Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Begins 17 April

  • Thread starter Pfei
It just shows how much these guys were in the loop and dare I say it made favourites of by PD that they would be privy to this before us plebs. In an ideal world everyone would find out the same. I wonder what changes would have caused such a reaction.

And if they're going to stand aside, maybe my time has come. (Yeah right! :lol:)
Well, judging by the current vibe in the thread, maybe I should go with Ford. My Van does have the same motor as the 2018 Gr.3 Race car after all 😂
No need really.
It's the same letter, no one will notice...
I realise this is selfish of me to think, but as a GT2 pleb I hope the cause of the uproar is something to do with either the amount of live events or the qualification rules to said live events rather than the quality of the online race schedules.
They will probably reduce the number of live events and maybe do only 2 big ones - in summer and winter?
But that's already the case right now. In 2022 they still did the online points, tape-delay races (which were problematic from network side) and 2023 saw that cut altogether.
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That's exactly what they did last year. The Showdown in August in Amsterdam and then the finals in Barcelona in I can't remember which month.
Back end of November/start of December.

It's also what happened in 2022, with the Red Bull Hangar-7 Showdown and the Monaco Final.

I have heard some interesting things but as yet I don't really know what the Big Mad is about.
I'd assume all those guys (and gals) have to sign an NDA or something. Guessing the dam will break here shortly and the rest of us will find out what the hub-bub is all about. Regardless, doesn't sound good.
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I'd assume all those guys (and gals) have to sign an NDA or something.
There's a GTWS drivers' group on "a well-known, game-oriented, often-integrated chat application" which includes many drivers who've attended GTWS as competitors and some GTWS staff. Pretty much anything on there is under privilege, although as we see above, some players who haven't attended events as competitors and are in esports teams with other drivers who have are made privy to the information.

I have more of an idea now, but similarly under privilege (after all, who wants to talk to someone who's technically a journalist if you aren't covering your arse :lol: ). I'm largely not surprised by what I've heard, though I guess there's more specifics I'll learn when everyone else does!
I found a tweet from a non GTWS driver from France telling that they are reducing the number of spots to qualify to the live events, probably one driver per country now??🤔🤔🤔

Adding screenshot
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Six online rounds for each cup.
Four live events - Montreal, Prague, Tokyo, ??? for finals
Nations is back to one driver per country, manufacturers is still team based but is only a team race at the finals (each driver per team goes to one of the non-finals events).

Aside from the format changes, Montreal as a host is interesting given certain track content rumours...
So I can see now why the usual GTWSdrivers are not happy, basically only 12 players will attend live events and the world finals, so no more semi-finals rounds
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much to short. With work and a holiday coming I will likely only be able to do a few races. Wish we had a really long season again like a few years ago....

Especially too short as it looks like it’s the only proper season this year for most of us plebs. Likely just the usual 3 round exhibitions between the live events. Seriously wondering what’s the point in taking part.
6 rounds of online qualifiers is pretty disappointing.

I actually think the esports players get the better end of the deal here. The live final attendee numbers are very similar to 2022 finals numbers (obviously 2022 Nations had pre-qualifying too) - 12 people in Nations go to 4 events, 36 people in Manufacturers go to two events.
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So if I understood it correctly, we will have 12 online races for gtws (6 manu and 6 nations).

The top players after those 12 races will be selected.

What are the star players then? Are they already qualified? I'm confused about this part because the website already says which are the star players for 2024.