Did the AI just "brake test" me?PS4 

  • Thread starter RayBee27
Donnington Park. Door-handle to door-handle going through Coppice, I got a little wide in my 911. A bit of a "nudge" from me is just enough to push the Renault two wheels over the curb but with plenty of composure still. I give him room at the exit, yet it gives me the lead going down Starkeys. The Renault is well-connected and not far behind…

He out-brakes me going into the Foggarty esses. I give him plenty of room and courtesy considering my move back at Coppice. He does have the line here after all, being inside me at the corner.

Then, mid way through the esses, without warning, the back of the Renault lights up like a Christmas tree, red lights right in my face as he nearly parks it! Of course I have nowhere to go but right up the exhuast of the Renault, all the while wondering, "What was THAT about?"

Yes. This unfortunately their overall driving style, dive bomb on entry and break test on exit, with some exceptions.
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