Gran Turismo Series

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Gran Turismo 7 Daily Races: Eiger Counter

The latest set of Gran Turismo 7 Daily Races are now available and feature content added in the 1.49 update, a tie-in race for the upcoming World Series event in Prague, and the opportunity to earn six times more credits than usual.

Gran Turismo 7 Online Time Trial: Slide Away

A bumper week for Gran Turismo 7 Online Time Trial events brings three challenges for players to tackle, with one brand new event and a special trial that ties into the GT World Series in Prague.

Gran Turismo 7 Weekly Challenges: Eye of the Eiger

Despite also being update day for Gran Turismo 7, all the regularly scheduled events are swapping over on cue — including the Weekly Challenges, which update at midnight local time on Thursday evenings.

Gran Turismo 7 Daily Races: Keeping It Real

Along with all the other things players can look forward to in Gran Turismo 7 this week, there’s a new set of Daily Races available now and taking in three of the game’s real-world courses.