Steering Wheel! <(^.^< )

  • Thread starter GSG9
Does anyone use a steering wheel for the LFS?


I was wondering if I could use mine, downloading it right now.
yup:tup: before making a thread, its best to make sure that the question hasnt already been answered using the search button or quickly browsing the forums.
yup:tup: before making a thread, its best to make sure that the question hasnt already been answered using the search button or quickly browsing the forums.

I was just wondering if people used a steering wheel while playing LFS. Or just use the mouse.

Drifting is hard.
I used to use my mouse and got ok at it. Then I got a DFP for christmas '05, and got alot better. The wheel just makes it so much better.
I was just wondering if people used a steering wheel while playing LFS. Or just use the mouse.

Drifting is hard.

that would be like me asking if people used a joystick to play Falcon 4.0 or some other flight simulator.