Mission 21 - Test Course³

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it's impossible. those other skylines you are driving with sucks. it's easy to drive from them, and its hard to make them follow you if get some meters. i never catch up eith the car infront. the best i did was 2 sec off. anyone have a trick of how to catch up with this car? i know you'll need help of the other skylines you're driving with but they are so stupid. the almost never manage to pass you.
I literally don't remember doing this test the first time.

I went back to it last night, and learned that it uses the Nissan Cube, a model able to barely achieve 100mph without drafting.

It took me three tries to win.

Try one I upshifted to fourth too early and didn't catch up to the others soon enough.
Try two I bumped someone near the end and lost my momentum, but may not have been making progress quite fast enough as I was leaving shifting until 105mph.
Try three I got it. Upshift to fourth at 103mph, downshift if you do get below that, but you shouldn't, IIRC, and carefully leapfrog the line to get to the front and win by over a second. I passed on the inside.

Actually, I think this test indicates the draft is not as high up on the banking as you might expect. I.e. you don't catch much from the "wake", but I actually don't know much about real-life drafting and am not sure how much draft one does get being behind another car but higher on the banking. After all, outside the drafting area should be an area of turbulent air, IIUC.
hahaha, this is a first try beater...CUBE is a car that is not aerodynamicly sound...but it does leave quite a large slip stream...so it was easier than i expected
R2 is upshift, L2 is downshift. Drafting is when you ride inside the air pocket created by a car inhead of you. The decreased wind resistance on your vehicle makes it easier for the engine to propel the car forward. Then you just work your way up the line. I did it on my first try... thumb hurts...
Actually, I think this test indicates the draft is not as high up on the banking as you might expect. I.e. you don't catch much from the "wake", but I actually don't know much about real-life drafting and am not sure how much draft one does get being behind another car but higher on the banking. After all, outside the drafting area should be an area of turbulent air, IIUC.

Here's how I understand the way a wake moves, SpWagon. What people seem to think is that they need to literally get behind the car in order to draft...which IS true...in a straight line, or when you're right up on your opponent. But when turning on a long corner like on the test course and you're not directly behind the lead car, the separation of the air is in the shape of an arc because the car isn't traveling straight and level, it's traveling in an arc and at an angle, so the column of displaced air is coming off of the car at an angle. If the car was traveling flat and straight, the air goes right behind it, but when the car is angled the air is traveling more off the upper right side of the car than the roofline, so the air doesn't travel straight back like it does when the car isn't banking. That's what I have found, anyways, and it doesn't seem totally senseless.
hahaha, this is a first try beater...CUBE is a car that is not aerodynamicly sound...but it does leave quite a large slip stream...so it was easier than i expected

Bigger the car, bigger the slipstream, huh?
I have just about completed this GT4 game but wow, there are some racies that i wonder if anyone can even come in first place, for example, im now in the driving mission and im up t o the slipstream battle 2/1....it seems impossible to come in first place....is there something im missing here?....the description suggest to compensate for lack of power with technique........i tried everything so now i need help from you guys.......
This is probably the easiest of the drafting missions. There are lots of good hints in this thread and the threads for the other drafting missions (22, 23 and 24). Try reading this thread in its entirety. The key is, as the title suggests, drafting. You can't pass this mission, or the next three, without knowing how to draft.
Ok i just finished mission 2/1 but 2/3 forget it!!!!!.....i read all the post but for some reason this one seems a bit challenging.......can someone give me winning tip please.....im pretty sure i can figure it out on my own sooner or later but this one is causing me some anxiety...lol
So why don't you ask in the Mission 23 thread instead of the Mission 21 thread? They're separate threads for a reason, after all.