time by sending a message with the Subject: "GTP_WRS Week ### Remove Entry" and any text in the body.
  • If you want to submit multiple times in the week just reply to the conversation with your new time. Fetchy always uses the last submitted time as the final one.
  • The deadline is Monday, November 7th 2022 11:59pm GMT
  • If you are unsure of the deadline try this site.
Why Use GMT?:
GMT is World Time and the basis of every world time zone which sets the time of day and is at the centre of the time zone map. GMT sets current time or official time around the globe. Most time changes are measured by GMT. Although GMT has been replaced by atomic time (UTC) it is still widely regarded as the correct time for every international time zone.

Replay Checking:
  • Division winners and overperformers will be required to submit a replay via the GT7 Share function for verification AFTER Unofficial Results have been posted.
  • Participants will be expected to check each others' replays for cleanliness, for replays marked in the Results thread as (Replay Verify Required).
  • Video/Youtube/Twitch replays are not accepted as a form of verification.


Good luck,
:gtplanet: & The WRS team.
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Did go back and check everything cos that was a decent amount quicker than I was expecting but everything seems fine
PP 422.29
Wind was 2.7m/s South South West (7 O'Clock direction)
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A lot of my lost time was in the final corner of the lap, still working on that.
Is the green surface outside of the white lines part of the track or not? Couldn't see it specified but would rather make sure, even if I'm just being blind.
Is the green surface outside of the white lines part of the track or not? Couldn't see it specified but would rather make sure, even if I'm just being blind.
Just don't hit the walls or mow the lawn.

Although I'm not sure if there is room to drive with all 4 on that green stuff without hitting the wall.

Wind direction does seem crucial here, gained half a second between sessions and I can't claim much pace improvement... but this lap's T3 was so good I was a tenth ahead on the next lap before the first braking zone :scared:

There are places you can go 4 wheels on green tarmac with no wall contact, been using those regularly...
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There are places you can go 4 wheels on green tarmac with no wall contact, been using those regularly...
Which is fine, if possible.

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Quintuple post FTW.

Hi. I'm Kevin, and many of you may not know who I am.

I started WRSing back in 2007, and at the time it was the best online community I'd ever found. People were helpful, friendly, excited, and just interested in what they were doing.

Life takes on many turns, and I decided earlier this year, after being involved in WRS participation for the better part of 15 years, and organization for 14, that this had run it's course..........for me. I mainly moved onto iRacing, and for the most part, GT7 was not my thing anymore.

With the recent update, I found myself temporarily reinvigorated, but also both nostalgic and sad.

WRS means the world to me, I started racing in real life, and still do today, because of it.

For those reasons, I am giving a gift to some of you - and making a plea to all of you.

First, winning is not the most important thing. Your secret is not the most important piece of information on the planet. Helping your fellow racers is a badge of honor, not one of shame.

I am going to tell you, from my perspective, how to be fast this week. And if you beat me because I shared, I wil
l be happy.

  • Unfortunately, in all of Kaz's cruelty, the wind matters. Tail wind at 9ish o clock on the main straight means something. Just think arrow pointing dead left. Reload if you have to. And...........that's dumb. And it sucks.
  • Smooth is fast. I chose this combo for a reason - it might teach you something about being fast. Yeah, you think comfort tires suck. But they let you understand what the car is DOING.
  • High lines are fast lines. The first turn might be debatable, might not be. But for anything banked - last turn, turn 1, turn 2 - Try different lines. Try high, it's probably fast.
  • Upshift right at the top of the meter, it's about 84 MPH and 118 MPH.
    • If you're not in the US, and on KPH like the rest of the world.........use Google, it's your friend. ;)
  • Final turn is a lift only, high line, lift only for the amount of time you can get away with it - No more, no less. ;)
I am not the fastest guy here, and I may not be the most helpful. But I HATE seeing boring ass threads with cryptic splits and no helpfulness or community. We are better than this.

My plea to all of you: This is a fantastic community - keep it thriving. Help one another. Have FUN. Help one another. Share your secrets. Help one another. Make sure everyone knows how to be fast.

That's what this place is about - and it's the legacy of WRS.
Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the post. I've been doing this fewer weeks than you have years, so it is great to hear your views.

Sorry to hear you hate the boring threads. From my point of view I mostly don't feel it is my place to give advice given I'm certainly not the fastest. But if people are interested in my experiences then I am more than happy to help. As it is I've put my hand up to help with admin, particularly with the results part so that participants can see event outcomes more quickly and see the link from outcome to impact on driving rating. It may not be important to everyone but it is to me as a measure of progress and I suspect it may be to others too. I also suspect it would get more people to take part if results come out quicker and the link from event to rating was more clear.

Back to this week, I've gone in and out to try and get good wind, but best I could get get was NE (pointing to 8 o' clock) at 2.7 or 2.8.

  • I've been going high on the first and last corners, aiming to get back to the apex while minimising traction loss.
  • Turn 2 I've found braking earlier than you think is right helps getting through more smoothly. I brake just before the gap in the fence on the left.
  • Toughest part is the right left of turns 3 and 4; struggling to keep it smooth through there.
  • I shift up at even higher speed; 88 and 126 mph; around 6.5k rpm.
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Which is fine, if possible.
Well, I'm using those, but that's probably the result of my own wrongdoing or inability to do better/differently.
In turn 2 after first braking I often get launched way outside on the exit where is a part of green tarmac quite wide that allows no wall contact.
Second instance is after "the esses", right before tunnel entry when I overdo with slide/grip balance I find myself on the outside trying to get as much drive out of that corner as possible. I can do it more cleanly, but I'm slower doing that 🤷‍♂️

I've been paying attention to wind condition for some time, it has positives but also can slow you down when track has long enough backstraight when you get headwind. Wind seems to change when on different time of day.

What about time of day and track temperature? Does this affect grip and consequently laptime with any significane? Never experimented much with this.,

Can't share my shifting tricks as I'm on AT which is probably bad for me, but things happen fast enough for me on the track without thinking about upshifting and downshifting :scared:
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What about time of day and track temperature? Does this affect grip and consequently laptime
Time of day often does make a difference in my experience. Depending on the track, usually early morning or late afternoon is better than midday. I think a hotter track surface means lower grip. I also suspect that because lower temperatures mean denser air, that in turn means more oxygen to burn and therefore better performance (maybe there is a race engineer among us who can confirm this bit).

6.30-7.00 strong wind seems much faster, those splits are PB's but lost a lot sliding around in T3!
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Well, I'm using those, but that's probably the result of my own wrongdoing or inability to do better/differently.
In turn 2 after first braking I often get launched way outside on the exit where is a part of green tarmac quite wide that allows no wall contact.
Second instance is after "the esses", right before tunnel entry when I overdo with slide/grip balance I find myself on the outside trying to get as much drive out of that corner as possible. I can do it more cleanly, but I'm slower doing that 🤷‍♂️

I've been paying attention to wind condition for some time, it has positives but also can slow you down when track has long enough backstraight when you get headwind. Wind seems to change when on different time of day.

What about time of day and track temperature? Does this affect grip and consequently laptime with any significane? Never experimented much with this.,

Can't share my shifting tricks as I'm on AT which is probably bad for me, but things happen fast enough for me on the track without thinking about upshifting and downshifting :scared:
Yeah, I am in the green in the same places. I just didn't scrutinize my replays since I knew my intended boundary rules. ;)

I normally like to run with clear weather track conditions in the morning, my current splits were run at 4 am time of day, most of my sessions have been 7 am. There are theories about tire warm up, but I think any of that levels off after your warm up lap, IMO. If it makes a difference, it's not even close to the same as the wind.
Smooth is fast, especially on comfort or sport tires which I prefer as you can feel more about what the car is doing.

My tip is to run a few lap’s with the next step down in tire. This forces you to drive smooth (brake points, steering input, putting the power down). Then go back to the event tire and see how you do. Should be a tad quicker or least that is what happens with me.
I was gonna ask about the boundaries as I managed to keep things nice and reasonable except for one turn. I do concur that the high lines seem to favor the bold, especially on the final turn if you can manage to keep it right near the upper white line at about 100 mph.

As a side note, the Merak is simultaneously very pleasant to drive and also pretty sketchy to drive. I like me that kind of duality on some cars. That said, T2 and the S bend in the middle seem to be my weak spot in terms of getting speed out.


(thanks for poking me about this week's combo, EDK. I do like me a screwball like the Merak)
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