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Plymouth XNR Ghia Roadster '60

Fantastic tune for this car. Your tune takes this car to a whole new level. A Pure pleasure to drive. If only you get get rid of the white wall tires. LOL
Another car which has been vastly overlooked. In stock form this car is actually quite good...the 3 speed gearbox works better than you would think and it is more than capable of holding its own in the novice category. Your tune Ghostrider 65, takes it to a whole new level. It is now a very good race car. I did find a couple of anomalies, however. I had to change the oil to get the figures to match but even then I could only get 525BHP. When setting the gearbox I could only get max speed down to 124mph. This doesn't affect the tune though which is very very good. Excellent stability and the gearbox is a delight. Third gear in particular is so flexible and the acceleration in third is outstanding. The outside tyres do light up when pushed really hard but generally doesn't upset the balance too much. I ran it on Sports soft tyres and found that the tyres didn't light up as much but then I wasn't pushing as hard. Good tune for sports tyres though. Dare to be different and use this won't be disappointed.
Thanks a lot my friend for your satisfaction and your detailed and informative commentary on the car !! I tested the setting on a new car, with all changes 518pp and with the oil change, i get well 525pp and 533 bhp, it is a mystery I can't explain !! Anyway, the main thing is that you have enjoyed the car !! I'll tried to improve the setting to make it better !! Thanks again Kenzel !!
This really is a gem of a car. The tuning is fantastic, it looks like it needs a push just to get going. But once it starts, hold on. Great tune, well done.
Thank you Graham !! I will use your comments during a next improvement of the car !! Thanks again mate !!! ;)