New offer problem

  • Thread starter KidSnipe
I'm doing career mode on medium with Midland F1. I'm at Imola and got an offer to drive for Red Bull Racing. So I do the test at Magny Course. The target time was 1:19.3xx and I pull off two laps in the 1:15's. I thought that was more than good enough to secure at least a position as second driver. But for some reason I keep getting emails saying I'm stuck as a test driver. These were the fastest laps I've ever done and they were almost 4 seconds faster than the target time. I know Midland F1 immediately offered me a second driver spot for beating the time by seconds, so why isn't RBR doing the same? Does this always happen when you accept an offer mid season? I really don't want to just do tests for half a season when I clearly can beat the target time by several seconds. Does anyone know what's up?
It's probably because of your track record with Midland. For example you may not have certain criteria to be a 1st/2nd driver. It's quite silly really as I won the championship in my first year and then Ferrari offered me a test drive, stupid. Anyway, it's probably your track record like you may not have been involved in enough grand prix to be a racing driver at Red Bull. I would carry on going with Midland and wait for another team like Red Bull such as BMW or Toyota to offer you a racing seat. Hope this is of some help.
If you go into your "player statistics" in career mode, you'll see you have goals to meet in order to be promoted. These apply to all the teams and to get into race driver roles with better teams, you need more success - e.g. lots of successful test sessions, points finishes, wins, etc.

For Red Bull, a couple of points finishes in races should be enough.

How fast your laptime is doesn't matter in the tests, as long as it is faster than the target time. What counts is your career stats, and you need points finishes or lots of test session success (both personal and ordinary tests) to get higher up the grid.

I recommend just sticking with Midland and grabbing the race seat, you will quickly be promoted to 1st driver probably and its not too difficult to grab a decent finish every few races. The Red Bull isn't that much better than the Midland anyway. Its far easier than trying to get to the top through test driver roles (though it is possible).