My first GT video

  • Thread starter Pimento
uh-oh swift - he took your music :sly:

Looked pretty good for a first vid. I thought the drifts at SSR5 looked particularly good - good smoothness through the chicane, and an interesting camera angle.

A few quick tips, once you do decide to get right out of a drift, let off the throttle a little to curb the wheelspin. It looks a little unpolished to cook the tires in a straight line, which you did multiple times (I used to do this too ;) ). For instance, you should have let off at the end of the El Capitan clip that you started the video with.

On the other hand, there were a few drifts that I'd urge you to hold just a little longer. ie - 1:08 in, on AR, and again (though not as bad) at 2:15 & 2:23. This wasn't a major problem in the vid, I personally was just expecting the drift to continue on in these few cases.

thank you for the critics :P

i was just exploring video features, next time i'll worker harder on my drifts...

SSR5? i learned to drift there (but it could be better)... its perfect for beginners 'cause you can't leave the track
the other tracks i don't know so well i just made a quick laps...
Well done, some pretty drift was made, and like BL said, try to hold your drift much longer, and bonus points if you touch apex on the exit, :sly:

But in general, pretty good for a first video, i think your skill enough to begin linking stuff much bigger :)
looked excellent to me.. what is this, N2's?

what i recommend to you, is that you make it a Youtube here rather than a link, im surprised Swift didn't do anything about it.. Shame on you, :sly:

yeah anyway, try to do that with every vid you intend on posting.. i dont like having to open a new window each time. How to do it? there's a YOUTUBE sticky in this sub-forum

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