The crew 2 money and icon tips

Hey all so I’m enjoying the crew 2 I’ve had gold edition since day one but been playing on and off not much when it came out but a lot now. Also have motor fest pre ordered too.
I love cars and I’m addicted to it and I’ve also spent way to much money on crew credits and they’re 20% off for a while to which hasn’t helped.
I love the map and some vanity stuff is cool too.

So for anyone that is playing the crew what’s the best way to get money and icon points. I see some people on my game session over 1000 icon well over it and I’m like ummm how. I really been enjoying the stories lately and you get free cars or planes etc.

So what are peoples tips for money and to level up that icon. I’m 91 icon at the moment and still putting the time in when I’m not playing FH5 etc.
I’m on ps5 and my gamer tag is Senator2655.

Thank you
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For level - play all available Summits. Current one gives 1.500.000 fame.

For money - most efficient way is to play Chase events on easy. At best you can do 15k every 30 seconds without any bonus modifiers. Obviously, you also getting fame.
Just like Cloud said do Summit for fame. It's not worth it to grind fame. I was icon 100 and had everything 100%. I gave up on LaFerrari because grinding to icon 500 was just to much. Than Summits came and got icon 500 in a month or two.
As for Bucks... there's no easy ways. You need to grind races. I'm doing two or three New York Hyper Car events each session for 1-1,5M Bucks when grinding for money. Than I stop until next session to avoid burning out.
But before grinding for money I would recommend doing shorter races for parts first. I neglected parts for too long and struggled a lot doing Summits. Now that I have the right parts (nitro chemist and score breaker) I'm easily finishing in top 500 in Summits. And is soo much better now.