Circuito de Santa Mónica

Circuito de Santa Mónica 1.01

Well... if you tried to make a track that really tests both the driver and the car, then you've succeed! Also, that's the best description that I've read!
Raced the Cortocicutio, very well laid out track with beautiful scenery flying by. Mainly for faster cars, the Castigo/Regresso combination is great for some lesson in overtaking: you might get your opponent with bold late braking at Castigo but get ready for instant retaliation if you cannot keep your momentum. Highly recommended!
Fast paced circuit with diverse kinds of curves. Had great fun with this one!
Great course!!! third round : 1:13,390
Another great flowing track with a few surprises that need to be mastered. Great track presentation and description also.
I've only tried the 90's version so far. I must try the original.
Great track with a fast pace and a selection of white knuckle & buttock clenching corners. The circuit description adds another layer of detail. And El Diablo is in the details.