F1 '24 - General DiscussionF1 24 

I don’t know if you can during the sessions themselves. But usually during the race replay you can toggle between yourself and the other drivers onboards and views to get the full screen view of their races and incidents.

Been playing the game for years but never seen any other way of seeing what the AI are doing during the live session, eg practice or quali, when watching them on track through the main screen when you’re in the garage.
Thank you for the quick reply. I was afraid of this

When I played PC2 I used the "monitor" feature to ride onboard with the AI during practice. It helped me immensely.

Because I'm a little cautious (and not highly skilled) I need to see what gear the AI is in and what does they carry and how they angle their cars for trickier sections of the track.

Darn, I really wish they would allow a full screen on board! If I'm the only one who's asking about it, I'm guessing they're not even thinking about it.

Thanks again
They could have done this while also including some cosmetic items could they not?

Thank you for the quick reply. I was afraid of this

When I played PC2 I used the "monitor" feature to ride onboard with the AI during practice. It helped me immensely.

Because I'm a little cautious (and not highly skilled) I need to see what gear the AI is in and what does they carry and how they angle their cars for trickier sections of the track.

Darn, I really wish they would allow a full screen on board! If I'm the only one who's asking about it, I'm guessing they're not even thinking about it.

Thanks again
Not to worry. Yeh I must admit I used to see out of curiosity what gears they were using for certain corners if it was a new track.

To be fair you’re better off watching some track guide videos on YouTube where they slow things down and you can see what gears they’re using on certain corners too. Think the same way you watch the AI cars through the small video window has been the same for years so doubt it’ll change anytime soon.
Jeddah was painful
I tried being risky with the strategy by starting on mediums and going onto the Softs (Opposite to the default), but it didn’t play out how I wanted it to
Also McLaren continues to suffer, Lando’s engine committed aliven’t after five laps and nearly took me out trying to get off the racing line
I would’ve rather he held his line and just gone straight on at the next corner
Think the same way you watch the AI cars through the small video window has been the same for years so doubt it’ll change anytime soon.
Darn, I really wish they would allow a full screen on board! If I'm the only one who's asking about it, I'm guessing they're not even thinking about it.
This is such an old feature that's been untouched in so many years it's likely the current team would be surprised if you pointed it out to them :lol:
I've been noticing a few false downshifts in the F1 car. I know you can get them occasionally if you try to downshift too fast in the F2 cars but I never noticed them in F1 22.

Also I've been goofing around in the solo series events and I noticed that my tech level is 109 and I'm racing tech levels of 160 or so. I'm still winning the challenges and I saw I had 44 items I had won but had not claimed (because I haven't been paying attention). So I just went in and installed all of them but that only raised my tech level to 121. Are there things that are more valuable to increase tech level than others?
I also just remembered that during the Jeddah race I ran out of fuel because the Renault power unit has no fuel efficiency upgrades :banghead:
I switched to unassisted race starts and still easily got past the first three cars to go into the lead. That really shouldn't happen. I also learned something. Even though I'm on auto pit stops, as I'm coming to my pit box, I can still hit the button to make the car turn in. I've just been letting the system do everything so I've been taking that late turn in penalty. This time I thought I would hit the button and sure enough I got an optimal pit stop out of it. It really paid off in the race as I got past Hamilton just as he crossed pit out. Without that extra second or so I have to drop in behind him.

Spa seems to be very bumpy in places. Especially in that last chicane.
I also learned something. Even though I'm on auto pit stops, as I'm coming to my pit box, I can still hit the button to make the car turn in. I've just been letting the system do everything so I've been taking that late turn in penalty. This time I thought I would hit the button and sure enough I got an optimal pit stop out of it.
I also realised this just yesterday in fact. That I have to press a button when the timer hits zero. Up until now I thought I was supposed to turn the wheel at the exact correct moment. :dunce:

I'm now in the slow process of figuring out the ideal AI for each track, realising how important my own track knowledge and ability is for getting it right. In Singapore for example I had a hard time keeping up with the top 3 drivers, because it's a technical track that demands high precision. While in Losail I easily outran them at the same AI level.
I also realised this just yesterday in fact. That I have to press a button when the timer hits zero. Up until now I thought I was supposed to turn the wheel at the exact correct moment. :dunce:

I'm now in the slow process of figuring out the ideal AI for each track, realising how important my own track knowledge and ability is for getting it right. In Singapore for example I had a hard time keeping up with the top 3 drivers, because it's a technical track that demands high precision. While in Losail I easily outran them at the same AI level.
I think the AI strength has been tweaked a little. I run with no car setups, strictly on defaults, no qualifying. So starting position was random. AI strength at 60. In F1 22 I still had to work pretty hard to try and win with one of the top four team cars. Most of the time I could win and if I got fastest lap it would only be a couple of tenths or so faster than anyone else. So I think that was the sweet spot for me.

Now with the same AI strength I can lose fastest lap by 1.5 seconds or more or I can still nab it by a few tenths. Or I can get absolutely smoked in a race and have no chance. I don't know if it's track dependent yet or not. But on the plus side I can have one of the best races ever in any generation of the game which is what I had last night when I found out about the pit stop thing.

Monza, 35%, I was in Russell's car starting 4th. Got that great start to grab the lead into turn 1. But it was a dogfight the rest of the race. Myself, Hamilton, and Verstappen changed the lead back and forth for 17 of the 19 laps. Something happened in the last two laps and they fell back by 2.5 seconds but positions 2-5 were only separated by 2 seconds or something like that. Hell of a race.

But back to pit stops, I think I might have to experiment with taking control of the car once it leaves the box. Because once you cross pit out it's 100% throttle all the way to the end of the blend line and at somewhere like Monza, it makes it hard to get the car stopped and make turn 1. I need to start braking a little further back but I don't have control of the car yet.
I run with no car setups, strictly on defaults, no qualifying. AI strength at 60.
Exactly the same for me, except I run full qualies. No assists except pit assist. I'm wondering if I should just set AI at 70 and forget it. Because I've read that for each 10 AI levels their lap times decrease by about 1 second. As long as I can have a chance at podium I'm fine. Need a bit of a challenge to get better.
But back to pit stops, I think I might have to experiment with taking control of the car once it leaves the box. Because once you cross pit out it's 100% throttle all the way to the end of the blend line and at somewhere like Monza, it makes it hard to get the car stopped and make turn 1. I need to start braking a little further back but I don't have control of the car yet.
This is also bothering me quite a bit. I think we should gain control the moment we cross the pit exit line. Pretty weird the way it is now. Maybe it's time to start practising pit stops.
Btw, is it possible to do what you say above, taking control once the car leaves the box? It thought pit assist was an all or nothing kind of thing?
Exactly the same for me, except I run full qualies. No assists except pit assist. I'm wondering if I should just set AI at 70 and forget it. Because I've read that for each 10 AI levels their lap times decrease by about 1 second. As long as I can have a chance at podium I'm fine. Need a bit of a challenge to get better.

This is also bothering me quite a bit. I think we should gain control the moment we cross the pit exit line. Pretty weird the way it is now. Maybe it's time to start practising pit stops.
Btw, is it possible to do what you say above, taking control once the car leaves the box? It thought pit assist was an all or nothing kind of thing?
For me it seems the gap gets bigger even with one point in AI strength. In F1 22 if I moved it from 60 to 61 the AI cars got about 2 seconds a lap quicker.

I think there is a setting called Pit Release Assist that you can turn on or off and it might be what we are talking about. But I don't know if that means your responsible for applying throttle to leave the pitbox and getting on the pit limiter or is it what we are wanting where once the car crosses pit out and is in the blend lane, we are in control of it. Next time I play I'm going to try it with the setting off to see what happens.

Pit assist handles the pitlane speed limiter on entry/exit.

Pit release assist means you need to hold/release the clutch and throttle during the stop itself (you don't steer).

The optimal time for an Immersive Pit Stop seems to be anything under half a second, so don't worry about getting 0.0. Just hit it at 0.5 and you're good.
Pit assist handles the pitlane speed limiter on entry/exit.

Pit release assist means you need to hold/release the clutch and throttle during the stop itself (you don't steer).

The optimal time for an Immersive Pit Stop seems to be anything under half a second, so don't worry about getting 0.0. Just hit it at 0.5 and you're good.
But with pit release assist off would you gain total control of the car once it crosses the pit out line and enters the blend lane?
But with pit release assist off would you gain total control of the car once it crosses the pit out line and enters the blend lane?
I can't remember if the pit exit is tied to Pit Assist or Pit Release Assist, worth trying out both.
But with pit release assist off would you gain total control of the car once it crosses the pit out line and enters the blend lane?
Yesterday I tried to turn both/all pit stop assists off. And to be honest I was a bit disappointed to find out that pit stops actually are semi-automated.
What happens with all assists off is:
  • You control the car up to the pit lane line (or pit entry line or whatever it's called) (you need to manually get the speed down to the pit speed limit and activate the pit limiter before crossing it). This means practising pit lane entry for all tracks.
  • After crossing the pit lane line the AI takes control of your car up until the point where you must press the button at the ideal turn-in point. The AI then turns the car into the box for you
  • You need to have the clutch pressed by the time they're finished changing tyres and then release it once they drop the car. As you move out of the box the AI then takes over again.
  • After the car crosses the pit lane (exit) line you then gain control over it again, so you need to fast deactivate the pit limiter and then you have full control.

I would have preferred a fully manual pit stop, because that's what I do in ACC and it's very satisfying to get it right.
But at least this way you can control the car yourself before the pit lane entry line and just after pit lane exit line, so the pit stops become more fun and rewarding IMO. And you don't get that annoying thing you talked about earlier where it's hard to get the car slowed down in time for turn 1. So I will have all these assists turned off from now on. :)

Here's an (not so good) illustration, right to left:

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I beat the time but the livery is not showing up under Customization. Where do you find it at?
You should get a popup right away after you finish the event with your normal F1 World rewards, and it should be in there.

If not, look for the yellow popup on the top right where you typically see unclaimed rewards in F1 World.

If you didn't get either, give the event another try.

As for finding the livery in Customisation, you should be able to just create a new livery and scroll through to find it as a pattern like any custom design. I've been using it since Wednesday:

Also, this Ranked race was pretty crazy, but I finished 4th 🙂
You should get a popup right away after you finish the event with your normal F1 World rewards, and it should be in there.

If not, look for the yellow popup on the top right where you typically see unclaimed rewards in F1 World.

If you didn't get either, give the event another try.

As for finding the livery in Customisation, you should be able to just create a new livery and scroll through to find it as a pattern like any custom design. I've been using it since Wednesday:

Also, this Ranked race was pretty crazy, but I finished 4th 🙂

Yeah I went to unclaimed rewards and didn't see it there that's why I wondered if they put it in the customization section but it wasn't there either. Once I got gold the event ended and I saw some sort of Xbox popup like you get on any other game but I can't remember what it said. I guess I was surprised by the event ending so suddenly I forgot to read it. But I'll check it again.
Yeah I went to unclaimed rewards and didn't see it there that's why I wondered if they put it in the customization section but it wasn't there either. Once I got gold the event ended and I saw some sort of Xbox popup like you get on any other game but I can't remember what it said. I guess I was surprised by the event ending so suddenly I forgot to read it. But I'll check it again.
help.ea.com may be your next bet if you still can't get it.
Yesterday I tried to turn both/all pit stop assists off. And to be honest I was a bit disappointed to find out that pit stops actually are semi-automated.
What happens with all assists off is:
  • You control the car up to the pit lane line (or pit entry line or whatever it's called) (you need to manually get the speed down to the pit speed limit and activate the pit limiter before crossing it). This means practising pit lane entry for all tracks.
  • After crossing the pit lane line the AI takes control of your car up until the point where you must press the button at the ideal turn-in point. The AI then turns the car into the box for you
  • You need to have the clutch pressed by the time they're finished changing tyres and then release it once they drop the car. As you move out of the box the AI then takes over again.
  • After the car crosses the pit lane (exit) line you then gain control over it again, so you need to fast deactivate the pit limiter and then you have full control.

I would have preferred a fully manual pit stop, because that's what I do in ACC and it's very satisfying to get it right.
But at least this way you can control the car yourself before the pit lane entry line and just after pit lane exit line, so the pit stops become more fun and rewarding IMO. And you don't get that annoying thing you talked about earlier where it's hard to get the car slowed down in time for turn 1. So I will have all these assists turned off from now on. :)

Here's an (not so good) illustration, right to left:

View attachment 1269385
Well at least now we know. Sounds like I need to practice to go full manual stops. So you have to map a pit limiter button or does something show up as already pre programmed? Because when I do a stop now it's the two interlocking square button that triggers the turn in but I didn't set it that way. I guess it's defaulted to that one.

Great job figuring all of this out :cheers:
On my PC I mapped the pit limiter to a button on my wheel. I don't know how it is on console.
Now that I'm going to be on PC I'm going to have to relearn which buttons are for what function. I was coming into the pits on my first PC race and the turn in button was 12 instead of the interlocking squares, "Which one is 12!!!!!" so I just had to do a long stop. Even looking at the chart for my wheel I'm still a little unsure which one is 12. I think "12" refers to the buttons function because on my chart it says button #10 is 12, huh? I need to see if Fanatec offers new button caps to correspond to PC functions.
Now that I'm going to be on PC I'm going to have to relearn which buttons are for what function. I was coming into the pits on my first PC race and the turn in button was 12 instead of the interlocking squares, "Which one is 12!!!!!" so I just had to do a long stop. Even looking at the chart for my wheel I'm still a little unsure which one is 12. I think "12" refers to the buttons function because on my chart it says button #10 is 12, huh? I need to see if Fanatec offers new button caps to correspond to PC functions.
I don't have 23 but the previous iterations had a button test function in the wheel menus which would show which buttons were what on your wheel and more importantly allow you to assign what buttons for the functions you want.
One thing I've noticed on PC is that when I'm driving the track looks dull and I can't make out brake markers because the numbers are a little fuzzy. Same goes for the information on the car's steering wheel. It doesn't look as clear as when I'm on Xbox. But once the race is over and you're in the paddock for celebrations etc., everything is crisp and clear (drivers uniforms, team personnel uniforms etc.)

I've tried fooling around with the graphics settings a little bit. I tried enabling HDR on my tv then turning it on in game but it didn't make any difference so I turned it back off.

Late last night I saw some other graphics settings to check so I'll try those this evening.

It might have been this way the whole time even on Xbox and I've just never paid that much attention to it. But I just got to noticing that I was having a hard time reading numbers and picking out brake markers and got to wondering if even a PC is supposed to struggle like that. I'm also going to try and watch some Youtube videos to see if those displays are like that.
You can double map some functions - I map pit limiter and drs to same button on my wheel
On the guide to my wheel it lists one of the joysticks as 11/12. I think that might indicate that moving the joystick to the left is for function 11 and to the right is function 12. That would make since because entering the ptilane I was supposed to be turning right into my pit box and 12 was on the bottom of the screen where the two interlocking squares were on Xbox. If that's correct then that will tell me what the rest of the buttons do.