Mission 33 - Cadillac Cien at Infineon Raceway

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Cadillac Cien at Infineon Raceway...

Okay, this car is a handful. Its brakes are horrible considering it's a "supercar". It cannot turn AT ALL under braking. It's handling with acceleration is quite like the SLR's in Mission 34. You kind of have to coast thru the corners and then accelerate out. I've found the passing on this mission a little more difficult then more open tracks.
Once past the GTO this mission is a doddle , which is strange considering the heartbreak of the next one.​

There's this much road on the Buick , but the straight sees to that ;​

I was just indicating (read: showing off) that I was further down the road than you were.... :D

I actually left my braking a touch too late. I was veeeery close to tapping the back of him.
Humm... can you repeat in a comprehensible language please?So that we can understand something.
@ gt_masta ** Off topic **

I believe the correct translation would be the following:

Please do not speak badly of this Cien. I am a really bad GT4 Aspec driver and when I used it during certain races it has helped me to regain the lead. Without the Cien I’d probaly be worse off than I am now.:)

Or i am completely mistaken and ....

He has found a new Franchise called GT4 similar to 'McDon..ds' where you can suck on a new kind of smoothie / milkshake which prevents him from falling in to (golf) holes . Without that particular 'taste' he is lost.:)


Here's a map of the circuit for this mission, with the gears listed for each corner, and brake zones in yellow.

-Brake hard; the Cien doesn't stop on a dime.
-Drive a smooth line; the Cien doesn't exactly turn on a dime, either.

Disclaimer: This is how I drive the mission. I have a conservative, smooth driving style, so your braking tendencies may not match, but it should give you some idea of where to brake, and how much. Throttle-lifts are NOT shown, but it's not hard to figure out when you should lift. The time reference is for the NTSC version only.
Since I'm not allowed to badmouth the Cien, I'm not sure what else to say. I do like the Cien in general, but not this particular Cien. It's certainly good enough to destroy the competition, but just not all that much fun to drive. This particular Cien is a limp-wristed wanderer :yuck: . I'm not much for tip-toeing around curves or braking a mile before I need to stop:lol: .
So I guess the key to winning this race is to go slow enough to stay on the track but fast enough to catch the lead car. Make all your passing decisions long before you need them. The lead Buick isn't hard to catch. A very good beginner's race to learn car control.

Infineon is a track you can't possibly lose at because of so many shortcuts. All the races at this track leave the AI at a serious disadvantage for some reason. Maybe the uphill sections or the hairpin are hard for the AI to figure out.

This sample video shows a genteel sort of race for a genteel vehicle with no cheats involved (NTSC, DS2, MT):

Thanks Ozzy. I wouldn't doubt there's plenty of room for improvement, but I can't invest the time to get 0.5 seconds more. I'm just going from track to track to make the videos without any practice. I ran the Missions over a year ago, but having fun running them again.
That's a nice video SirBerra, although you went a little wide on the second hairpin right after you passed the Solstice coupe ;)

@ gt_masta ** Off topic **

I believe the correct translation would be the following:

Please do not speak badly of this Cien. I am a really bad GT4 Aspec driver and when I used it during certain races it has helped me to regain the lead. Without the Cien I’d probaly be worse off than I am now.:)

Or i am completely mistaken and ....

He has found a new Franchise called GT4 similar to 'McDon..ds' where you can suck on a new kind of smoothie / milkshake which prevents him from falling in to (golf) holes . Without that particular 'taste' he is lost.:)


Nicely done
Well, I just ran this one tonight, and the Cien truly sux0rs. This is my first attempt driving this car, and if it ain't fun to drive at Sears Point, it ain't never gonna be fun to drive. I passed by half a second, but clearly you could do much better with a car that would respond to some of your control inputs. And you have to keep it boiling pretty hard to get power out of it, too. It's not at all like I expected, given how many people seem to like it.

Then again, many people love the C5R, and it's an understeering pig to me, as proved by the other Sears Point mission.
I drove this mission ona force wheel and it seems t me the cien responds quite nicely especially when I squeeze the throttle and brake and downshift while gassing, seems to keep the grip better.
Jeez, i just did missions 22 thru 33...most of which are relatively easy. I'm dreading the final mission. :scared::nervous::ill:

So far, the hardest one was the Honda NSX JGTC chasing other Hondas at Suzuka....taht one took me a few tries.

...well, here goes! Mission 34!
*Another one bites the dust. And this is supposed to be a supercar? Jeez, it sucks. Cant stop, reminds me of the supertanker in 13
its just because of the setup for the test. Its actually quite a nice car if you take the time to tune it properly.
Maybe its because I took so long doing 13 that everything feels like an oiltanker. The GT in 32 felt like one as well. Just got 14,18, 26 and 34 to do. I haven't been playing as long as you guys, but I am enjoying so its fun. 26 is driving me nuts.
Ugh. I hate this test. The Cadillac can't handle worth a crap, and the brakes are good, but not good enough. Unlike the walkover of a mission the Subaru one was, this is just plain annoying. Oh well, I'll beat it eventually.
This car has the worst brakes ever! I tested it on the Test Course and when I went into the pits it flied past the pit crew because of it's ****** brakes LoL