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WRS Race Steward
United Kingdom
Bristol, UK
I appreciate that this is probably an edge case situation, but in the last couple years I've stopped using the forums much/at all, but I do like to visit the news page/home page frequently to stay current with racing game news sorta stuff.

Problem is I get ads every time I visit, until I do that trick of going to the forums, making sure it's logged in there, then going back to the home page. Not trying to sound like an entitled and lazy :censored:hole, but it definitely doesn't feel like a streamlined browsing experience. In general I'm pro ads online, it's what makes the internet turn these days and I've never run an adblocker, so it's not that I'm anti supporting the site, just kinda feel like it's one of the few places I pay for an ad-free browsing experience here and it's kinda a bother to achieve that. Then again I've already paid upfront lifetime so I've got no leverage :D

Just seems like an obvious solution is to have the login for the site at the home page and not at the forums page...or both!? (I'm pretty sure I remember somewhere you can save to cookies to make the forums the home page? Don't wanna piss those guys off if that is even a real thing.)
Are you using the "Remember Me" option when you log in?

If so, as a Premium member, you shouldn't see any ads on the homepage, even if you never visit the forums (for up to 30 days).
Are you using the "Remember Me" option when you log in?

If so, as a Premium member, you shouldn't see any ads on the homepage, even if you never visit the forums (for up to 30 days).
Yeah it remembers me as soon as I go to Forums but never from homepage. It remembers me per-session, but each time I check in after turning the PC on it will go back to ads.
After restarting the PC, do you have to completely log-in again?

Is your browser configured to clear/delete your cookies when it restarts?
After restarting the PC, do you have to completely log-in again?

Is your browser configured to clear/delete your cookies when it restarts?
Yes that's exactly right, just tested, if I restart, and load up the website, the ads reappear. I manually logged out, unchecked and rechecked the box to stay logged in at the login, and still get the issue. The browser isn't set to clear any cookies, after a restart, as soon as I go to forums, I'm logged in without doing anything, but until I've done that and returned to home page, the ads will still be there. If it's any bother to you then don't worry about it, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it :D
Yeah it remembers me as soon as I go to Forums but never from homepage. It remembers me per-session, but each time I check in after turning the PC on it will go back to ads.
Yes that's exactly right, just tested, if I restart, and load up the website, the ads reappear. I manually logged out, unchecked and rechecked the box to stay logged in at the login, and still get the issue. The browser isn't set to clear any cookies, after a restart, as soon as I go to forums, I'm logged in without doing anything, but until I've done that and returned to home page, the ads will still be there. If it's any bother to you then don't worry about it, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it :D

I can confirm that this does the same for me if I close my browser and re-open it. I always have to visit the forums, and come back to the homepage. If I don't do this I get ads on both homepage and the article I click on.

Personally, it doesn't bother me much.
OK, thanks for checking. It's not supposed to work like that, but I had never tested this edge case.

I've updated the code so it should operate as expected now.

If you don't sign out of your Premium account or clear your cookies, you won't see ads on the homepage — so long as you visit the forums once every 30 days.

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