"Merged your double post" message / feature is great

  • Thread starter 0x15e
United States
Austin, TX
I just did a double post. I hate doing those but it can be a real pain to manage forums on a mobile device so I figured "what's the hurt?"

So then I got the nastygram about merging my posts. :)

Here's the thing: That's an awesome feature. I've never used a forum that does that and it makes things really convenient on mobile devices. It can really suck to wrangle a forum site on a small iPhone.

I think it's good that you let users know when you do that (people can get confused), but I guess what I'm trying to say is maybe it doesn't have to be phrased as "you suck because double post," but more like "hey we did some housekeeping for you, this is what happened." Obviously not that wording but you get what I mean.

After all, it's really more of a feature than a punishment IMO.
I just did a double post. I hate doing those but it can be a real pain to manage forums on a mobile device so I figured "what's the hurt?"

So then I got the nastygram about merging my posts. :)

Here's the thing: That's an awesome feature. I've never used a forum that does that and it makes things really convenient on mobile devices. It can really suck to wrangle a forum site on a small iPhone.

I think it's good that you let users know when you do that (people can get confused), but I guess what I'm trying to say is maybe it doesn't have to be phrased as "you suck because double post," but more like "hey we did some housekeeping for you, this is what happened." Obviously not that wording but you get what I mean.

After all, it's really more of a feature than a punishment IMO.
There's no tone to the message but what you read into it. It's a notification of what you did wrong, and how not to do it wrong in future. The messages are designed to attract your attention (which appears to have worked in this case) so that you change what you're doing.

Moderators editing your posts for any reason isn't a feature, it's a correction to amend a user error. If moderators are continually having to edit one user's posts, it will change from a notification to a punishment; you're supposed to act on the notification, after all.

This site's functionality is no problem on mobile; it's a dynamic design so that all features simply map to smaller (or larger) devices. I regularly browse, post, and moderate on my phone. There is no technological limitation, although some very old devices no longer supported by the manufacturer itself with OS updates may struggle.

You should have no trouble using the edit and quote functions on GTPlanet on an iPhone of any size. I've posted additional information on how to use Edit/Quote/Multiquote on several occasions if you're having difficulty using them.
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Eh, alright. I wasn't complaining. I didn't think it was a person doing the changes; just the board noticing something and optimized it.

Sorry, will be more careful in the future I guess.
I wish there was a way the user could merge posts after the fact, or at least delete the second post. If it's there, I haven't found it yet.
Easiest way is to delete all content in the post and edit the message in the second post to acknowledge the error.

Something like:
"Double Post, please delete".

Otherwise, use the "Report" button to report your own post. In the reason section, write the same message "Double post, please delete". That way, moderators don't have to hunt or discover your post, and can action it when seen.