Just a Fanfic - Chapter 3 / Part 2 - Dream.

Very good story you have here. I respect it must be hard making a story written in English when it's not your first language which makes the story more impressive.

:lol: Thanks!

Yes, sometimes it is a bit complicated and i have to translate a word, or two...

By the way, i don't know... i try to keep my history a bit more real, some other histories here seems too easy, like, in the first very chapter there is already a pro driver racing hard and then right after, getting to date their love... i mean, we all know that life is not like that. :lol:
The race day has finally arrived, all the drivers are ready to race, though, a heavy rain is happening.

Bia: Right... let's do this.

Bianca now lines-up to the grid.


Drivers are going out, one by one... then it is Bianca's turn, light goes green, she floors the Evo.


Bia: " This car is fast, even under rain... on this wet gravel... "


Bia: Seems like this rain will stop soon.

Co-driver: 4 left, long, maybe jump.

Bia: " I think my co-driver doesn't like talking too much, also, i better concentrate. "

The rain stops.

Co-driver: 6 left, long.


Co-driver: 2 left, caution.

Bianca then follows the co-driver instructions and brakes for the tight nº2 corner.


Co-driver: 1km straight and finish.


The gravel stage is finished, Bianca has set the fastest time for the category she is in, as a result, she will start in last on the tarmac stage.

While the teams are setting the cars for the next stage, the rain backs.

Bia: Tarmac will be soaked if this rain doesn't stop soon...

After a few minutes, the tarmac stage is starting, and the rain doesn't stop.


Bia: This will be fun.

It is now Bianca's time to go, she is waiting for the green light.


Green lights appears, and she flies into the first corner.

Co-driver: 3 left, 3 right.


And the race goes on.


When again, suddenly, the rain stops.

Co-driver: 3 right, 600m straight.


Co-driver: 3 right, downhill, caution.


Co-driver: 2 left, 2 right 400m straight.


Bianca catches up the Citroën C4 that has started seconds ahead.


Co-driver: 3 left, 750m straight, finish.



And the race is done.

Co-driver: I think... we won.

Bia: Really?

Co-driver: I guess so, you did a very good job, very good driving. Congratulations.

Bia: Ah... thanks, though, it would not be possible without you.

Co-driver gets a bit shy.

Bia: Why that now, Paulo?

Paulo: Nothing...

Bia: Hahaha, well, thanks again, you are a very good co-driver. I maybe will need you more times.

Paulo: Whenever you need!

Bia: Right, so... let's go be sure if we really won.

Paulo: Ok...

The winners standings endded up like this:



Paulo then hugs Bianca... while she looks at him. Paulo then let her go.

Paulo: Sorry, i am sorry...

Bia: It is ok, just, unnexpected.

Bianca then continues on reading the standings.

Bia: Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Takanori raced in Super N1? Too bad 2 days ago, when he raced, i was doing the final tests on the Evo...

Paulo: Who is him? Your boyfriend?

Bia: Hahahaha, no, he has a girlfriend already... i guess.

Paulo: Hmmm... i see.

Bia: Well, we won, let's recieve the prize...

Paulo: Yes, we better go.

Bia: " I think with the money, i will be able to pay for the tuning on my Elise... wait Takanori, i still not forgetting our race. "

End of chapter 15

Since i will be able to play videogame regulary soon, i think it is about time to unpause this. This... aug, set, oct, nov... (Yes, i had to count that way) 4 months of pause, gave me quite a lot of ideas, yet not as many as i would like to have, but still.

Until 7th December, i still not being able to play, so, i will just keep the suspense high, by posting a few things. Stay tuned!
Heartbeats became faster, g-forces now start to be felt too, it feels like inside a vehicle.

Bianca open her eyes and starts thinking:

Bia: " What is going on? Where i am? Why everything is so blurry? I can't see anything! "

To be continued...
Bia: " Is this a car? Who is driving? Why is everything so damn BLURRY?? "

Bianca then looks to the driving seat and gets very pale and shocked.

To be continued...
Then, all of sudden Bianca wakes up.


Arisa: BLOODY HELL! You scared the hell out of me!

Bia: What? Where are we? What we doing? How...

Arisa interrupts Bianca.

Arisa: Have you forgot already? We are in a plane... going to Japan.

Bia: Why?

Arisa: Jesus christ... that dream really messed up your mind that much? It is about to start Matsuri! You wanted to learn Drift! Remember?

Bia: Ah! True! I also miss my little Lotus... since it stayed in Japan...

Arisa: Yes! Now, tell me your dream, you scared me, now you at least have to tell me.

Bia: Hmm... it was weird, at first, everything was black, all i could listen was my heart beat, then i felt like being inside a car, but not driving... then i had to make na enourmous effort to open my eyes, once i did... someone with a blurry face was driving... now it is blurry, but when i was dreaming it was so clear, all i could feel was a big shock to see that person.

Arisa: Ui ui ui... creepy.

Bia: Yeah... hey, what about that guy who you talked almost everyday thru internet?

Arisa: Ah! Him? He will be there in the Matsuri event.

Bia: You kidding me?? I really will have to hold candles for you both then?

Arisa: What?

Bia: I mean, when you have your date, i will go away because i do not want to be there, standing being ignored...

Arisa pushes Bianca

Arisa: No fool! Hahaha nothing is going to happen, just friendship, hahaha.

Bia: Suuuuuuuuuuuuure... hahaha.

Arisa: And Paulo?

Bia: Paulo who?

Arisa: Paulo, the co-driver, your love.

Bia: My love nothing! Pfff, from where did you took that idea?

Arisa: I saw you both hugging at the end of the rally! Hahaha

Bia: He hugged me! And was because He got carried away with his emotions...

Arisa: Obviously! That i know, He got carried away with his passion and love. Hahaha


Arisa: Wow, calm down, you don’t need to shout, hold your italian blood, and... why are your face red now? Hahaha

Bia: Shhhhhh... i won’t talk to you anymore.

Arisa then just look at Bianca and both laugh.


Bia: Finally... on ground. I dislike flying.

Arisa: Such a... let’s go home. Shall we?

Bia: Sure. But first, we Will go pick my Elise, it is parked in a parking lot near the airport. I have been paying for it stay there untill now.

Arisa: Ok.

Once they arrive the parking lot, Bianca notices a young guy crouched near the front right tire.

Bia: Hey, what you doing?

Young guy: Erm... ah... huh...

Bia: Say it!

Arisa: Bia! Take it easy, look.

Arisa points the câmera that the guy is carrying.

Arisa: He is probably a photographer!

Bia: Are you? Why don’t you say?

Arisa: I think He doesn’t know english. Let me speak japanese with him.

Arisa then speaks in japanese with the bloke. They both say farewell.

Bia: What did he say?

Arisa: He was just passing and saw your Elise, since it is not a common car here, he was just checking it better and said sorry because the inconvenience.

Bia: Well, we better get going.

Arisa: Yes... Bia, stand up, he did nothing to your car!

Bia: Sorry, just double checking.

Bianca and Arisa are inside the Lotus, on the way.




Bia: It is already night...

Arisa: Yes... i am tired, if your car was a bit more confortable...

Bia: Hey, my car is awesome! Road eater!

Bianca then kick the clutch and rev the engine and rushes off.


Arisa: Well, it sure does sound very nice... reminds me a Celica.

Bia: Well...

Arisa: Well...

Bia: Well... hahahaha

Arisa: Hahahaha, we are so idiot. Hahaha

Bia: Totally...

Then a loud noise is heard, the Elise does a little jump with the front end.


Arisa: What was that?

Bia: I... can’t... steer!



The Elise spins without control in the highway, hitting guardrails and a traffic vehicle before it stops.







End of chapter 16
Arisa: Are we alive? Bia?

Bia: I... am fine...

Arisa: What happened?

Bia: I spun... the car did not respond the steering wheel anymore. I think the wheel got broken... i could notice a lot of things, but i can’t think clearly now...

Arisa: Alright...

Arisa gets out of the car, Bianca follows her.

Bia: What a damage...

Arisa checks the guy inside the car that got hit in the accident and calls the rescue. Everything is fine, just a big mess.

In the following morning they went to the mechanic, to hear about the Elise status.



Bia: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

Arisa: How it is totaled?

Mechanic: It got the structure damaged... it is lost, impossible to fix.

Arisa: You know what caused it, at least?

Mechanic: For sure it was not a tire burst... i will check it better, ok?

Arisa: Yes, please do.

Then both leave the mechanic.

Bia: What do we do now? Matsuri is when? Tomorrow? I lost my car! I have to buy other today! I mean, now!


Arisa: No, matsuri is in one week, fool.

Bia: Really?

Arisa: Yes, really... we have time to buy a car. Besides, i think we better use the Silvia...

Bia: I will crash, you know, right?

Arisa: Yes, i do... that is why, one for learning, other for support.

Bia: I see...


Arisa: Bia, you don’t look so sad about the Elise...

Bia: Why should i?

Arisa: Because it was your car? Maybe?

Bia: Yes it was... but was just a car, after all.

Arisa: What you mean? You liked it.


Bia: I mean, Yes, i liked it because it was cute... but after all it was still just a machine to me. The only car i love, and not because it is a car, but because what it means to me is Cyan.

Arisa: Cyan?

Bia: Yes... my first car, my father bought it for me...

Arisa: Ah! The old 500?

Bia: Yes. That one.

Arisa: I got an Idea! Do you accept?

Bia: Depends, tell me first!

Arisa: No! That is boring. Do you accept?

Bia: Ok... what it could be anyways?

Arisa: I will buy your new car, and you will not know what it is! Untill the day i put the keys in your hands! Deal?

Bia: Oh my...

Arisa: Deal??

Bia: Ok, ok... but it has to be cute!

Arisa: Trust me! Hahaha


A few days later, a engine noise can be heard on the streets of Tokyo.

Arisa: " Bia can't imagine what i have bought as her car... "

" Bloody hell, this noise is awesome... this car is special... it sure is. "


Arisa then parks the car in front of the house.


Bianca then leaves the house, showing a face of someone who just woke up.

Bia: Why call me out so early in the morning.

Arisa: Because of this!

Bia: This what?

Arisa: This, your car!

Bia: Wait... what? That!?

Arisa: Yes.

Bia: ARE YOU KIDDING ME???????????????


End of chapter 17
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Again i am unable to play videogame for a while... but, here is what i am thinking of:

I am thinking about change the way i am writting this, i mean... the images are really that necessary? I noticed that they hold my writting many times because i don't have a correct image, or i need to take photos of what i am planning... so, i think i will write it like a book, no images... or images only when extremelly necessary.

Yay or nay? :lol:
I think it is time to close this "book" then. Next one will be a different way. Less images and less manga, more book-ish way.

End of Part 1
Arisa: BIANCA! Come on, we have to get it going!

Bia: Wait, i am comming...

Arisa: Get your keys.

Bia: No, i will not drive that car.

Arisa: Bianca! Since i bought it for you, it is there in the garage! You haven't drive it one single time!

Bia: Of course... i hate that ugly thing!

Arisa: Look, i will not argue with you now, i want to go... shall we?

Bia: Right... you are excited to go meet your internet boyfriend... i get it, let's go then.

Arisa: Right...

Both get in the S13 and hit the road.

Arisa: Now, since we are going and will take a while to arrive... tell me, why you dislike the Supra?

Bia: Arisa... you can't be serious that you like that car...

Arisa: Well, i do... i mean, i first bought it to troll you indeed, but when i drove it... it felt special, you should try drive it. Give it a chance...

Bia: Alright, i will think about it...

Arisa: To be honest... my first intention was buy a car that you could create an emotional bond with it... since you don't have that with any car.

Bia: Why is that important? Or... why should i?

Arisa: Because... i mean, look this S13... i love this car. It is mine, and i will never sell it. Unless i reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally have to. I understan the car, and the car understands me..

Bia: Nonsense.

Arisa: Shut up, it is hard to explain, it is just something you feel while driving. You as a racing driver should know.

Bia: I race because i like the speed, and i use my brain. Race with your heart is wrong, you will not make wise choices.

Arisa: DRIVE THE SUPRA! End of discussion.

Bia: Woah, look who is shouting now, sure is not the italian one. Hahahaha

Arisa: I think i am spending too much time with you...

As time pass by, they arrive the destination.

Arisa: Behold, Ebisu Matsuri!

Bia: What the...

Arisa parks the car near the race track where many drifters pass by drifting their missiles.

Arisa: Awesome, isn't it? Well, i will leave you for a while, i have someone to find...

Bia: Ok... i will watch for a while, don't take too long to come back.

Arisa: Ok...

Arisa then leaves Bianca there for a while and go meet the guy who she has been talking over the internet.

Arisa: Bunta?

Bunta: Arisa?

Arisa: Hey! It is me!

Bunta: Hey there, wow...

Arisa: What?

Bunta: You look better in person...

Arisa blushes.

Meanwhile, Bianca is watching the matsuri event, in particular a white Toyota Soarer 2.5 GT-T, then, by her surprise, the Soarer gets out of the track and parks right next to her, the drivers get out and removes his helmet.

Bia: Ma... Ma... MARCELLO???

Marcello smiles.

Bia: What the actual 🤬????

Marcello: Hahahaha chill out Bianca, it is just me.

Bia: I know, but what the hell are you doing here?

Marcello: Well, life bring me to here... to you.

Bia: Cut the non-sense.

Marcello: Alright, alright...

Bia: I should kill you, because past things, but strangelly i am glad to see you.

Marcello: I am glad to see you aswell, even though you changed your hair color, your face is unmistakable.

At this time, Arisa arrives back and Bunta is with her.

Arisa: Did i back in a wrong hour?

Marcello: Hahahaha

Bia: NO! No, i mean... no.

Arisa: So, Bianca's new friend...

Bia: Not new...

Arisa: So, Bianca's not new friend... i am Arisa and you are...

Marcello: Marcello...

Arisa: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo... Marcello? For real? Bianca told me about you...

Bianca slaps Arisa in her head.

Arisa: OI... ah, right, let me also do something... this is Bunta, the internet guy.

Bia: Hello.

Bunta waves.

Arisa: He's shy around people he doesn't know very well...

Marcello: We should go out to eat something... look... lunch time already.

Bia: True... so, who knows a good place to?

Bunta: I do...

Then they all go to the restaurant that Bunta knows.

Bia: Arisa... come to the bathroom with me...

Arisa: Ok...

They both head to the bathroom.

Bia: What the hell Marcello is doing here??

Arisa: Heck i know!?

Bia: Wasn't expecting to see him over here...


Marcello: Bunta... i think it will be easier than we thought.

Bunta: Probably man, probably... though...

Marcello: Though what? Bailing out already? You know what happens with who bail out...

Bunta: No... i mean...

Arisa and Bia come back, Bunta and Marcello quickly change the subject... an awkward feeling remains.


End of Chapter One / Part 2
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It is fine... :lol:

P.S. This way is much better... i have more freedom to write, without getting attached to photos and GT5 locations.
Dont forget you dont need to be attached to GT5 cars anymore too, you can also use my favorite make now: Porsche :P.
The Matsuri event at Ebisu is about to end, Arisa, Bianca, Bunta and Marcello have been drifting and talking the whole day...

Bia: Alright, i think it is time to back home...

Bunta: Yes, i am kinda tired too. Hahaha

Arisa: Reaaaaaaaally???

Bunta: Yes... i am sorry...

Marcello: Hey, we will sure meet again, what about... next Saturday?

Bia: Seems fine to me.

Arisa: Fine to me too.

Bunta: Alright! We better get going then!

They all say farewell and leave the track. Bianca then talks to Arisa, inside her S13.

Bia: Today was fun! I can't believe i have found Marcello here!

Arisa: Hahaha... you still likeing him?

Bia: No, of course not! Hell no... but well, he was... is... a good friend.

Arisa: I see...

Meanwhile, inside Bunta's white Mazda FC RX-7...

Marcello: Are you ok, Bunta?

Bunta: Yes... i am ok...

Marcello: Are you sure, man?

Bunta: Yes... just personal stuff.

Marcello: Alright then...

Bunta: And the white Soarer?

Marcello: Was just a missile i bought there, and there it will stay...

Bunta: Ah, i see... i thought you would keep it.

Marcello: Nah... my car is way better, and i don't need two.

Marcello looks a calendar in his phone and thinks: " - 6 days to Saturday... "

In the next morning, Bianca wakes up really soon, and goes down to the garage, and there is her silver Supra, besides the S13, that shows sings of a hard drifting day, scratches and bumper being hold by tapes.

Bianca then passes her hand over the Supra silhouette.

Bia: Why Arisa tells me to drive you, you ugly POS?

Hell... what i am doing? I am talking to a car... and you know what? I will drive you... today. I mean, now.

Bianca then rushes inside the house, grab the keys, get inside the Supra, and turns it on. The car roars... with an wild noise.

Bia: Well... not a bad noise...

Bianca then revs it a bit.

Bia: Indeed not a bad noise...

Bianca then leaves the garage, with her Supra... but the traffic is quite heavy at this time.

Bia: Hmmmmm... where i could drive it and feel what is so special about this car?

She then heads to out of the city and hits a more twisty road. As she floors the car, it does not respond.

Bia: What the hell? Come on, rush off!

Bianca then stop trying to floor it... and start thinking:

" - What just happened? I floored it, and nothing has happened, could it be turbo lag? "

She then throws it back to 3rd gear, the rpm goes over 6.500 and she floors it again, but, by her surprise... nothing happens again.


Bianca then heads home again.


Arisa: Huh? What? Wait, what?

Bia: That ugly Supra is broken! You could at least get me a car that works!

Arisa: But it does work!

Bia: Yes, only in traffic speeds...

Arisa: No... what? When i drove it was fine. Come with me, i will show you.

Bia: Here, take the keys, i won't drive it again.

Both get inside the Supra and hit the road again.

Arisa: Right, tell me what you have done... so far it is normal...

Bia: Throw 3rd gear, and floor it.

Arisa: Alright...

As Arisa downshifts and floors the car, the Supra kicks off using all of his 350hp.

Arisa: See?

Bia: Wait... what?? This is non-sense, when i did this, it kept it's own speed... like...

Arisa: I can't see why you dislike this car, it feels so special doing this sort of thing.

While Arisa drives the Supra, throwing it at corners in such considerable speeds, Bianca is thinking.

" - How is this possible... when i drive, it doesn't work, when she drives, it does! How? "


End of Chapter Two / Part 2
At the night, Bianca goes out once more to drive the Supra.

Bia: Alright... let's see if you work properlly now...

This time, the car did not even start the engine.

Bia: Whaaaaaaaaaaaa?

Bianca then gets out and opens the hood... strangelly, nothing apparently is wrong with the car. Seeing that, she tries to turn it on again and this time it works.

Bia: This is really strange...

Bianca drives off with the car.

Bia: Alright... time to test it again!

Bianca throws it back to 3rd gear once more time, rpm gets high, she hit the floor and again, nothing happens.

Bia: Gaaaaaaaaahhhh, this is frustrating! Show me your power!

The Supra then rushes off without being floored by Bianca... but in less than one second, it stops accelerating.

Bia: What the h... it just happened what i thought it did? If i keep pressing the pedal, it will eventually rushes off? Then Arisa trolled me once more by saying it is normal... of course... it all makes sense... she kept it floored for a while untill it rushes off... OF COURSE!

Bianca then starts to head home, when suddenly a group of street racers fly by her. The Supra, by itself, downshifts and rushes off like if it was following them.

Bia: Whaaaaaaaat the helll? This car is possessed! HELP MEEEE!!

Bianca then, without think, just starts to turn the steering wheel, in order to keep the car avoiding traffic, while the car accelerates by itself.

Bia: Is this a dream? What the hell is this? Is this like that movie? No... it can't be like the movie...

Bianca looks the gear knob, that is now moving by itself.

Bia: Also... it feels faster than when it was Arisa driving... i think... i should follow this racers untill this car stops... i am scared... really... wait... the brakes!

Bianca hit the brake pedal, it is not working.

Bia: Ok, i will die... if i will die, at least i will have some fun!

Bianca then gets in a racing position behind the steering wheel, and concentrates on the road.

Bia: Alright car, if this is what you want, we shall do it. If it is a dream, i will wake up anyways!


Bianca and the street racers are now doing over 280km/h.

Bia: Is this car ever stop accelerating?

The Supra then stops accelerating and Bianca notices that she is on control of the car again. In no time, she stomps on the brake pedal and the Supra brakes.

Bia: Good lord... it is over...

Bianca them parks the car, but, since she was really scared, it was right in middle of the road, and because of that, she listens a very loud tire noise coming from behind, she looks in the rear view mirror, a traffic vehicle, trying to avoid a collision.

Bia: 🤬!

The traffic can almost avoid it, causing just a small bump on the left corner of the rear bumper. Bianca wakes up and start thinking.

Bia: " - What the hell! Was i dreaming?

Well, seems like... but it felt... so real... and why do i feel like going to check the car? Well, i will do it anyways. "

Bianca then heads to the garage, and while passing through the kitchen, looks at the clock, which has stop working.

Bia: Pffffff

Once she reaches the garage and goes check the rear bumper, the car is indeed damaged. Bianca gets shocked.

Bia: ...

It... it... wa... was not... not a dream. HELP ME!!

Bianca then rushes inside the house, to wake Arisa up.


Arisa: hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm let me sleeeeep...


Arisa: What? Quit the nonsense girl...

Bia: No, i mean it, come see! I will drive!

Arisa: Alright... alright... going in a bit.

Shortly after...

Bia: Get inside, i will show you.

Bianca then turns the car on without a problem and drives off the garage.

Arisa: So?

Bia: Pay attention!

Bianca then downshifts to 3rd gear, the rpm gets high and she floors it, surprisingly the car actually rushes of this time, like it should and did when Arisa drove it.

Arisa: Yeah, right... so? Really Bianca, you wake me up for that? Worse than a little girl when gets a nightmare... jeez....

Bia: No, seriously! Listen...

Bianca then tells Arisa what happened about last night.

Arisa: I think you were just drunk.

Bia: Come on! It really did, i don't know why it is fine now... this piece of 🤬!

The Supra then locks the brakes.

Bia: What the hell?? See? It just did that by itself!

Arisa: Ha ha ha, not funny.

Bia: Seriously! You have to believe me! Look, we have to stop, this car is braking by itself, i have to floor it and it is not driving... look.

Arisa then looks at the pedals, and Bianca indeed have to floor the car in order to keep it at traffic speeds.

Arisa: I think your little joke jammed the brakes.

Bia: I did not joke about it.

Then Bianca pulls over and both check the brakes, which apparently are normal now.

Arisa: This is weird... brakes are normal...

Bia: Well, get in, let's back home.

Arisa: Alright...

They are now driving back to home, talking about normal things, many different subjects.

Bia: Listen, where did you bought this car?

Arisa: In a small shop, the owner of the shop told me this car was special... i thought it was a lie... but then i drove it, it felt really special to me.

Bia: Well, it is giving us a lot of problems, i am going to return it.

At this point, the Supra rushes off again.

Arisa: What? why this?

Arisa looks at Bianca, Bianca looks at Arisa and totally puts her legs out, in order to show that she is not hitting any pedal.

Arisa: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??????????


End of the Chapter 3 / Pt.2

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