need a GT7 Car Reviews forum

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Title says it all. This place needs a car reviews forum. Would be soooo much help to people new to the game and also those trying to decide what cars to spend their credits on. Ideally the forum would have a sticky post outlining what stuff should ideally be covered in the review but some people won't have the inclination or ability to include every details so whatever feedback people can provide would be great. Look at the HSG Youtube channel for great video examples of what a car review should contain:
  • Car's drivability, speed, handling
  • Cost
  • what events it can be used in
  • whether it is a car that can be used to help earn more credits, and details
  • Value for money analysis and verdict
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Title says it all. This place needs a car reviews forum. Would be soooo much help to people new to the game and also those tryign to decide what cars to spend their credits on. Ideally the forum would have a sticky post outlining what stuff should ideally be covered in the review but some people won't have the inclination or ability to include every details so whatever feedback people can provide would be great. Look at the HSG Youtube channel for great video examples of what a car review should contain:
  • Car's drivability, speed, handling
  • Cost
  • what events it can be used in
  • whether it is a car that can be used to help earn more credits, and details
  • Value for money analysis and verdict
I would also strongly encourage listing the base statistics for the vehicles as well, or even screen shots of the base model. I say this for a couple of reasons: first, it would be nice to know this stuff before committing to buying the car, and second, if we ever want to reset the car to stock we’d have the stats for it.
I don't think a spreadsheet of stats would substitute for a review. It would be soooo good to be able to search a forum for a review and hear peoples' thoughts on a car before buying. I daresay there would be some contributors who would thrive on submitting such reviews.
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I don't think a spreadsheet of stats would substitute for a review. It would be soooo good to be able to search a forum for a review and hear peoples' thoughts on a car before buying. I daresay there would be some contributors who would thrive on submitting such reviews.
I absolutely would love driving reviews and insights into tuning, etc., based off of driving experiences. I also realize that we all have different driving styles, so one person’s awesome is another person’s sad. But just having some extra info before a purchase would help make a decision. Nobody would ever buy a car without test driving it and doing the research irl, but we’re stuck buying blind in the game which is frustrating. I’m thinking that just screen shots of the car’s tuning page with each review would be immensely helpful.

But I do t want to hijack your thread so I’ll let it go . . . 🤪
For reviews, yeah why not, post them here ;)
because if it’s successful it’ll be messy and unwieldy having hundreds of different cars in the same thread. Ideally there’d be opinions, counter opinions and discussions about the cars. Will be impossible to follow if all in same thread
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I know it's in bad taste, but I would like to plug a club of sorts I'm in, called Car of the Week, where we select a car on a weekly basis, race it, and then write reviews for it.

Unfortunately, due to the sad state of GT7 lobbies, we haven't made the jump to GT7 yet, but most of what I feel in a car in GTS carries over to GT7 as well. It might help you get a general idea of what a car can do and how it feels to drive before committing the credits to buying them.
In the spirit of the OP and for any new members, my go-to cars in the menus, when allowed, are:

Honda Civic ’98, tunes easily for 400-450pp, easy to drive, does not feel too FFy if that makes sense and wins everything in that range at a canter.

For 550-600pp races, Turbo and 4wd, the R33 Nissan is a joy to drive and with Priano’s tune, a winner everywhere. For some odd reason I never clicked with the R33, but the R34, again Priano’d up, is even better than the R32.

I now keep my R32 at 550pp and my R34 at 600pp with 2 different tunes, one heavy and powerful, one lighter with more aero.

The go to Porsche for me is the 997 which is great at 600pp basically stock, or at 650pp with a Praiano tune. It also can handle Racing Hard tires and win the 700pp races. I now have 3, one 600, one 650 and one 700.

If you like your Porsches, the Turbo is simply gorgeous to drive but not really a winner in most races compared to the 997. The 993 RS CS is awesome so grab one when it next appears. Mine set at 650pp is faster than the 997 at some tracks.
because if it’s successful it’ll be messy and unwieldy having hundreds of different cars in the same thread. Ideally there’d be opinions, counter opinions and discussions about the cars. Will be impossible to follow if all in same thread
You could create a top page like Praiano does for his tunes, and link to the individual reviews.
And the discussion and comments on each review?
If you look at his tunes page you’ll see he does a pretty good job of managing it, but there’s no way to compartmentalize each discussion unless you post a new thread for each review. I think his solution is workable for your review idea.
Completely different kettle of fish. They're all Praianos tunes and people don't really debate or have many differing opinions on them. Wouldn't work with car reviews all being in a single thread. And I don't have the time to manage and categorise them anyway. It just seems like an obvious thing for a community built around a car collecting game.
Completely different kettle of fish. They're all Praianos tunes and people don't really debate or have many differing opinions on them. Wouldn't work with car reviews all being in a single thread. And I don't have the time to manage and categorise them anyway. It just seems like an obvious thing for a community built around a car collecting game.
I see your point. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a way to do it other than a single post with comments (or alternate reviews) for every single car. I don’t see that happening. But maybe if you start something it’ll organize itself over time as you figure it out. Praiano is always changing his setups, so the thread changes a lot. But that does admittedly require a lot of time. You’d (or someone) have to become the self-appointed review guy to make it work.

For what it’s worth, incidentally, I think it’s a brilliant idea! 💡
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I don't think a spreadsheet of stats would substitute for a review. It would be soooo good to be able to search a forum for a review and hear peoples' thoughts on a car before buying. I daresay there would be some contributors who would thrive on submitting such reviews.
What I’m saying is to catalogue the review. You’re going to get many opinions on set ups( regardless of a Priano tune or someone else). Some people may prefer something different from someone else. Different positives and negatives. For someone to searching for specific cars. That what I mean.
I see your point. Unfortunately there does t seem to be a way to do it other than a single post with comments (or alternate reviews) for every single car. I don’t see that happening. But maybe if you start something it’ll organize itself over time as you figure it out. Praiano is always changing his setups, so the thread changes a lot. But that does admittedly require a lot of time. You’d (or someone) have to become the self-appointed review guy to make it work.

For what it’s worth, incidentally, I think it’s a brilliant idea! 💡
There is an easy way to do it. I envisaged adding another sub-forum "GT 7 Car Reviews" so sit alongside these other 4 sub-forums.

gt7 car reviews.JPG
They should make an entire sub-forum just so you can create 427 topics?
Add at least 50 reviews/set ups/categories/races for each car. Would need spoilers galore or a spreadsheet or folders. Some kind of quick search per car. Could get messy.
Anyway, it would probably be like the Master Car list/Track list/Event list combined.
They should make an entire sub-forum just so you can create 427 topics?
Yes they should make a sub forum. Not for me. For the community. It'd mainly be used for the LCD and UCD cars. Unlikely to be all 427 cars. Its just an idea and to me it seems like something obvious. As someone who has searched these forums for reviews on cars, its not a simple task and I normally give up and go elsewhere to try to find reviews because the information is so scattered and random.

Add at least 50 reviews/set ups/categories/races for each car. Would need spoilers galore or a spreadsheet or folders. Some kind of quick search per car. Could get messy.
50?! If we got anything more than 2-3 reviews per car, I'd class it as a huge success. Go to Youtube or Google and see how few reviews one can find over the entire internet. Maybe 10 in total for a popular car like an F40.

Quick search per car? Each car would have its own thread and the forum already facilitates searching a specific thread. Sorted.

Spoilers galore, spreadsheets, folders? I honestly have no idea what you mean.
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Yes they should make a sub forum. Not for me. For the community. It'd mainly be used for the LCD and UCD cars. Unlikely to be all 427 cars. Its just an idea and to me it seems like something obvious. As someone who has searched these forums for reviews on cars, its not a simple task and I normally give up and go elsewhere to try to find reviews because the information is so scattered and random.

50?! If we got anything more than 2-3 reviews per car, I'd class it as a huge success. Go to Youtube or Google and see how few reviews one can find over the entire internet. Maybe 10 in total for a popular car like an F40.

Quick search per car? Each car would have its own thread and the forum already facilitates searching a specific thread. Sorted.

Spoilers galore, spreadsheets, folders? I honestly have no idea what you mean.

I'd find it useful, good idea.

Whether there's enough appetite to create a sub forum is another matter. But worth asking for sure.
Here is a good example of a useful review on a 5,000,000 CR car.

I don't always have time or inclination to watch an 8 minute video. There's definitely room in the market for concise written reviews to help people make purchasing decisions on expensive vehicles, particularly those that are only available once every 2 months for a few days.
