Microsoft has announced that Forza Horizon 5 will, as we’ve been suspecting for a while, make the transition to the PlayStation platform this spring, making its debut on PlayStation 5.
The next new Series in Forza Horizon 5 has been revealed, and it comes with the clearest indication yet yet from Playground Games that full support is nearly at its end.
Microsoft has sent up another signal that the end of the road is in sight for Forza Horizon 5, releasing a bundle that comprises all of the game’s paid add-on car packs into one.
Today marks the start of Forza Horizon 5’s Series 40, officially known as “Horizon Track Day”, bringing a new set of challenges over the next four weeks all clustered around the central theme as the game moves into its fourth year.
The latest Forza Horizon Let’s Go stream has revealed the contents for the upcoming Forza Horizon 5 Series 40 update, due to arrive on consoles (and PC) early next week.
The third week of the latest Forza Horizon 5 Series has begun, bringing a fresh set of challenges all themed around an automotive decade that not too many players will be happy to realize is at least a quarter of a century old…
The latest Forza Horizon 5 Series has rolled into its second week, with a continuing emphasis on cars that are not quite retro enough for a large set of players to not feel very ancient indeed.
The third week of Forza Horizon 5’s series of secrets has rolled around, with a fresh set of Playlist challenges that include the game’s all-new multiplayer mode.
The upcoming series and update for Forza Horizon 5 has been presented by Playground Games, in its latest “Let’s Go” stream slightly ahead of its usual schedule.