GTPlanet Weekly Rewind: A Shadowy Flight

…into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist. Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Anyone lucky enough to have been around in the 1980’s will undoubtedly be familiar with that opening narration from Knight Rider; the 1-hour long TV series featuring the intellectually-inclined talking Trans Am, KITT. Is this an advertisement? Only if you’ve never seen Knight Rider before, and if that’s the case, then shame on you. No, this is a more of me simply wanting to talk about one of my favorite TV shows from my childhood. I don’t quite remember what the cause was, but out of the blue I just began talking about Knight Rider with a good friend of mine this past week and with that came re-watching clips on Youtube, which then led to me watching full-length episodes on the DVD boxsets I own. Moral of the story? Well, Knight Rider is awesome.

I could go on and on for days about this stuff so let’s get to the reason you’re here, the reason all of you come here every week – Gran Turismo. What’s new in the world of Gran Turismo? For answers to your questions you must read on, and read on you shall.

GTPlanet Picture of the Week

This week’s vehicle comes to us once again by dice1998 and is courtesy of jacoja06 and features a conceptual Jaguar design howling down one of Special Stage Route X’s straightaways, and looking notoriously evil while doing so. If you close your eyes for a couple of seconds you can kind of imagine the sound this wildcat would make, and I can assure you it isn’t purring.

Have a suggestion for next week’s featured image? Drop me a private message, entitle it “GTPlanet Picture of the Week” and fill it out with your two choices and they’ll be featured in upcoming Rewinds.

Gran Turismo Redux

Our own Alex p. has done something ingenious, he’s recreated the video introduction of the original Gran Turismo using footage from Gran Turismo 5; giving the iconic original nearly a 15-year makeover. It’s a brilliant job and makes me want to see recreations for 2-4 as well, perhaps even the introduction for GT5: Prologue or GT:HD. You can drop by his thread here and let him know what you think.

GTPlanet Vehicle of the Week

This week’s featured vehicle is the Volkswagen Scirocco R. The original Scirocco was a replacement for the Kharman Ghia coupe and was underpinned by the Golf platform, much like the current third generation model is. The Scirocco R, with it’s more aggressive features is based on the GT24 race car that participated in 24-hour race at the Nurburgring and features the same 2.0L Inline-4 TSI engine that outputs 261 horses, down from the 321 horses of the GT24 racer.

Have a suggestion for next week’s featured image? Drop me a private message, entitle it “GTPlanet Vehicle of the Week” and fill it out with your two choices and they’ll be featured in upcoming Rewinds.

GTPlanet Tune of the Week

This week’s tune is yet another Seasonal Special for the new events that have gone up this past Wednesday featuring ”90’s or later” rally cars. The tune, courtesy of our very own praiano63 of Praiano’s Tunes, and is the first non-Mitsubishi Lancer Evo Super Rally Car tune. The tune sits in 31st position as of 8:15 this morning (EST) so it definitely shows promise and should be an easy win for those inclined to use it.

Exactly like the Picture and Vehicle of the Week features, if you have any suggestions for the upcoming Rewinds be sure to drop me a private message, entitle it “GTPlanet Tune of the Week” and let me know.

GTPlanet Photomode Competitions

That’s right, yet another new feature that’s going to be featured in the Rewind from hereon out. Photographers, get your cameras ready!

In Week 107 of the Standard and Advanced competitions you are to put your best foot forth and show the community just how seriously you take your in-game photography. All you need to know is as follows:

Week 107, Standard: Minimalister – This week the GTPlanet Photomode community is tasked with the responsibility of capturing any Premimum vehicle with the “minimalist” mindset? What’s that you ask? Take this quote from bmxmitch and you’ll understand further:

Well, minimalistic is something that doesnt include too many objectives or other stuff that distracts or/and where the work is set out to expose the essence or identity of a subject through eliminating all non-essential forms, features or concepts. Minimalism is any design or style in which the simplest and fewest elements are used to create the maximum effect.Copied from wikipedia a bit!”

Week 107, Advanced: In the Shadows – This week’s theme is shadows, whether it be showcasing or emphasizing them – shadows are the name of the game. There are absolutely no restrictions to speak of; you can take any car to any location you set your mind to, yes, that includes the illusive locations in Photo Travel as well. All that’s asked is that you keep it classy and be creative and interesting with your use of the casted darkness that befalls the surface.

For all the relevant information pertaining to this week’s competitions be sure to stop by here and here.

Closing Thoughts

Every week the Rewinds seem to get longer and longer and it’s undoubtedly going to take a toll on me sooner or later, but I enjoy doing this so you guys have nothing to worry about – now if that means I have to purchase cybernetic limbs to type faster without exhaustion then that’s what I’ll do. Cybernetics are cheap, right?

I was going to take this time to talk a little more about Knight Rider, but perhaps I’ll do that in next week’s closing thoughts and I’ll also take that time to prepare you all for the Christmas giveaway. Until next week keep racing!

GT5 Photomode images by PreximerMoMo PeeZero

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Comments (41)

  1. m8h3r

    Tell you what would be cool. “Fan Input” where near the end there is a paragraph written by a fan. Obviously it’s hand picked, but we can all write a paragraph and PM it then possibly be in the rewind.

  2. JeremiahTB

    If these turned into a Daily Rewind, I’d be geeked. I realize that Jordan or Terronium-12 might not want to write one every day, but I think that some of the features in these articles have enough source material that there would never be a lack of information. Possibly a submission process where there could be articles written by many of us here in the community…as long as they follow strict format rules not to deviate from the original composition style. Just a thought.

  3. TheeFrogmanlego

    i can say teh recreation wasm y idea but i had nothing to capture with and i received little support from the community but YAY some one did it Xd

    1. Alex p.

      So you are implying I have the idea from you? No, that’s not the case. Also, I too had zero help, did it all by myself…

  4. CallmeDan

    That Jaguar looks absolutely stunning!

    But it’s a real shame the other day I heard that Jaguar cancelled the CX-75 program, or atleast halted it.

    1. Alex p.

      Glad I was able to make someone happy for at least a few minutes. *tup*
      That was pretty much the primary purpose of my intro recreations…

  5. fortbo

    great weekly rewind but im just petrified by what happened in new york because im in eighth grade and i know how they feel, its a mixture of anger and sadness

  6. TokoTurismo

    I have to say, this latest GTPlanet Weekly Rewind article is the BEST, just like the other GTP Weekly Rewind article. I really love this one though, its my favorite. Fantastic write up again @Terronium-12. :)

    1. ACJMED

      Cant edit comment, its a render, if you hover the mouse over the pic it says Jaguarrender5-small. Man do I wish that was real!

    2. swynder

      It´s not in the game, it has been photoshoped. But if you want to know the car is the Jaguar CX-75, one beautifull hybrid supercar.

    3. jacoja06

      Yep, zzz_pt is right. It’s a combination of those two cars shaped to look like something I drew on paper.

      Thanks for including that picture in this weeks rewind! :) That GT1 intro was well done too.

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