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Gran Turismo 7 Daily Races: Deja Evo

A new set of Gran Turismo 7 Daily Races is now available, and you’ll be forgiven for thinking you’re seeing double in the Sport Mode events this week.

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Gran Turismo 7 Weekly Challenges: Ioniq Bond

The dawn of Friday around the world sees a new set of Gran Turismo 7 Weekly Challenges arriving, when your local clock reaches midnight, with five new events to race for bonus rewards across the week.

Gran Turismo 7 Weekly Challenges: Catching Some Zs

A new set of Gran Turismo 7 Weekly Challenges is available, at least to those of us whose time zones are now in Friday March 7, once again featuring some of the new content added in the recent 1.56 update.

Gran Turismo 7 Weekly Challenges: Pug Life

More new Gran Turismo 7 Weekly Challenges are becoming available to players around the world, ticking over to a fresh set at midnight local time, featuring some of the content added in today’s 1.56 update.

Gran Turismo 7 Online Time Trial: Z Cars

A new update for Gran Turismo 7 usually means that the regularly scheduled events feature some of the new content, and this week’s Online Time Trial is no exception.