24h de Barcelona Bas Koeten Racing
4k only
drag and drop install
No AO this car cannot have it.
!! You will need to raise the shader value on the window on bother versions of this car. This skin is for the FIA GT version so you need to raise the value for the sticker on the rear, on the other version you need to raise the value for my other skin to get the front widow banner brighter (i forgot to mention this in my last upload for the L.V.C skin)
how to rasie a shader value:
open CM showroom
click on the glass
click the 3 dots next to "material"
another box will pop up go ahead and click "change values"
change "KsAmbient" value to whatever you want i changed mine to 0.3 up from 0.1
hit save
Few area's where the mapping is bad so i have worked round it but nothing to bad, its still close enough to the real thing.
4k only
drag and drop install
No AO this car cannot have it.
!! You will need to raise the shader value on the window on bother versions of this car. This skin is for the FIA GT version so you need to raise the value for the sticker on the rear, on the other version you need to raise the value for my other skin to get the front widow banner brighter (i forgot to mention this in my last upload for the L.V.C skin)
how to rasie a shader value:
open CM showroom
click on the glass
click the 3 dots next to "material"
another box will pop up go ahead and click "change values"
change "KsAmbient" value to whatever you want i changed mine to 0.3 up from 0.1
hit save
Few area's where the mapping is bad so i have worked round it but nothing to bad, its still close enough to the real thing.