The San Andreas Budget Racing Series (PS4)

  • Thread starter Sage Ages

Sage Ages

Racing in San Andreas has been in a decline in recent years. Running costs has increased exponentially as newer, more expensive vehicles are topping the pecking order every other week. The sport has turned from a competition of driver skill to seeing who can dump the most amount of money into their ride. Seeing this had led to me searching for a new way to things accessible and fun

Thus, I bring you the San Andreas Budget Series: Weekly tournaments aimed at being affordable to those who can't quite keep up with the power creep, whilst mixing things up a bit to bring some interesting racing to the table.

Each Tournament will consist of 5 races, each on a different track, with different vehicles. These can range from budget challenges, one-make races, and manufacturer battles. Vehicles will be acquired and prepared between races, and to keep things interesting, I will not be revealing the exact theme, but I will be posting the type of event and entry cost to give people an idea of what they're heading into.

General Rules:
- All racers will be expected to bring vehicles that are legal for each event. In the event that they cannot acquire such vehicles, loaner cars will be provided.
- Whilst contact between cars is inevitable, I will not allow clearly intentional ramming/PITing unless stated otherwise.
- In the event that I leave some kind of unintended shortcut or something of that nature in the tracks, please don't abuse them.
- Obey the crew rules, etc. All of those nice things that don't really need to be explained.
- Have fun.

Other Notes:
- This isn't a serious event. The vehicle themes and track design were made more with entertainment in mind than actual competition. Just have fun with it.
- Running costs are expected to be roughly ~$100k per Tournament. Each race will have a strict budget limit for vehicles and upgrades.

Vehicle Ban List

- Blista Kanjo
- Brioso R/A
- Panto
- Rhapsody
- Dominator GTX
- Pisswasser Dominator
- Duke O'Death
- Redwood Gauntlet
- Sabre Turbo Custom
- Burgershot Stallion
- Yosemite (All Variants)
- Benfactor Schafter (All Variants)
- Obey Tailgater
- Bison
- Gang Burrito
- Rumpo Custom
- Speedo Custom

The next event will May 2nd at 4PM EST.

Race details will be posted shortly. Let me know in this thread if you're interested.
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Racing in San Andreas has been in a decline in recent years.

The sport has turned from a competition of driver skill to seeing who can dump the most amount of money into their ride.

I'm almost tempted to say the lore is suspiciously familiar. Almost.

Regardless, I guess I'm in. Never a better time or excuse to put that second character slot to good use.
April 25th Event Schedule

4:00PM EST

Race 1:
Event Type: Budget Challenge
Class: Compacts
Location: Davis
Maximum Budget: $30,000

Race 2:
Event Type: One-Make Race
Class: BF Surfer
Location: Fort Zancudo
Maximum Budget: $11,000

Race 3:
Event Type: Manufacturer Battle
Class: Dinka Blista, Karin Futo
Location: Grand Senora Desert
Maximum Budget: $42,000

Race 4:
Event Type: One-Make Race
Class: ???
Location: Los Santos International Airport
Maximum Budget: $0 (Loaner Vehicle)

Race 5:
Event Type: Budget Challenge
Class: Muscle
Location: El Burro Heights
Maximum Budget: $30,000
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Brief explanation of the tournament and types of races:

Each series of events is a tournament. Drivers will be awarded points in the tournament based on their results in each event. The driver with the most points at the end of the tournament wins.... ...nothing really. Bragging rights, I guess?

Balanced Race:

- The basic run-what-ya-brung race. All vehicles that are not in the ban list are allowed.
Unlimited budget and upgrades.

Budget Challenge:
- Each driver will be given a maximum budget that they can spend on their car and upgrades. This will generally range from $10,000-$50,000 based on the event.
- The original value of the car and the cost of upgrades must remain below the specified budget for the event.
- While drivers may choose to steal vehicles instead of purchasing them, be aware that the full purchase value of the vehicle will be counted towards the budget.
- Visual modifications, wheels/tires, spoilers, and trackers/insurance will not count towards the budget. Feel free to make your car look nice.

One-Make Race:

- As straight forward as it gets. Everyone drives the same car.
- Performance upgrades are prohibited except for wheels/tires and spoilers.
- Loaner cars may be provided for certain events, usually in the case of vehicles that are very high cost, or can't be normally purchased.

Vehicle Battle:

- Drivers will be divided into teams for the duration of the race.
- Each team will have to pick from a choice of 2-3 vehicles.
- Points will be awarded to each team based on finishing position. The team will the most points wins the event.
- Drivers will be awarded points in the tournament based on their finishing position, with the winning team receiving additional points.
- Same upgrading rules as One-Make. No performance upgrades except for tires and spoilers.

Multi-Class Race:

- Drivers will be divided up into two classes and race at the same time.
- Each group will compete among each other. Points will be given based on finishing position within your group.
- One-Make upgrading rules.

I may add additional event types and change existing ones later on based on how well the first event is received.
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I'm dethatching my lawn by hand, and it's taking a long time otherwise I would hop in. I should be done but I'm only about a third of the way through.
Good races today. Hopefully we can do this again next week.

May 2nd Race Schedule (4PM EST)

Event 1: Balanced Race

Class: Vans
Location: Terminal
Restrictions: Check Ban List in OP

Event 2: One-Make

Class: Compacts
Location: Davis
Restrictions: Loaner Vehicle

Event 3: Vehicle Battle
Class: Vans
Location: Sandy Shores
Restrictions: Loaner Vehicle

Event 4: One-Make
Class: Off-Road
Location: Vinewood Hills
Restrictions: Loaner Vehicle

Event 5: Budget Challenge
Class: Sedans
Location: Del Perro
Restrictions: $25,000 Budget
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