I was carrying newly wrapped Christmas presents downstairs to our tree. Then, I noticed one was marked to me, and it was shaped very suspiciously, just like an XP box...I know what that one is! :D :tree2:
Originally posted by NocturnalPS
WOW This OS is nice. I give it :thumbsup: :thumbsup: thumbs up. :D

From what I've seen it's a very stable OS in comparison to earlier releases on the the Windows series...

I am expecting to see my copy hopefully next week, I have a couple of partitions I can play around with, so far Win2K Pro is my favorite and maybe soon to be XP! :eek:

Originally posted by Jordan
I was carrying newly wrapped Christmas presents downstairs to our tree. Then, I noticed one was marked to me, and it was shaped very suspiciously, just like an XP box...I know what that one is! :D :tree2:

An XBox? :eek: Please refer to the book of Revelations... Bill Gates "IS" the anti-Christ. Be careful, be very very careful....;)
My new comp that I know I am getting for christmas has windows XP. My parents told me I was geting a comp and they even showed me it. It is cool. I mean how can you hide a present like that fro your kids? You cant. So why not tell them? I am so excited! :eek:
Originally posted by Pako

An XBox? :eek: Please refer to the book of Revelations... Bill Gates "IS" the anti-Christ. Be careful, be very very careful....;)
No, no, I don't think I'm getting an Xbox this year, just XP. :(
Originally posted by Jordan
No, no, I don't think I'm getting an Xbox this year, just XP. :(

Oh, oh, my bad! It was a "XP box" not an "XBox". I just get so ralled up when I see and "X" and a "Box" together that I missed the "P"....

BTW - It's still a good book....;)
From what I have seen, XP is just a consumer based version of Windows 2k, in fact in certain apps I have it shows it listed as Win2k build 5.1.2600 or something like that...
Not that it is a bad thing, I love my XP, and don't plan on ever going back to another OS. There are too man advantages to XP that I just can't get anywhere else. :)

Hey Jordan, that's too bad about the Xbox though. :( From what I've seen though, XP and the Xbox aren't all that far off in price... Maybe it's time for the old switcheroo. ;) (Nah, no "must have" racing games out yet... yet....)

Hey Pako... Never Underestimate the POWER of the dark side... ;)
"We are keeping a close eye on you young Jordan and have high hopes. Remeber, fear leads to hate, and hate lead to the dark side. Keep the faith in what works.... Use the force "feed back, logitech steering wheel" Jordan, use the force."

Originally posted by Pako
"We are keeping a close eye on you young Jordan and have high hopes. Remeber, fear leads to hate, and hate lead to the dark side. Keep the faith in what works.... Use the force "feed back, logitech steering wheel" Jordan, use the force."

I will do or do not, there is no try. ;)

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