Files Corrupted? NEED HELP

đź‘Ž Just as the title reads, my files have been corrupted. All suspension settings, cash, cars, and tracks have been erased. Now my question is, is there any way to recover any of this? 2 Years of testing and trying are gone forever.
This is the wrong forum. I don't get why people kep posting GT4 things in here.:grumpy:
But no, there is no way of recovering it. You'll have to start over.
This is the wrong forum. I don't get why people kep posting GT4 things in here.:grumpy:
But no, there is no way of recovering it. You'll have to start over.
If you'll note, he posted "2 years worth of testing". Care to rescind your comment about GT4 things?
Adjustable suspension, unlockable circuits and cash are not features of GT-Prologue. Perhaps the two years is a reference to GT4 game days.:)

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