My Drift Video

  • Thread starter gtxrookie
Well here is my drift video that I made. I am amateur drifter and i just converted to manual when i made this video. Movie maker kinda murdered the quality... Well enough talking here it is!

Compliments and constructive criticism are welcome
A couple of the shots looked like you were going to go straight into the wall. For future reference, don't use those shots, just try the lap again.

Oh, I liked the 240SX the most, looked like you knew what you were doing when you were driving it.
Ya I like it too but I think my favourite is the s13 the last shot I nailed the drift I was literally facing the wall when I was drifting!

Thanks for the commnet.
Oh, sweet. AWD is pretty hard to do. I'm currently messing around with wagons, they're so much fun because of their spongy suspension. As for current favorite drift car goes, its a Nissan STAGEA with some more random model specs. Found it in the used car lot 2 pretty fun wagon. Set the spring rates low, and the ride height low, then mod the everything else, it'll have 500something horsepower.
Not cars but Tires. Not bad, I am thinking on popping in GT4 now.

You better, you are still part of our garage man, don't forget that :P

As a lover of S15 drifting, I'd have to say that the silvia S15 was the best.
Not cars but Tires. Not bad, I am thinking on popping in GT4 now.

*Ahem* Thinking? You should always have gt4 stuck in your ps2. The lid to your slimline should be glued shut with it inside. Lol, just kidding. I'm currently taking photos of my Vovlo Glt Estate, I love how it always seems to be in motion even at slow speeds.
You better, you are still part of our garage man, don't forget that :P

As a lover of S15 drifting, I'd have to say that the silvia S15 was the best.

Let me finished Half life series*almost done* I have a Sil80, a 180sx almost done.
take it easy next time i wont multipost,so relax and now that i now that im a lousy drifter i will make more lousy viedeos to torture people with them(just joking don´t take it to seriously) jajajaja
rockman229: Stop it.
Stop it now, and calm down.
Your position here is under review and it's up to you if you wish to stay or not. :indiff:
It is duly noted that the actions of certain other members here have not contributed to your mood this evening, but be assured that adopting a confrontational attitude to everyone that offers advice will lead to one end result. If that's the result you desire, so be it, but we as staff members never wish for that to happen, and will also review the posts you reported accordingly too.
Very good work! It looked a little squrelly (sp.?) sometimes, but great work. And sorry, SmallHorses.
loved the S15, inspiring! Especially in white aswell. which is always a bonus.

You kind of have an oldschool style, unconventianal lines and high speeds with some pretty low angles. Alot like me. I might post up a video now;)
Thank you everyone!!!!!More attention then i ever have thought have lots of good reviews. With all the comments it is making go pop in gt4 because i took a break from it and mabe another vid in the making.By the way i got the s15 white on purpose just because it looks awesome
I love your video, it's giving me cool ideas for one of my own.

However, for one I'm horrible at drifting, and for two all I have is a webcam for video capture, which means it would look horrible. horrible + horrible = not good :P

but I may do one anyway if I can get any worthwhile shots.
You can get some wicked screen shots(photo mode) when you are drifting and you could use that for the higher quality.As for your drifting skills just practice for me it came so natural it was weird but i still practiced my entering and keeping the drift ,i'm still tuning my exit. Here is one photo mode picture that i made for fun when i was drifting that i would think you are capable of here it is and i have lots more if you get interested.

As for a video i started using my digital camera then shortly after bought a Dazzle for $100 and it is well worth the investment because it have lots of other uses.

Hope i helped you and answered some questions of others.
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You can get some wicked screen shots(photo mode) when you are drifting and you could use that for the higher quality.As for your drifting skills just practice for me it came so natural it was weird but i still practiced my entering and keeping the drift ,i'm still tuning my exit. Here is one photo mode picture that i made for fun when i was drifting that i would think you are capable of here it is and i have lots more if you get interested.

As for a video i started using my digital camera then shortly after bought a Dazzle for $100 and it is well worth the investment because it have lots of other uses.

Hope i helped you and answered some questions of others.

I got bored in Photoshop.
lol sorry I have not being on here in forever! i just popped in gt4 after a long break and its like riding a bike came right back to me. please make your own thread and I am willing to help you but there are lots of good drifters on here I'm sure willing to help you. You may find a different drift style then me because like someone said mine is unconventional and different. For me though drifting came natural and start using manual if your not already.

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