Finally got 100% Gold in all License tests.

  • Thread starter Motominded
yeah, i liked the rossi leathers, but my usual riding outfit is the solid black leathers, black boots, black gloves, and a flat blck simpson helmet. throw him on a black R1, and the pictures turn out awesome!!!!!
Congrats, I started out the TT game today, it was covering in dust, and since i got a new PS2 slim just for the new MGS collection, I figured ill play the game :)
Got my first license, but not all gold haha
Tabocco liveries ain't gonna happen ;)


I know.....made me so mad in GT3 days when we couldn't have the F1 cars from Camel Malboro and the Williams Rothmans car.

Never could understand why they chose the car senna was killed in but that's another topic.

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